- Faro, Portugal
- http://phelios.org
DataTables but in TypeScript transpiled to Vanilla JS
Rinvex Country is a simple and lightweight package for retrieving country details with flexibility. A whole bunch of data including name, demonym, capital, iso codes, dialling codes, geo data, curr…
Penpot: The open-source design tool for design and code collaboration
A scalable, distributed, collaborative, document-graph database, for the realtime web
The awesome jQuery step wizard plugin
jSuites is a collection of lightweight common required javascript web components. It is composed of fully responsive vanilla plugins to help you bring the best user experience to your projects, ind…
A very simple Internet Relay Chat (IRC) server
A PHP library that implements secure "Remember me" cookies
Modular and customizable Material Design UI components for the web
EPP Support for PHP. This repository is a mirror of the offical repository on CentralNic's GitLab server.
Auto install script for ISPConfig 3 on Debian
Create PDFs in your browser or nodejs (javascript port of libharu)
ExactImage's bardecode ported to JS
Pure-Javascript High-level API to Emscripten-compiled libsodium routines.
Tiny bootstrap-compatible WISWYG rich text editor
high-level audio API, designed to make sweet visualizations
A javascript library to run SQLite on the web.
ckrack / fbootstrapp
Forked from twbs/bootstrapHTML, CSS, and JS toolkit for facebook apps
JavaScript library to zip and unzip files supporting multi-core compression, compression streams, zip64, split files and encryption.
A JavaScript library for providing multiple simultaneous, stable, fault-tolerant and resumable/restartable uploads via the HTML5 File API.