There's a function for that!
is a static code analyzer for Clojure which uses
to search for
patterns of code for which there might exist a more idiomatic function
or macro. For example if kibit finds the code
(if (some test)
(some action)
it will make the suggestion to use the when
macro instead of if
Add [lein-kibit "0.0.7"]
to your :plugins
vector in your :user
profile (Leiningen 2) or if you are using Leiningen 1:
$ lein plugin install lein-kibit 0.0.7
Then you can run
$ lein kibit
to analyze your namespaces. You can analyze individual files by running
$ lein kibit path/to/some/file.clj
If you use Emacs for hacking Clojure, here's a way to use kibit from
inside Emacs with all the fancyness you are used from M-x compile
Put the following into your ~/.emacs
;; Teach compile the syntax of the kibit output
(require 'compile)
(add-to-list 'compilation-error-regexp-alist-alist
'(kibit "At \\([^:]+\\):\\([[:digit:]]+\\):" 1 2 nil 0))
(add-to-list 'compilation-error-regexp-alist 'kibit)
;; A convenient command to run "lein kibit" in the project to which
;; the current emacs buffer belongs to.
(defun kibit ()
"Run kibit on the current project.
Display the results in a hyperlinked *compilation* buffer."
(compile "lein kibit"))
This will give you a new command M-x kibit RET
, and the properly
highlighted and hyperlinked kibit output is presented in a
source code without any macro expansion or evaluation. A macro can
therefor easily invalidate a rule. Also, kibit will not know if the
symbol +
in the form (+ x 1)
actually refers to a local or to a
function in a namespace other than clojure.core
. Expect
some false positives.
It is very easy to write new patterns for kibit
. Take a look at
to see how new patterns are created. If you know of a recurring
pattern of code that can be simplified, please consider sending me a
pull request.
Bugs can be reported using the github bug tracker.
- Jonas Enlund
- Phil Hagelberg
- Tassilo Horn
- Alan Malloy
- Paul deGrandis
- Kevin Lynagh
- Rules for function definitions (make this more of a lint tool)
- Rules for collection lookup; "2 is a bad smell" see this blog post
- Extract the "when to use" rules from Joy of Clojure
- Leiningen project.clj setting for rule exclusion
- Leiningen project.clj setting for a directory of rules to include
- Analyse ClojureScript files
Copyright © 2012 Jonas Enlund
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.