You will be using the Cloud Foundry CLI to interact with the runtime once it has been provisioned. Unlike the commercial distribution of Pivotal Cloud Foundry bosh-lite does not have an Applications Dashboard and all inspection and interaction with the Cloud Foundry runtime needs to be done through the CLI.
curl -L -o cf-cli-installer_6.14.0_x86-64.deb
If curl command fails in you environment download using a browser
sudo dpkg -i cf-cli-installer_6.14.0_x86-64.deb
cf help
The Bosh CLI is based on Ruby. So you need to ensure Ruby is installed in your system to be able to provision Cloud Foundry to the Bosh-Lite VM. The Cloud Foundry CLI does is based on GO so it does not require the Ruby runtime.
Install Ruby Version Manager.
gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3 \curl -sSL | bash -s stable
If the above commands fail then follow the instructions on the RVM web site for alternate installation methods.
Install Ruby
rvm install ruby-2.2 rvm --default use 2.2 source ~/.bashrc
ruby -v
Alternatively install ruby via apt-get. Not that if you install the system ruby you will have to provision as sudo.
sudo apt-get install ruby
Installing a system Ruby is not recommended as undoing issues that may arise from mismatched gems are difficult and the need to run ruby commands as sudo.
Install Vagrant
The Bosh-Lite VM will be deployed to a Virtual Box hypervisor using Vagrant. Vagrant provides a convenient CLI to launch VMs using a configuration file. It needs to be invoked from a folder that contains a VagrantFile
in order for a VM to be deployed. This file contains information such as the VM image, cpus, memory, network etc.
Verify Virtual Box is installed
VBoxManage --version
curl -OL
sudo dpkg -i vagrant_1.7.4_x86_64.deb
vagrant -v
Install Bosh Lite
Clone repo
git clone
Start Bosh VM
cd bosh-lite vagrant up
$ Install bosh-cli
gem install bosh_cli --no-document
Verify Bosh
bosh target lite bosh login admin admin bosh deployments
If you installed a system ruby then ensure bundler is installed
sudo gem install bundler --no-document
Download spiff
curl -OL
Once downloaded unzip it and copy the spiff
binary to the /usr/bin
Provision Cloud Foundry
./bin/add-route ./bin/provision_cf
Run the provision script as sudo if you are using the system Ruby.
Verify Cloud Foundry by loging in and creating your first org and space
cf login --skip-ssl-validation -a -u admin -p admin cf create-org pcf-training cf create-space development -o pcf-training
Before you shutdown your system make sure you suspend the bosh-lite VM.
vagrant suspend
Once you have restarted you workstation then resume the bosh-lite VM.
vagrant up
Sometimes your bosh agents may become unresponsive and although your VM comes up you will not be able to access your Cloud Foundry deployment. To recover.
bosh cck
Instruct bosh to re-create the managed VMs when it gives you the recovery options. Once recovery is complete ensure the route to the warden containers within the bosh-lite VMs is re-established.
If bosh appears to be running and you are still unable to connect then run
Pivotal Cloud Foundry Labs
cd ~ git clone
Spring Boot Labs
cd ~ git clone git clone