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Autonomous Vehicles

The repo contains the codes of my experience with autonomous vehicles as part of the CS 598 MAAV: Methods for Building Autonomous Vehicles course, taught by Prof. David Forsyth at UIUC.

More details on assignments and project work can be found in their respective directories.


All experiments are done on the vehicle platform by AutonomousStuff.


Operating System

For development on my local machine, I installed Ubuntu 16.04 subsystem on my Windows 10 laptop. If you plan to do the same, then for RViz visualization/simulations, you may install XMing and/or VcXsrv.

Apart from this, we need to install ROS (Robot Operating System) that provides the necessary support to interact with the autonomous vehicle and for simulations as well. I worked with ROS Kinetic (Desktop-Full Installation). Install some basic ROS utils:

$ sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-rviz
$ sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-roscd


I am using Python 2.7 since found that its easily compatible with ROS Kinetic. Install OpenCV (3.3.1-dev):

$ sudo apt-get install python-opencv

For libraries used in the code, you should be able to install them using apt-get following the example. For python package pacmod_msgs used as,

import pacmod_msgs

Install using the following command:

$ sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-pacmod-msgs

Note: The ROS packages you install can be found in /opt/ros/kinetic/. You might find the packages in share subdirectory within.


Thanks to our instructor, Prof. David Forsyth and my team members:

  • Amber Gupta
  • Bhavana Jain
  • Devansh Shah
  • Keval Morabia
  • Manav Mehra


Happy to connect for discussions and details: