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WIP: trigger implementation
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jaspervdj committed Jan 1, 2025
1 parent 2a547dd commit e876086
Showing 11 changed files with 245 additions and 225 deletions.
35 changes: 14 additions & 21 deletions lib/Patat/Eval.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ import Data.Maybe (maybeToList)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import Patat.Eval.Internal
import Patat.Presentation.Instruction
import Patat.Presentation.Internal
import Patat.Presentation.Syntax
import System.Exit (ExitCode (..))
@@ -63,46 +62,40 @@ type ExtractEvalM a = StateT VarGen (Writer (HMS.HashMap Var EvalBlock)) a
evalSlide :: EvalSettingsMap -> Slide -> ExtractEvalM Slide
evalSlide settings slide = case slideContent slide of
TitleSlide _ _ -> pure slide
ContentSlide instrs0 -> do
instrs1 <- traverse (evalInstruction settings) (toList instrs0)
pure slide {slideContent = ContentSlide . fromList $ concat instrs1}

:: EvalSettingsMap -> Instruction Block
-> ExtractEvalM [Instruction Block]
evalInstruction settings instr = case instr of
Pause -> pure [Pause]
ModifyLast i -> map ModifyLast <$> evalInstruction settings i
Append [] -> pure [Append []]
Append blocks -> concat <$> traverse (evalBlock settings) blocks
Delete -> pure [Delete]
ContentSlide blocks -> do
blocks1 <- traverse (evalBlock settings) blocks
pure slide {slideContent = ContentSlide $ concat blocks1}

:: EvalSettingsMap -> Block
-> ExtractEvalM [Instruction Block]
-> ExtractEvalM [Block]
evalBlock settings orig@(CodeBlock attr@(_, classes, _) txt)
| [s@EvalSettings {..}] <- lookupSettings classes settings = do
var <- state freshVar
tell $ HMS.singleton var $ EvalBlock s attr txt Nothing
pure $ case (evalFragment, evalReplace) of
(False, True) -> [Append [VarBlock var]]
(False, False) -> [Append [orig, VarBlock var]]
(False, True) -> [VarBlock var]
(False, False) -> [orig, VarBlock var]
(True, True) ->
[orig, VarBlock var]
{- TODO: Pause and delete
[ Append [orig], Pause
, Delete, Append [VarBlock var]
(True, False) ->
[orig, VarBlock var]
{- TODO: Pause
[Append [orig], Pause, Append [VarBlock var]]
| _ : _ : _ <- lookupSettings classes settings =
let msg = "patat eval matched multiple settings for " <>
T.intercalate "," classes in
pure [Append [CodeBlock attr msg]]
pure [CodeBlock attr msg]
evalBlock _ block =
pure [Append [block]]
pure [block]

1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion lib/Patat/Eval/Internal.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ module Patat.Eval.Internal
import qualified Control.Concurrent.Async as Async
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HMS
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Patat.Presentation.Instruction
import Patat.Presentation.Settings
import Patat.Presentation.Syntax
import qualified Text.Pandoc as Pandoc
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lib/Patat/Presentation.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ module Patat.Presentation
) where

import Patat.Presentation.Display
import Patat.Presentation.Instruction
import Patat.Presentation.Interactive
import Patat.Presentation.Internal
import Patat.Presentation.Read
import Patat.Presentation.Syntax
26 changes: 16 additions & 10 deletions lib/Patat/Presentation/Display.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -55,21 +55,24 @@ displayWithBorders (Size rows columns) pres@Presentation {..} f =
wrappedTitle = PP.spaces titleOffset <> PP.string title <> PP.spaces titleRemainder in
borders wrappedTitle <> PP.hardline) <>
f ds <> PP.hardline <>
PP.string (show $ dsCounters ds) <> PP.hardline <>
PP.string (show $ activeTriggers pres) <> PP.hardline <>
PP.goToLine (rows - 2) <>
borders ( <> PP.string author <> middleSpaces <> PP.string active <> <>
-- Get terminal width/title
(sidx, _) = pActiveFragment
settings = activeSettings pres
ds = DisplaySettings
(sidx, fidx) = pActiveFragment
settings = activeSettings pres
ds = DisplaySettings
{ dsSize = canvasSize
, dsMargins = margins settings
, dsWrap = fromMaybe NoWrap $ psWrap settings
, dsTabStop = maybe 4 A.unFlexibleNum $ psTabStop settings
, dsTheme = fromMaybe Theme.defaultTheme (psTheme settings)
, dsSyntaxMap = pSyntaxMap
, dsResolve = \var -> fromMaybe [] $ HMS.lookup var pVars
, dsCounters = triggersToCounters $ take fidx $ activeTriggers pres

-- Compute title.
@@ -118,14 +121,13 @@ displayPresentation size pres@Presentation {..} =
Just (ActiveTitle block) -> DisplayDoc $
displayWithBorders size pres $ \ds ->
let auto = Margins {mTop = Auto, mRight = Auto, mLeft = Auto} in
prettyFragment ds {dsMargins = auto} $ Fragment [block]

prettyFragment ds {dsMargins = auto} [block]
-- Check if the fragment consists of "just a single image". Discard
-- headers.
onlyImage (Fragment (Header{} : bs)) = onlyImage (Fragment bs)
onlyImage (Fragment bs) = case bs of
[Figure _ bs'] -> onlyImage (Fragment bs')
onlyImage (Header{} : bs) = onlyImage bs
onlyImage bs = case bs of
[Figure _ bs'] -> onlyImage bs'
[Para [Image _ _ (target, _)]] -> Just target
_ -> Nothing

@@ -176,8 +178,8 @@ dumpPresentation pres@Presentation {..} =

prettyFragment :: DisplaySettings -> Fragment -> PP.Doc
prettyFragment ds (Fragment blocks) = vertical $
prettyFragment :: DisplaySettings -> [Block] -> PP.Doc
prettyFragment ds blocks = vertical $
PP.vcat (map (horizontal . prettyBlock ds) blocks) <>
case prettyReferences ds blocks of
[] -> mempty
@@ -323,7 +325,11 @@ prettyBlock ds (LineBlock inliness) =

prettyBlock ds (Figure _attr blocks) = prettyBlocks ds blocks

prettyBlock ds (Fragmented w fragment) = prettyBlocks ds $
fragmentToBlocks (dsCounters ds) w fragment

prettyBlock ds (VarBlock var) = prettyBlocks ds $ dsResolve ds var

prettyBlock _ (SpeakerNote _) = mempty
prettyBlock _ (Config _) = mempty

3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion lib/Patat/Presentation/Display/Internal.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ module Patat.Presentation.Display.Internal
import Patat.Presentation.Internal (Margins)
import Patat.Presentation.Settings (Wrap)
import Patat.Presentation.Syntax (Block, Var)
import Patat.Presentation.Syntax (Block, Counters, Var)
import qualified Patat.PrettyPrint as PP
import Patat.Size (Size)
import qualified Patat.Theme as Theme
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ data DisplaySettings = DisplaySettings
, dsTheme :: !Theme.Theme
, dsSyntaxMap :: !Skylighting.SyntaxMap
, dsResolve :: !(Var -> [Block])
, dsCounters :: !Counters

128 changes: 95 additions & 33 deletions lib/Patat/Presentation/Fragment.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -8,70 +8,112 @@
module Patat.Presentation.Fragment
( FragmentSettings (..)

, fragmentInstructions
, fragmentPresentation
, fragmentBlocks
, fragmentBlock
) where

import Data.List (intersperse, intercalate)

Check warning on line 16 in lib/Patat/Presentation/Fragment.hs

GitHub Actions / Build on macOS-latest

The import of ‘intercalate’ from module ‘Data.List’ is redundant
import Patat.Presentation.Instruction
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Traversable (for)

Check warning on line 19 in lib/Patat/Presentation/Fragment.hs

GitHub Actions / Build on macOS-latest

The import of ‘Data.Traversable’ is redundant
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Foldable (toList)

Check warning on line 21 in lib/Patat/Presentation/Fragment.hs

GitHub Actions / Build on macOS-latest

The import of ‘Data.Foldable’ is redundant
import Patat.Presentation.Syntax
import Patat.Presentation.Internal
import Prelude

fragmentPresentation :: Presentation -> Presentation
fragmentPresentation presentation =
let (pres, varGen) = runState work (pVarGen presentation) in
pres {pVarGen = varGen}
work = do
slides <- traverse fragmentSlide (pSlides presentation)
pure presentation {pSlides = slides}

fragmentSlide slide = case slideContent slide of
TitleSlide _ _ -> pure slide
ContentSlide blocks0 -> do
blocks1 <- fragmentBlocks fragmentSettings blocks0
pure slide {slideContent = ContentSlide blocks1}

settings = pSettings presentation
fragmentSettings = FragmentSettings
{ fsIncrementalLists = fromMaybe False (psIncrementalLists settings)

data FragmentSettings = FragmentSettings
{ fsIncrementalLists :: !Bool
} deriving (Show)

:: FragmentSettings
-> Instructions Block -> Instructions Block
fragmentInstructions fs = fromList . concatMap fragmentInstruction . toList
type FragmentM = State VarGen

splitOnThreeDots :: [Block] -> [[Block]]
splitOnThreeDots blocks = case break (== threeDots) blocks of
(pre, _ : post) -> [pre] ++ splitOnThreeDots post
(pre, []) -> [pre]
fragmentInstruction Pause = [Pause]
fragmentInstruction (Append []) = [Append []]
fragmentInstruction (Append xs) = fragmentBlocks fs xs
fragmentInstruction Delete = [Delete]
fragmentInstruction (ModifyLast f) = map ModifyLast $ fragmentInstruction f
threeDots = Para $ intersperse Space $ replicate 3 (Str ".")

:: FragmentSettings -> [Block] -> [Instruction Block]
fragmentBlocks = concatMap . fragmentBlock
:: FragmentSettings -> [Block] -> FragmentM [Block]
fragmentBlocks fs blocks = case splitOnThreeDots blocks of
[] -> pure []
[_] -> concat <$> traverse (fragmentBlock fs) blocks
sections0@(_ : _) -> do
counterID <- CounterID <$> state freshVar
sections1 <- traverse (fragmentBlocks fs) sections0
let pauses = length sections1 - 1
triggers = case sections1 of
[] -> replicate pauses counterID
(sh : st) -> blocksTriggers sh ++
[c | s <- st, c <- counterID : blocksTriggers s]
pure $ pure $ Fragmented (FragmentWrapper concat) $ Fragment2
[(S.fromList [i .. pauses], s) | (i, s) <- zip [0 ..] sections1]

fragmentBlock :: FragmentSettings -> Block -> FragmentM [Block]
fragmentBlock _fs (Para inlines) = pure [Para inlines]

Check warning on line 78 in lib/Patat/Presentation/Fragment.hs

GitHub Actions / Build on macOS-latest

Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive
fragmentBlock :: FragmentSettings -> Block -> [Instruction Block]
fragmentBlock _fs block@(Para inlines)
| inlines == threeDots = [Pause]
| otherwise = [Append [block]]
threeDots = intersperse Space $ replicate 3 (Str ".")

fragmentBlock fs (BulletList bs0) =
fragmentList fs (fsIncrementalLists fs) BulletList bs0
fragmentList2 fs (fsIncrementalLists fs) BulletList bs0

fragmentBlock fs (OrderedList attr bs0) =
fragmentList fs (fsIncrementalLists fs) (OrderedList attr) bs0
fragmentList2 fs (fsIncrementalLists fs) (OrderedList attr) bs0

fragmentBlock fs (BlockQuote [BulletList bs0]) =
fragmentList fs (not $ fsIncrementalLists fs) BulletList bs0
fragmentList2 fs (not $ fsIncrementalLists fs) BulletList bs0

fragmentBlock fs (BlockQuote [OrderedList attr bs0]) =
fragmentList fs (not $ fsIncrementalLists fs) (OrderedList attr) bs0

fragmentBlock _ block@(BlockQuote {}) = [Append [block]]

fragmentBlock _ block@(Header {}) = [Append [block]]
fragmentBlock _ block@(Plain {}) = [Append [block]]
fragmentBlock _ block@(CodeBlock {}) = [Append [block]]
fragmentBlock _ block@(RawBlock {}) = [Append [block]]
fragmentBlock _ block@(DefinitionList {}) = [Append [block]]
fragmentBlock _ block@(Table {}) = [Append [block]]
fragmentBlock _ block@(Div {}) = [Append [block]]
fragmentBlock _ block@HorizontalRule = [Append [block]]
fragmentBlock _ block@(LineBlock {}) = [Append [block]]
fragmentBlock _ block@(Figure {}) = [Append [block]]
fragmentBlock _ block@(VarBlock {}) = [Append [block]]
fragmentBlock _ block@(SpeakerNote {}) = [Append [block]]
fragmentBlock _ block@(Config {}) = [Append [block]]
fragmentList2 fs (not $ fsIncrementalLists fs) (OrderedList attr) bs0

fragmentBlock _ block@(BlockQuote {}) = pure [block]

fragmentBlock _ block@(Header {}) = pure [block]
fragmentBlock _ block@(Plain {}) = pure [block]
fragmentBlock _ block@(CodeBlock {}) = pure [block]
fragmentBlock _ block@(RawBlock {}) = pure [block]
fragmentBlock _ block@(DefinitionList {}) = pure [block]
fragmentBlock _ block@(Table {}) = pure [block]
fragmentBlock _ block@(Div {}) = pure [block]
fragmentBlock _ block@HorizontalRule = pure [block]
fragmentBlock _ block@(LineBlock {}) = pure [block]
fragmentBlock _ block@(Figure {}) = pure [block]
fragmentBlock _ block@(VarBlock {}) = pure [block]
fragmentBlock _ block@(SpeakerNote {}) = pure [block]
fragmentBlock _ block@(Config {}) = pure [block]

:: FragmentSettings -- ^ Global settings
-> Bool -- ^ Fragment THIS list?
@@ -94,3 +136,23 @@ fragmentList fs fragmentThisList constructor items =
Append [] :
-- Modify this new item to add the content.
map ModifyLast (fragmentBlocks fs item)

:: FragmentSettings -- ^ Global settings
-> Bool -- ^ Fragment THIS list?
-> ([[Block]] -> Block) -- ^ List constructor
-> [[Block]] -- ^ List items
-> FragmentM [Block] -- ^ Resulting list
fragmentList2 fs fragmentThisList constructor items0 = do
items1 <- traverse (fragmentBlocks fs) items0
case fragmentThisList of
False -> pure [constructor items1]
True -> do
counterID <- CounterID <$> state freshVar
let triggers = [c | s <- items1, c <- counterID : blocksTriggers s]
pauses = length items1
pure $ pure $ Fragmented (FragmentWrapper (pure . constructor)) $ Fragment2
[(S.fromList [i .. pauses], s) | (i, s) <- zip [1 ..] items1]
120 changes: 0 additions & 120 deletions lib/Patat/Presentation/Instruction.hs

This file was deleted.

48 changes: 28 additions & 20 deletions lib/Patat/Presentation/Internal.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@

, Slide (..)
, SlideContent (..)
, Instruction.Fragment (..)
, Index

, getSlide
@@ -32,6 +31,7 @@
, activeFragment
, activeSpeakerNotes
, activeVars
, activeTriggers

, getSettings
, activeSettings
@@ -50,10 +50,10 @@
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Sequence.Extended (Seq)
import qualified Data.Sequence.Extended as Seq
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Patat.EncodingFallback (EncodingFallback)
import qualified Patat.Eval.Internal as Eval
import qualified Patat.Presentation.Comments as Comments
import qualified Patat.Presentation.Instruction as Instruction
import Patat.Presentation.Settings
import Patat.Presentation.Syntax
import Patat.Size
@@ -81,8 +81,8 @@
, pActiveFragment :: !Index
, pSyntaxMap :: !Skylighting.SyntaxMap
, pEvalBlocks :: !Eval.EvalBlocks
, pVarGen :: !Instruction.VarGen
, pVars :: !(HMS.HashMap Instruction.Var [Block])
, pVarGen :: !VarGen
, pVars :: !(HMS.HashMap Var [Block])

@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@

data SlideContent
= ContentSlide (Instruction.Instructions Block)
= ContentSlide [Block]
| TitleSlide Int [Inline]
deriving (Show)

@@ -135,13 +135,16 @@
numFragments :: Slide -> Int
numFragments slide = case slideContent slide of
ContentSlide instrs -> Instruction.numFragments instrs
ContentSlide instrs ->
-- Instruction.numFragments instrs
let blocks = toList instrs in
1 + length (blocksTriggers blocks)
TitleSlide _ _ -> 1

data ActiveFragment
= ActiveContent Instruction.Fragment
= ActiveContent [Block]
| ActiveTitle Block
deriving (Show)

@@ -149,16 +152,12 @@
activeFragment :: Presentation -> Maybe ActiveFragment
activeFragment presentation = do
let (sidx, fidx) = pActiveFragment presentation

Check warning on line 155 in lib/Patat/Presentation/Internal.hs

GitHub Actions / Build on macOS-latest

Defined but not used: ‘fidx’
slide <- getSlide sidx presentation
pure $ case slideContent slide of
TitleSlide lvl is -> ActiveTitle $
Header lvl Pandoc.nullAttr is
ContentSlide instrs -> ActiveContent $
Instruction.renderFragment resolve $
Instruction.beforePause fidx instrs
resolve var = fromMaybe [] $ HMS.lookup var (pVars presentation)
ContentSlide blocks -> ActiveContent blocks

@@ -170,18 +169,27 @@

activeVars :: Presentation -> HS.HashSet Instruction.Var
activeVars :: Presentation -> HS.HashSet Var
activeVars presentation = fromMaybe HS.empty $ do
let (sidx, fidx) = pActiveFragment presentation
counters = triggersToCounters $ take fidx $ activeTriggers presentation
slide <- getSlide sidx presentation
case slideContent slide of
TitleSlide _ _ -> Nothing
ContentSlide instrs -> pure $
variables $ Instruction.unFragment $
Instruction.renderFragment resolve $
Instruction.beforePause fidx instrs
resolve _ = []
ContentSlide blocks -> pure $ variables $
blocksApplyFragments counters blocks

-- TODO: its weird??
-- currently it returns all triggers, not just the necessary ones
activeTriggers :: Presentation -> [CounterID]
activeTriggers presentation = fromMaybe [] $ do
let (sidx, _) = pActiveFragment presentation
slide <- getSlide sidx presentation
case slideContent slide of
TitleSlide _ _ -> Nothing
ContentSlide blocks -> pure $ blocksTriggers blocks

@@ -209,5 +217,5 @@

updateVar :: Instruction.Var -> [Block] -> Presentation -> Presentation
updateVar :: Var -> [Block] -> Presentation -> Presentation
updateVar var blocks pres = pres {pVars = HMS.insert var blocks $ pVars pres}
21 changes: 4 additions & 17 deletions lib/Patat/Presentation/Read.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ import qualified Patat.EncodingFallback as EncodingFallback
import qualified Patat.Eval as Eval
import qualified Patat.Presentation.Comments as Comments
import Patat.Presentation.Fragment
import qualified Patat.Presentation.Instruction as Instruction
import Patat.Presentation.Internal
import Patat.Presentation.Syntax
import Patat.Transition (parseTransitionSettings)
@@ -146,7 +145,7 @@ pandocToPresentation pVarGen pFilePath pEncodingFallback pSettings pSyntaxMap
case psTransition (slideSettings <> pSettings) of
Nothing -> pure Nothing
Just ts -> Just <$> parseTransitionSettings ts
return Presentation {..}
return $ fragmentPresentation $ Presentation {..}

@@ -209,19 +208,8 @@ pandocToSlides :: PresentationSettings -> Pandoc.Pandoc -> Seq.Seq Slide
pandocToSlides settings (Pandoc.Pandoc _meta pblocks) =
let blocks = fromPandocBlocks pblocks
slideLevel = fromMaybe (detectSlideLevel blocks) (psSlideLevel settings)
unfragmented = splitSlides slideLevel blocks
fragmented = map fragmentSlide unfragmented in
Seq.fromList fragmented
fragmentSlide slide = case slideContent slide of
TitleSlide _ _ -> slide
ContentSlide instrs0 ->
let instrs1 = fragmentInstructions fragmentSettings instrs0 in
slide {slideContent = ContentSlide instrs1}

fragmentSettings = FragmentSettings
{ fsIncrementalLists = fromMaybe False (psIncrementalLists settings)
unfragmented = splitSlides slideLevel blocks in
Seq.fromList unfragmented

@@ -257,8 +245,7 @@ splitSlides slideLevel blocks0
sns = Comments.SpeakerNotes [s | SpeakerNote s <- bs0]
cfgs = concatCfgs [cfg | Config cfg <- bs0]
guard $ not $ null bs1 -- Never create empty slides
pure $ Slide sns cfgs $ ContentSlide $
Instruction.fromList [Instruction.Append bs1]
pure $ Slide sns cfgs $ ContentSlide bs1

splitAtRules blocks = case break isHorizontalRule blocks of
(xs, []) -> mkContentSlide xs
85 changes: 85 additions & 0 deletions lib/Patat/Presentation/Syntax.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
@@ -21,11 +24,30 @@
, isComment

, variables

, CounterID (..)
, blocksTriggers
, blocksApplyFragments
, Counters
, fragmentToBlocks
, triggersToCounters

, FragmentWrapper (..)
, Fragment2 (..)
) where

import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Identity (runIdentity)
import Control.Monad.Writer (Writer, execWriter, tell)
import Data.Hashable (Hashable)
import qualified Data.HashSet as HS
import Control.Monad (guard)

Check warning on line 44 in lib/Patat/Presentation/Syntax.hs

GitHub Actions / Build on macOS-latest

The import of ‘Control.Monad’ is redundant
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.List (foldl')
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)

Check warning on line 47 in lib/Patat/Presentation/Syntax.hs

GitHub Actions / Build on macOS-latest

The import of ‘Data.List.NonEmpty’ is redundant
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Monoid (Sum (..))

Check warning on line 49 in lib/Patat/Presentation/Syntax.hs

GitHub Actions / Build on macOS-latest

The import of ‘Data.Monoid’ is redundant
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import Data.Traversable (for)
@@ -73,6 +95,7 @@
| Figure !Pandoc.Attr ![Block]
| Div !Pandoc.Attr ![Block]
-- Our own extensions:
| Fragmented !FragmentWrapper !(Fragment2 [Block])
| VarBlock !Var
| SpeakerNote !T.Text
| Config !(Either String PresentationSettings)
@@ -139,6 +162,7 @@
<*> traverse (traverse blocks) trows
Figure attr xs -> Figure attr <$> blocks xs
Div attr xs -> Div attr <$> blocks xs
Fragmented w fragments -> Fragmented w <$> traverse blocks fragments
b@(VarBlock _var) -> pure b
b@(SpeakerNote _txt) -> pure b
b@(Config _cfg) -> pure b
@@ -269,3 +293,64 @@
VarBlock var -> tell $ HS.singleton var
_ -> pure ()
pure [b]

newtype CounterID = CounterID Var deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

-- We can construct a new one by doing a max + 1 over blocks.

-- For each fragment, we can store which counters fire in which order
data Fragment2 a = Fragment2
-- The ID of the counter for this fragment
-- These counters should be fired in this order
-- If our counter has any of these values, the block will be visible.
[(S.Set Int, a)]
deriving (Foldable, Functor, Eq, Show, Traversable)

newtype FragmentWrapper = FragmentWrapper ([[Block]] -> [Block])

instance Show FragmentWrapper where
show _ = "FragmentWrapper"

instance Eq FragmentWrapper where
_ == _ = True

-- This has given us a way to get the top level fragments in a list of blocks
blocksTriggers :: [Block] -> [CounterID]
blocksTriggers blocks = concat $
execState (dftBlocks visit (pure . pure) blocks) []
visit :: Block -> State [[CounterID]] [Block]
visit (Fragmented w fragment) = do
modify $ merge fragment
pure [Fragmented w fragment]
visit block = pure [block]

merge :: Fragment2 [Block] -> [[CounterID]] -> [[CounterID]]
merge (Fragment2 fid triggers _) known
| any (fid `elem`) known = known
| otherwise =
filter (not . any (`elem` triggers)) known ++ [triggers]

-- If each of those can give us an order, we can calculate a total order

type Counters = M.Map CounterID Int

triggersToCounters :: [CounterID] -> Counters
triggersToCounters = foldl' (\acc x -> M.insertWith (+) x 1 acc) M.empty

fragmentToBlocks :: Counters -> FragmentWrapper -> Fragment2 [Block] -> [Block]
fragmentToBlocks counters (FragmentWrapper w) (Fragment2 cid _ sections) = w
[ section
| (activation, section) <- sections
, counter `S.member` activation
counter = fromMaybe 0 $ M.lookup cid counters

blocksApplyFragments :: Counters -> [Block] -> [Block]
blocksApplyFragments counters = runIdentity . dftBlocks visit (pure . pure)
visit (Fragmented w fragment) = pure $ fragmentToBlocks counters w fragment
visit block = pure [block]
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion patat.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -86,7 +86,6 @@ Library

0 comments on commit e876086

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