Oh no, another Jquery pagination plugin!
$('#this').jpager({options key: options val});
- num_per_page (amount) current (page num to start on),
- item_name (class of items in list)
- pager_group_class
- pager_item_class
- pager_link_class
- pager_class
- pager_prev_text
- pager_next_text
- go(page_num)
- next()
- prev()
- find('.class_name')
go to a page: $("#this").data('jpager').go(page_num);
find an item with option: $('#this').jpager({find: '.class_name'});
find an item with function call: $("#this").data('jpager').find('.class_name');
NOTE: Find and Class options use jquery patterns (tag, id, class...)