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Books and Code Examples

monkstone edited this page Sep 12, 2014 · 9 revisions

ASFAIK there isn't a book on ruby-processing, perhaps I should write one. There's plenty of books on processing, and some where code has been ported to ruby. If you are new to ruby there's quite lot available, but if you are coming from java or processing you can learn a lot just running the examples and reading the code (learning Rails is bad place to start). If you're just learning to code for the first time, the recently updated [learning processing with ruby][] includes most of the examples from Daniel Shiffman's [Learning Processing][], an introductory textbook. Or there is the more up to date The Nature of Code also by Daniel Shiffman, and this case majority of the examples have been ported to ruby by Pierre-Pat here. Even more processing books are listed at If you want get serious with ruby there's Sandi Metz's Practical Object-Oriented Design which should help guide you to write decent ruby code. Update Nature of Code now available in Japanese [Learning Processing]: [learning processing with ruby]: