This code is based on a SGM-based algorithm for calculating disparity images. Stereo and Flow Images can be calculated. We added computation of combined StereoFlow Images.
linked libraries:
-- OpenCV (used: latest version from their github, including opencv_contrib)
-- PCL (used: Release 1.8.0 from their github)
-- libpng 1.6[currently not needed](used: Release 1.6.29 from
Adjust CMakeLists.txt to point it to your OpenCV/PCL install directories.
Adjust "kittiDir" in sgm_stereoflow.cpp to point to your local KITTI data folder & recompile.
Pass ID of KITTI image (i.e. 000045) as parameter.
->Stereo-disparity, Flow-disparity & StereoFlow-disparity are calculated successively
(Image-loading is currently limited to convinient usage of KITTI images, but adjusting it to take arbitrary files should be no problem at all.)
-disFlowFlag.png (indicates area, where Flow-disparity could be evaluated fully)
-SGM.cpp: implementation of class SGMStereoFlow
-SGM.cpp: modified all 'computeCost()' functions for consistency & better runtime
-SGM.cpp: made 'postProcess()' functions consistent
-sgm_stereoflow.cpp: restructured main() to run entire StereoFlow computation in one go
-sgm_stereoflow.cpp: extended image loading for convenience
-sgm_stereoflow.cpp: introduced compiler Flags for easy configurability
-NOT by me(sgm_stereoflow.cpp): epipole computation
-NOT by me(SGM.cpp): classes SGM, SGMStereo & SGMFlow