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Release Notes

Michal Gajdos edited this page Nov 5, 2013 · 3 revisions

release 1.18

release 1.17 (01-2013)

release 1.16 (12-2012)

  • Fixed issue JERSEY-1601 Avoid String type to store plain passwords when using HTTPBasicAuthFilter and HTTPDigestAuthFilter
  • Fixed issue OPTIONS call to a webservice method with a "/" in path does not return method element
  • Fixed issue JERSEY-1459 Unmarshalling error when parsing a JSON message generated from Jira 5.1.x

release 1.15 (10-2012)

release 1.14 (09-2012)

release 1.13 (07-2012)

release 1.12 (02-2012)

release 1.11 (12-2011)

release 1.10 (11-2011)

release 1.9.1

  • improved error checking on OAuthClientFilter - if the internal requests for tokens fail, it now propagates the failure (the response from the server) to the client rather than ignoring it and failing later on getAuthorizationUri() method.
  • Fixed issue 765 Jersey can now marshall/unmarshall all the standard collection types (Set, Queue, LinkedList, etc.) and any custom ones with the default constructor.
  • Fixed an issue in OAuthClientFilter causing it to ask for a new request token instead of resuming the authentication after the authentication flow gets suspended to retrieve the verifier code.
  • Fixed issues 65, 166, 220 Extended the functionality of PostReplaceFilter to add support for:
    • specifying the overriding method in the query parameter (besides the existing header support)
    • configuration property, so that user can choose if both the header as well as the query param should be supported
    • converting form parameters to query parameters in case of overriding to GET
  • Fixed issues 506 and 760 Improved heuristics to determine if servlet extension or path mapping was used. Passing the full servlet path to the resources if extension mapping is used.

release 1.9 (09-2011)

  • Fixed issue 761 Fix typo in com.sun.jersey.api.core.ResourceConfig
  • Cross-Site Request Forgery protection filters were added to jersey-server and jersey-client. On the server side, the filter checks for the custom header X-Requested-By for any potentially state changing methods (i.e. methods other than GET, HEAD and OPTIONS). If the header is not present, bad request error is returned to the client. The client side filter ensures the X-Requested-By header is added to the requests.
  • Wadl generator capable of generating XML schemas for params is used by default from now.
  • Added support for Freemarker templates, see contribs/jersey-freemarker and samples/freemarker
  • Fixed issue 755 Wadl javadoc tag - response doc wasn't processed correctly in all cases
  • Fixed issue 756 Applied patch from a contributor - schemas generated during wadl creation weren't included in ouput of maven-wadl-plugin
  • Jersey non blocking client moved from experimental to contribs
  • Fixed issue 753 Removed a hard dependency on JAXB RI introduced when implementing support for XmlHeader annotation in Jersey 1.6.
  • Fixed issue 686 Clarified WebAppDescriptor's contextPath and servletPath
  • Jackson dependency upgrade: 1.7.1 -> 1.8.3
  • Fixed issue 745 @FormDataParam parameters were ignored in generated wadl
  • Suport for Generating XML Schema from JAX-B classes Added wadl decorator WadlGeneratorJAXBGrammarGenerator that looks at attached JAX-B classes and automatically generates schemas for them.
  • Fixed issue 737 javadoc typo
  • Breaking change Updating wadl namespace from "" to "". WADL format changed slightly too, see

release 1.8 (06-2011)

  • Fixed GlassFish issue 16199 IllegalArgumentException: object is not an instance of declaring class - on a REST / EJB Service
  • Breaking change in client API - removed RequestWriter.headerValueToString(). Also changed constructors of AsyncWebResource and AsyncViewResource to protected (from package private and private).
  • Fixed issue 726 JSON POJO mapping feature does not allow to register custom object mappers for different types
  • jersey-grizzly2: Grizzly update 2.1 -> 2.1.1, Servlet 3.0 -> 3.1
  • Fixed issue 724 Sample code in Guice documentation does not compile.

release 1.7 (05-2011)

release 1.6 (03-2011)

  • Added support for lists and arrays of JAXBElement<?> objects.
  • Fixed issue 681 Missing repository declaration in quickstart-grizzly archetype
  • Grizzly 2.0 integration Introduced GrizzlyWebContainerFactory in jersey-grizzly2 Introduced jersey-tests-framework-grizzly2 and made it default option in test framework. Changed (almost) all samples to use jersey-grizzly2 for test/run.
  • Added support for specifying XML header in XML responses by attaching XmlHeader annotation to the resource method.
  • Fixed issue 649 @Path("{id}") not matched for paths containing %2F Introduced a new ResourceConfig feature, "com.sun.jersey.api.container.grizzly.AllowEncodedSlashFeature". The feature allows to configure Grizzly to enable encoded slashes in URIs
  • Fixed issue 576 Grizzly upgraded to 1.9.31
  • JacksonJsonProvider example: added ObjectMapper resolver to show how to use Jackon specific configuration options
  • Fixed issue 625 IllegalAccessException when using jersey-server-linking with java.* and javax.* field types (unannotated). Excluding these from recurive discovery algorithm.
  • Adding support for Cobertura based code coverage measurement. Use following maven targets to compile, instrument, test and generate reports: mvn clean install -Dcobertura -Dmaven.test.skip=true mvn cobertura:cobertura -Dcobertura
  • Fixed issue 643 Allowing users to use different client implementation in Jersey test framework. It might be done by providing ClientFactory and overriding method getClientFactory in JerseyTest, which respects priority of container provided client OR override getClient() method to gain absolute control.
  • Provided a workaround for issue 639 Jersey allows to hack HttpURLConnection class and injects (via reflection) HTTP method which will be used to "method" field. This approach disables method name control which is used in setMethod method. Users have to set URLConnectionClientHandler.PROPERTY_HTTP_URL_CONNECTION_SET_METHOD_WORKAROUND property to true to activate this workaround. There is also one know limitation - request can't contain entity when this code is executed.
  • Jackson dependency upgrade: 1.5.5 -> 1.7.1
  • Fixed issue 626 Skipping the leading CRLF for the first boundary delimiter in multipart messages.
  • Fixed issue 637 Jersey now adds a whitespace after the semicolon separating the content type parameters.
  • Grizzly 2 http-server support moved from the experimental area to the new jersey-grizzly2 module in the com.sun.jersey space
  • Breaking change: Grizzly 1 support in a separate module Grizzly 1 support used to be part of the jersey-server module This is no longer the case. If you rely on Grizzly 1 you will need to use the jersey-grizzly dependency instead of just jersey-server
  • Re-fixed issue 320 Interning document parser needs to be used because of JAXB.
  • Breaking change: Fixed issue 607 OAuthProvider is no longer registered using the init param property. It needs to be added as any other provider (e.g. by binding it).

release 1.5 (01-2011)

release 1.4 (11-09-2010)

  • Fixed issue 431 The use of @PerSession no longer results in a NotSerializableException when session state is persisted for internal state, associated with resource instances, that is stored as a session attribute.
  • Fixed issue 554 Tracing is enabled for the JSP template processor. The JSP name and reference to the it variable is output.
  • Fixed issue 571 User defined providers (MessageBodyReaders and Writers) must have higher priority than Jersey provided ones (client & server side).
  • When ServletContainer.FEATURE_FILTER_FORWARD_ON_404 is enabled and the status code is 404 call HttpServletResponse.setStatus otherwise call HttpServletResponse.sendError.
  • Fixed issue 578 The async client, when no HTTP async implementation is utilized, uses ExecutorService to execute the request/response task. The default implementation is Executors.newCachedThreadPool() and the implementation can be set on the Client.
  • Fixed issue 577 When a client sends an empty request to a resource method that consumes JAXB/JSON the natural and mapped conventions produce inconsistent results and should return a 400 error.
  • Fixed issue 546 Validating default values with @DefaultValue of an @*Param at initialization time to produce on errors on deployment can be avoided if the StringReader is annotated with @StringReader.@ValidateDefaultValue(false). In such cases if the default value is incorrect it will result in a runtime error.
  • Fixed issue 552 Support null key values (as documented) for KeyComparatorHashMap.
  • Fixed issue 550 When a WebApplicationException is thrown because a message body reader/writer cannot be found a message is included with the exception (in addition to that message being logged).
  • Fixed issue 575 Fixed regression in jersey-multipart where @FormDataParam annotated parameters were not being recognized resulting in deployment errors or incorrect information being passed as the entity parameter.
  • Fixed issue 573 Entities that are defined to be parameterized types with type variable as arguments will be resolved, recursively to concrete types where possible. For, example List T[], Map<T, T> and Map<T, List> will be resolved, when T is a String, to List String[], Map<String, String> and Map<String, List>
  • Fixed issue 572 Propagate security context when making internal invocations to match URIs.
  • Fixed issue 564 Modified field injection so that injection will occur independent of the field value. Previously injection would only occur if the field value was null.
  • Support @InjectParam, which has the same semantics as Jersey's @Inject but does not conflict with the JSR 330 version. Jersey's @Inject is now deprecated.
  • Support for @ParentRef to injecting a parent into a sub-resource.
  • Fixed issue 563 When using the low-level Grizzly container injection of GrizzlyRequest and GrizzlyResponse are now supported as follows: @Context ThreadLocal request @Context ThreadLocal response The thread local is required because GrizzlyRequest/Response are classes, not interfaces, and therefore cannot be proxied using the Java proxy API.
  • Fixed issue 562 When ServletContainer.FEATURE_FILTER_FORWARD_ON_404 feature is set to true and Jersey forwards to the next filter in the chain then the response status code will be set to 200 before forwarding.
  • JSONConfiguration.FEATURE_POJO_MAPPING ResourceConfig feature introduced to simplify Jackson POJO entity provider utilization Users no longer need to register the Jackson provider explicitly
  • Jackson dependency upgraded to version 1.5.5
  • Breaking change: in order to prevent OSGi bundle reload issues we need to bundle JSR-311 API classes with the jersey-core module
  • Fixed issue 486 Added JRebel support.
  • Fixed issue 542 Added client HTTPDigestAuthFilter from external contributor + tests
  • Fixed issue 549 Implicit HEAD method support was not re-using any resource method-specific filters on the GET method from which the HEAD method was derived from.
  • Fixed issue 547 The GZIPContentEncodingFilter works correctly with the Client API and HttpURLConnection when a request entity is sent for which the size is known in advance, for example a File or byte[].
  • Fixed issue 506 Fixed regression. Servlet url patterns of the form *.xxx now function as was the case for Jersey

release 1.3 (17-06-2010)

  • Fixed issue 540 Parameterized types of List/Set/SortedSet are supported for parameters, for example @QueryParam("d") List<List>, if there is a StringReaderProvider registered that supports the type List.
  • Remove the restriction that a GET method cannot receive entities. Warnings will be presented instead of errors. Although this is highly uncommon The HTTP spec does not rule this out thus Jersey was being unduly restrictive.
  • Fixed issue 543 unable to build extended-wadl-webapp sample
  • Fixed issue 293 The response building will retain the StatusType (if explictly set) or those defined on The container may access the StatusType via ContainerResponse.getStatusType and from that the reason phrase can be obtained. The servlet container will use the reason phrase for the message parameter of the call to HttpServletResponse.sendError for the case when the status code >= 400 and the servlet container is deployed as a servlet (sendError does not work on some web containers when the servlet container is deployed as a filter).
  • Fixed issue 472 Ensure that preconditions with GET then a PUT with If-Unmodified-Since works correctly at the granularity of seconds. The last modified date is rounded down to the nearest second when comparing against If-Modified-Since or If-Unmodified-Since values. (HTTP formatted dates are rounded down to the nearest second.) This can result in lost updates if two or more PUTs occur within an interval of a second. The application should use etags in such cases.
  • ServiceFinder will defer to the defining class loader of the current class if a provider class cannot be loaded from the thread context class loader.
  • Changed the declaration of components defined by jersey-multipart to use the META-INF/services service interface name to avoid the components being output in the logs.
  • Fixed issue 488 When using Apache HTTP client, chunked encoding and jersey-multipart it is necessary for the client to explicitly declare the boundary string for the content type. See com.sun.jersey.multipart.Boundary and com.sun.jersey.multipart.MultiPartMediaTypes. This is due to architectural restrictions with the Apache HTTP client as the headers have to be declared before the entity is written.
  • Removed support for resource methods utilizing @FormParam and consuming "multipart/form-data". This functionality has been replaced by @FormDataParam in the jersey-multipart module.
  • Fixed issue 531 WADL generation should not modify the abstract model when @FormParam is declared in a resource method parameter and the @Consumes is absent.
  • Fixed issue 538 The reference to the registered application may be injected as follows: @Context Application app;
  • Upgrade the version of Abdera used in the contribs/jersey-atom-abdera to 1.0.
  • Guice integration supports the @Inject binding of common JAX-RS and Jersey dependencies such as UriInfo and ExtendedUriInfo. Extend from com.sun.jersey.guice.JerseyServletModule, instead of, to register these bindings.
  • GlassFish v3 integration Instead of one big uber JAR, jersey-gf-bundle.jar, individual Jersey modules are integrated to GlassFish to allow better modularization and alignment with non GlassFish environment
  • Fixed issue 436 Resources may be looked up using a URI via methods on com.sun.jersey.api.core.ResourceContext.
  • Fixed issue 489 Support configurable namespace separators for JAXB/JSON. See com.sun.jersey.api.json.JSONConfiguration#nsSeparator
  • Fixed Jersey versioning issue for GlassFish when a version of Jersey is deployed in the war that is different to the version of Jersey version distributed with GlassFish. META-INF/sevices files will be ignored if the corresponding META-INF/MANIFEST.MF of the same jar contains a Bundle-SymbolicName beginning with "com.sun.jersey" and a Bundle-Version that is not equal to the Bundle-Version declared in the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF for the same jar that contains the com.sun.jersey.spi.service.ServiceFinder.class.
  • Fixed issue 66 Breaking changes Errors will result if dependencies cannot be injected rather than a null value being injected. Non-static inner classes as root resource and provider classes are no longer supported.
  • Fixed issue for WadlGeneratorConfig and building of properties, which now correctly works for any property value type.
  • Fixed issue 527 Package name scanning now works in an OSGi environment
  • Jersey Test Framework Adding support for setting servlet and concurrent filter(s) with possibility to set up filter name and init params per filter
  • Fixed issue 526 Provide access to the matching AbstractResourceMethod that was invoked on a resource class, see ExtendedUriInfo.getMatchedMethod().
  • Fixed issue 529 Close input stream when reading properties file to obtain the Build ID.
  • Fixed issue 509 The stack trace is no longer included as the response entity for an unmapped WebApplicationException with a status code of 500 and no response entity.
  • Fixed issue 521 Support matching when quality of source, qs, values are less than 1.
  • Fixed issue 520 When Guice support is configured enable Guice injection of resource or provider classes that have fields or methods annotated with @Inject but have no constructor annotated with @Inject. In this case Jersey instiaties and manages and lets Guice inject.
  • Fixed issue 449 When a message body reader or writer cannot be found for a media type and Java type log all readers/writers that are compatible with that media type.

release 1.2 (10-05-2010)

  • Fixed issue 457 Jersey WAR project cannot be deployed on OSGI platform

  • Fixed issue 275 Jersey-core, jersey-server, jersey-client and jersey-json modules now (from 1.2 verison on) contain OSGi headers and use ServiceMix based implementation to work in OSGi environment. 2 examples were added to show how to build a Jersey based OSGi web application using OSGi Http-Service and OSGi WAR deployment. Known limitation: the package name resource configuration can not be used in the OSGi runtime and needs to be replaced by the class name based mechanism. This will be addressed in future development. Also other Jersey modules are to be OSGified in the future releases.

  • Fixed issue 516 Changed resolving algorithm for finding a CDI Bean from a Class such that inheritence hierarchies are supported. BeanManager.resolve does not resolve a set of Bean to one Bean if all members extend from a common concrete case class.

  • Fixed issue 507 Support DELETE with request entities for the Apache HTTP client.

  • Fixed issue 505 Fixed error in the multipart message body writer when the Content-Type header value is explicitly set and the value is a string.

  • Fixed issue 504 Upgrade Simple HTTP server to 4.1.20.

  • Fixed issue 484 Change the Guice dependency to depend on Guice from the maven central repository rather than GuiceyFruit.

  • Added com.sun.jersey.api.JResponse, which is a type safe alternative to that preserves the type information of response entity thus it is not necessary to utilize It provides equivalent functonality to Response. JResponse may be extended in combination with JResponse.AJResponseBuilder specialization when building responses.

  • Fixed issue 485, 519 When a ServletContainer is used as a servlet filter and the feature ServletContainer.FEATURE_FILTER_FORWARD_ON_404 is set to true then enable the next filter in the chain to be invoked if Jersey or the application returns a 404 with no entity body. Breaking changes in order to support Servlet 2.4 and Servlet 3.0 it was necessary to change the return type of ServletContainer#service( URI baseUri, URI requestUri, final HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) from "void" to "int" such that it returns the state code of the response. HttpServletResponse.getStatusCode only exists for Servlet 3.0.

  • Fixed issue 361 Introduced new feature (FeaturesAndProperties.FEATURE_XMLROOTELEMENT_PROCESSING) which enables getting XmlRootElement annotations and deriving name for list from its name property. First letter "decapitalization" is not done when this feature is enabled.

  • Fixed issue 480 An error in the decoding of "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" information will result in a 400 (Client error) response.

  • Fixed issue 471 LoggingFilter should not have side-effects on the response and retain content length information.

  • Allow injection of the Client instance onto client-managed provider classes.

  • Fixed issue 475 A registered application can return null for getClasses and getSingletons which has the same meaning as returning an empty set.

  • Fixed issue 479 Fixed package scanning for applications deployed to the WebLogic application server.

  • Fixed issue 477 Added null check for value returned from ServletContext.getResourcePaths.

  • Jersey Test Framework modularization You can choose which container would be used for testing by depending on that module. For example if you want to use InMemory container, specify dependency like: com.sun.jersey.jersey-test-framework jersey-test-framework-inmemory ${project.version} test

    and it will be used. When you define multiple dependencies and grizzly module (default) is present, tests will run on grizzly; otherwise (grizzly module is not present) warning will be produced and tests will run on first discovered module. This can be altered by specifying jersey.test.containerFactory property and setting its value to TestContainer descendant (fully qualified java class name).

  • Upgrade from Grizzly 1.9.8 to Grizzly 1.9.18-i

  • Fixed issue 465 Refactored ResourceConfig; now its possible to use delimiters ';', ',' and ' ' (space) to separate class names in various init parameters like filters and filter factories declaration, classpath, class and package names specification. Intended consequence is that FilterFactory now uses ResourceConfig to get list of filters/filter factories so its possible to programatically add filters to ones defined in web.xml.

  • Modified the resolving of "flat-file" templates so the location is '/' + resourceClass.getName().replace('.', '/').replace('$', '.') + '.' + path Thus if there is a resource class named com.Foo and there is an index.html template then the path to the template can be: com/Foo.index.html in addition to: com/Foo/index.html Thus templates can be co-located with Java class files rather than in sub-directories.

  • Fixed issue 461 An exception thrown from a resource method that is mapped to a response will have the appropriate Content-Type set, if an entity is present and if not already set from the mapped response, as declared by the @Produces annotation and what the client accepts.

  • Fixed issue 433 OAuth signature calculation correctly encodes request parameters according to the unreserved character set defined in the URI specifications. RSA_SHA1 support correctly URL encodes the base64 encoding of the signature.

  • Fixed issue 468 If URI canonicalization, and optionally URI normalization is set to true, but redirection is set to false (the default) then the request URI is modified to be the canonicalized, and optionally normalized, URI.

  • Fixed issue 464 Change the context related methods from private to protected.

  • Fixed issue 466 Avoid generation of empty params in WADL.

  • Fixed issue 459 A 307 (Temporary redirect) response for a resource which has a path ending in '/' has a correct full request URI, including query parameters (if present), for the Location header.

  • Fixed issue 467 @Inject can be utilized on provider-based classes.

release 1.1.5 (20-01-2010)

  • Fixed issue 437 Support the parsing of the Cache-Control header.

  • Fixed issue 454 Scanning of classes WEB-INF/classes in a war in ear now works for JBoss 5.x deployments.

  • Fixed issue 456 UriBuilder can be built from URIs whose authority component is a registry based naming authority.

  • When tracing is enabled exceptions that are mapped to responses will be logged.

  • Added formatted support when JSON with natural notation is used

  • Fixed issue 362 Deprecated HttpHelper.getAcceptLangauge and added new method HttpHelper.getAcceptLanguage.

  • Fixed issue 448 Ensure that spring 2.5.x dependency version does not depend on Spring 3.0.

  • Fixed issue 450 Equals method of AsyncWebResource was incorrect.

  • Fixed issue 202 Support the quality source parameter, "qs", on media types declared with @Produces or @ImplicitProduces. The media type, M say, with the highest quality source parameter for a request will be selected as the most acceptable media type if X is an acceptable media type. For example, given the following resource class: public class Foo { @Produces("application/xml") String get() { ... }

    @Produces("text/html;qs=2") String get() { ... } } and given an Accept header of "/" or "application/xml, text/*;q=0.8" then "text/html" will be produced because the application prefers "text/html" over "application/xml" even though the client does not. Given an Accept header of "application/xml" then "application/xml" will be produced.

  • Fixed issue 382 Quality source parameters, "qs", on media types declared with @Produces or @ImplicitProduces on resource classes will work correctly for an Accept header of "/"

  • Fixed issue 446 Deprecated TemplateProcessor, instead use ViewProcessor, which provides better support when resolving a template name and writing out a template. Note that existing implementations of TemplateProcessor are still supported. When writing out an view with an absolute template name, or a view with a resolving class then it is not required that an HTTP request be in scope (unless the ViewProcessor implementation requires it). BREAKING CHANGES for com.sun.jersey.spi.template.TemplateContext and com.sun.jersey.spi.template.ResolvedViewable. TemplateContext no longer has a method to obtain the set of TemplateProcessor. The constructors of ResolvedViewable were modified to be compatible with ViewProcessor.

  • Fixed issues when a Response is returned with a Viewable and a status code

    = 400.

  • Fixed issue 447 JAX-RS annotated methods on interfaces or abstract methods on abstract classes that have parameters that are instances of java.lang.reflect.TypeVariable are correctly detected as the annotated methods to process.

  • Fixed issue 439 Servlet RequestDispatcher.forward works when forwarding to Jersey managed URIs. For example a JSP view may utilize <c:import url="/some/jaxrs/path" /> to include another view.

  • Added formatted feature, see FeaturesAndProperties.FEATURE_FORMATTED When enabled, XML returned from resources will be formatted (line breaks and indentation).

  • Fixed issue 439 Proxied objects, using java.lang.reflect.Proxy, that invoke the Java method of the proxy will correctly re-throw any target exception caught from a InvocationTargetException, rather than the proxying throwing a java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException.

  • Upgraded jersey-simple-server to version 4.1.15.

  • If an exception is mapped to a Response then that exception is now available from the HttpResponseContext.getMappedThrowable() method.

  • Fixed issue 379 Jersey applications can now be deployed on Google App Engine.

  • Added tracing feature. Tracing provides useful information that describes how a request is processed and dispatched to JAX-RS/Jersey components. This can aid debugging when the application is not behaving as expected either because of a bug in the application code or in the Jersey code. Trace messages will be output as response headers with a header name of the form "X-Jersey-Trace-XXX", where XXX is a decimal value corresponding to the trace message number, and a header value that is the trace message. See ResourceConfig.FEATURE_TRACE and ResourceConfig.FEATURE_TRACE_PER_REQUEST. Tracing can be abled for a web application by adding the following init-param: com.sun.jersey.config.feature.Trace true

  • Added new feature - now its possible to set language mappings via ResourceConfig property (ResourceConfig.PROPERTY_LANGUAGE_MAPPINGS); this can be set as a parameter in web.xml file. Allowed types are String and String[], format: "segment:language-tag". Language tag is defined in RFC 2616 ( language-tag = primary-tag ( "-" subtag ) primary-tag = 18ALPHA subtag = 1*8ALPHA

  • Added new feature - now its possible to set media type mappings via ResourceConfig property (ResourceConfig.PROPERTY_MEDIA_TYPE_MAPPINGS); this can be set as a parameter in web.xml file. Allowed types are String and String[], format: "segment:media/type". Multiple definitions are comma separated. This was implemented mainly to match similar RESTEasy feature.

  • Fixed issue 430 Fixed injection of per-request resources on to per-request (non-299) managed beans.

  • Fixed issue 429 Package scanning deployment on JBoss 5.x app servers now works correctly.

  • Fixed issue 32 The servlet container supports portable scannnig of WEB-INF/lib and WEB-INF/classes directories when the default servlet configuration is utilized. Default configuration deployments will now work on WebLogic-based application servers.

  • Fixed issue 421 ContainerResponse.write() now consistently sets the isCommitted state.

  • Fixed issue 420 Some servlet containers do not support the addition of headers after a HttpServletResponse.sendError is invoked. Jersey will invoke sendError for a response status code >=400 when there is no response entity. The headers are now written before sendError is invoked.

  • Fixed issue 419 Upgraded simple server to version 4.1.14.

  • Fixed issue 422 The container response filter of the server-side LoggingFilter now ensures that when the ServletContainer is utilized response headers are written when there is no response entity present. This was a regression as the ContainerResponseAdapter of the LoggingFilter was not correctly adapting the finish method.

  • Fixed issue 423 Injection on to 299 managed beans in the dependent scope (scope is managed by Jersey) is correctly supported for Jersey-based injection artifacts such as @Context ResourceContext and @Inject T.

  • Fixed issue 125 @FormParam injection is supported for the same targets as other @*Param annotations. Injection will only occur if there is a request entity of the type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", otherwise an IllegalStateException will be thrown. Form parameter beans are now supported, and the @com.sun.jersey.spi.inject.Inject annotation may now be utilized to obtain such beans, for example: class MyFormBean { @FormParam("a") String a; @FormParam("b") String b; }

    @Path("foo") class MyResource { @POST public ... post(@Inject MyFormBean b) { ... } }

  • Fixed issue 424 The @com.sun.jersey.spi.inject.Inject annotation may now be utilized to inject a resource class. This is the recommend over the approach of using ResourceContext. If a per-request managed resource is required to be injected into a singleton managed resource then the resource class can be declared as the parameterized type of Injectable, for example: @Inject Injectable

  • Fixed issue 418 Reloading of the servlet container no longer retains previous references to root reosurce and provider classes declared in an extension of Application or ResourceConfig. The root cause: the WebApplication implementation was not cloning the ResourceConfig instance passed to it on initiation if additional root resource and provider classes needed to be added.

  • Added examples from Bill Burke's book "RESTful Java with JAX-RS" modified to be runnable with Jersey and with additional tests.

  • Apache HTTP Client now supports custom HTTP methods.

release 1.1.4 (2009-11)

  • Fixed issue 412 Ensure that ResourceConfig and extensions of retain the order of classes and singletons that are added.
  • Fixed issue 411 Fixed regression in MethodList class caused by fixing issue 229.
  • Fixed issue 229 @PostConstruct and @PreDestroy method can have any visibility.
  • Fixed issue 406 FormDataBodyPart.getValue will honor the charset parameter of the media type associated with the body part.
  • Fixed issue 232 The characters '{' and '}' are percent encoded if a URI is built using and no template parameter values are given as input.
  • Fixed issue 357 The Apache HTTP client handler for the Client API will automatically release the connection if no response entity is present. Thus it is not necessary to call ClientResponse.close if the response has no entity. This avoids the client blocking when all the threads of the connection manager are utilized.
  • Fixed issue 384 Work around issue in the LW HTTP server: for responses that return a 204 status code. This issue can manifest itself if, for example, a client invokes a POST method that returns 204 then invokes a GET method. This may cause some clients to hang, specifically HttpURLConnection (browsers and the Apache HTTP client do not hang).
  • Fixed issue 397 Fixed issue for JSON/JAXB mapped marshalling that results in a stack overflow if the client aborts the connection when marshalling is in operation.
  • Fixed issue 393 Headers may be added to the multi-valued map returned from Response.getMetadata().
  • Fixed issue 391 The Jersey servlet-layer catches a MappableContainerException and will rethrow the cause wrapped in a ServletException. This ensures that such mappable exceptions can be mapped by the Web application.
  • Fixed issue 390 A com.sun.jersey.api.container.MappableContainerException may be thrown from an ExceptionMapper and as such that expception will be re-thrown to the underlying HTTP container. The EJBException mapper was modified to throw a MappableContainerException with the cause of an EJBException. This ensures that such runtime exceptions can be mapped by the Web application.
  • Fixed issue 389 For Web applications HttpServletResponse.sendError will be called instead of HttpServletResponse.setStatus under the following conditions:
    1. no bytes have been written to the response output stream; and
    2. the status code is an error code, namely a value >= 400. Such behaviour ensures that error pages mapped to error codes declared in the web.xml will work if Jersey or the applicaton returns an error code with no entity.
  • Fixed issue 387 Enabling Jersey response logging with views no longer results in an illegal state exception.
  • Fixed issue 388 Maven web-based archetypes use version 2.5 of web.xml.
  • Fixed issue 392 Issue 336 (fixed in 1.1.3-ea) caused a regression such that it was no longer possible to register provider classes in an Application, a ResourceConfig or a ResourceConfigurator.
  • Fixed issue 95 The recursive cycle detection has been modified to be local to root resource classes such the same sub-resource in two or more root resource classes can be declared in the WADL.
  • Fixed issue 371 Logging of stack trace of mapped exceptions is not performed.
  • Fixed issue 385 Enable non-JAX-RS annotations on interface or abstract methods and parameters to be merged with the annotations on the concrete method and parameters (if such annotations are not already declared).
  • Fixed issue 383 Singleton instances added to the set of singletons of the Application/ ResourceConfig are not longer errornousaly instantiated by the runtime. The singleton reference is also available from the ResourceContent.getResource.
  • Fixed issue 381 Multiple child spring configuration fails may be declared as a value of the property SpringServlet.CONTEXT_CONFIG_LOCATION.
  • Modified the Jersey test framework such that it is possible to override JerseyTest. The external test container supports the system property JERSEY_HOST_NAME to declare the host name for the base URI.

release 1.1.3-ea (2009-10-06)

  • Support configuration of ResourceConfig using the provider interface com.sun.jersey.api.core.ResourceConfigurator. One or more ResourceConfigurator providers may be registered and the configure method will be called which may update the state of the ResourceConfig instance passed as a parameter.
  • Support programmatic modification of the declaration of filters. See the following methods on ResourceConfig: getContainerRequestFilters, getContainerResponseFilters and getResourceFilterFactories.
  • Support the resolving of a type variable, T say, to a concrete type for all parameters (field, method parameters, method setters) and return types of resource methods. Log warnings if T cannot be resolved to a concreate type, or if a parameterized type, Collection say, cannot be resolved because such a type cannot be created dynamically.
  • Added support for Servlet 3.0 deployment with JAX-RS 1.1-ea.
  • Fixed issue 363 Fixed for parameters when a String-based constructor is utlized with a @DefaultValue("").
  • Fixed issue 359 The client API should use the default media type "application/octet-stream" if a default media type cannot be obtained for a request entity of Java type.
  • Fixed issue 336 A class that extends of Application or ResourceConfig referenced in the web.xml is now instantated as a component. If the class has a constructor that takes a single parameter of the type Map then the class is instantiated with that constructor and an instance of Map that contains all the initialization parameters is passed as the parameter. Otherwise, the class is instantiated as a singleton component managed by the runtime, and injection may be performed (the artifacts that may be injected are limited to injectable providers registered when the servlet or filter is configured).
  • OAuth signature library now correctly percent encodes characters when generating a secret.
  • Fixed issue 356 Clarified JavaDoc for com.sun.jersey.core.header.MatchingEntityTag to state that instance of this type or the super type cannot be used to produce headers of the form "If-Match: *" or "If-None-Match: *".
  • Fixed issue 357 Clarifed JavaDoc for client API the response must be closed to ensure that underlying resources are correctly released.

release 1.1.2-ea (2009-08-25)

  • Fixed issue 355 URI conneg works for the case of when a suffix say "nt" is present in the path and is not preceded by a '.', for example "/ URI conneg is now a container request filter, see: com.sun.jersey.api.container.filter.UriConnegFilter Developers may extend this filters and register it rather than utilizing the ResourceConfig.getMediaTypeMappings and ResourceConfig.getLanguageMappings.
  • Fixed issue 354 Runtime exceptions thrown from Singleton or Stateless Session Beans, such as WebApplicationException, will be mapped appropraitely.
  • Fixed issue 353 Form reading/writing will use the charset declared in the charset parameter of the media type if present, otherwise the UTF-8 charset will be utilized, to decode/encode characters.
  • Fixed issue 250 Updated the JavaDoc of HttpContext.getProperties and ContainerResponse.getProperties to state:
    • Care should be taken not to clear the properties or remove properties
    • that are unkown otherwise unspecified behaviour may result.
  • Fixed issue 343 The ResourceConfig property PROPERTY_DEFAULT_RESOURCE_COMPONENT_PROVIDER_FACTORY_CLASS additional supports a Java type that is a String whose value is a Class name.
  • Fixed issue 332 If an Content-Type header is recieved with an empty value a 400 response is returned.
  • Fixed issue 350 Errors when processing a parameter, annotated with an @*Param annotation, will result in an instance of ParamException (that extends WebApplicaton) being thrown concrete instance of which reflect the particular parameter involved. See com.sun.jersey.api.ParamException and inheriting classes for more details.
  • Fixed issue 338 Ensure correct array element separator (',') is used also in case an array is recognized based on configuration option.
  • Fixed issue 242 Client and server logging now uses a JDK logger to log requests and responses.
  • Code to copy a from an input stream or reader to an output stream or writer has been consolidated. In addition functions that require the use of byte or character arrays will use a default size for the array but this can be overridden if required (for performance reasons). See: com.sun.jersey.core.util.ReaderWriter
  • Cleaned up the throwing of exceptions by message body readers and writers. If a known checked, or documented runtime, exception is thrown when reading then a WebApplcationException is thrown with the cause. If the exception is related to reading then a 400 (Client error) status code is set, otherwise a 500 (Internal server error) status code is set. If a known checked, or documented runtime, exception is thrown when writing then a WebApplcationException is thrown with the cause and a 500 (Internal server error) status code is set.
  • Fixed issue when a Content-Type request header is absent and resource methods consume (explicitly or by default) "/". When a Content-Type request header is absent resource methods that consume "/" take priority over other reosurce methods that consume other media types. Thus "/" means consuming any media type or no media type. See also com.sun.jersey.core.provider.EntityHolder to safely consume a request entity if present, otherwise declare that such an entity is not present.
  • Support for explcitly adding a root resource class or root resource singleton by programatically declaring the root path, rather than using the @Path annotation. See ResourceConfig.getExplicitRootResources for more details.
  • Support the throwing of WebApplicationException from within a singleton or stateless session bean method. This will only work with GF v3 build 58 or greater.
  • Fixed issue 302 Allow a relative template name to be resolved to an absolute template name that is a flat name if the template cannot be resolved the path-based rule. The flat name is fully qualified class name plus a "." plus the template name. For example, given the resolving class and the template name index the absolute name will be "".
  • Fixed issue 161 The Jersey client can now be used completely independently of the Jersey server side when errors are produces by certain message body readers and writers. Response and Response.ResponseBuilder are now implemented such that they can be used on the client side (without having to include jersey server dependencies). This is important for some message body readers and writers that may throw WebApplicationException, which in turn defers to Response for building a response.
  • Fixed issue 337 The LW HTTP container logs an IOException (passed from Jersey) and attempts to set the status code to 500. If the statuss and headers are already committed it is not possible to set the status code and the response will be terminated prematurely.
  • Fixed issue 276 Ensure that localized messages are correctly resolved in Web containers.
  • Ensure that ContainerResponseWriter.finish is called consistently, for example when no response entity is present.
  • Cleaned up declaration of checked exceptions from the abstract message body reader/writer classes for JAXB and removed the declaration of IOException.
  • Fixed issue 334 UriBuilder.segment and UriBuilder.matrixParam should percent encode ';' characters.
  • Adding logging when Jersey cannot map an exception to a Response using registered ExceptionMapper and the exception gets re-thrown to the HTTP container.
  • Fixed issue 280 For the "natural" JSON convention, the humanReadableFormatting option now could be set, so that the output JSON contains new-line characters and indentation, which makes is easy to read for humans
  • Upgraded Jackson library to the version 1.1.1, so that people relying on Jackson JAX-RS entity provider does not need to depend on two versions of the very same library at their applications
  • Fixed issue, working around a JDK bug in the method URL.toURI() when package scanning classes that are present in a directory path location containing space characters, for example "Documents and Services".
  • Fixed issue 331 Add support for de/serializing instances of org.w3c.dom.Document.
  • Fixed issue 326 Work around bug 5087240 in the JDK:
  • Fixed issue 330 ContainerRequest and ContainerResponse by may now be adapted from within filters by extending AdaptingContainerRequest and AdaptingContainerResponse respectively. The adapter CachedEntityContainerRequest is available for when a request entity instance consumed by a filter needs to be cached.
  • The oauth modules at the maven repository have moved from jersey/oauth to jersey/contribs/jersey-oauth/.

release 1.1.1-ea (2009-07-13)

  • Fixed issue 322 A proxied IoC provider should not be invoked if the component to be proxied cannot be instantiated.

  • Fixed issue 323 By default entity processing is disabled when XML parsing, on the client and server side, for JAXB types, SAXSource and DOMSource. This prevents Xml eXternal Entity (XXE) attacks. Security defaults for XML processing may be disabled by setting the feature FeaturesAndProperties.FEATURE_DISABLE_XML_SECURITY to true.

  • Fixed issue 310 Single element array in mapped JSON notation is incorrect

  • Fixed issue 305 JSON Natural Notation can not correctly marshall unbounded "any" wildcard

  • Fixed issue 294 Empty JSON elements break deserialization

  • Fixed issue 272 JSONUnmarshaller cannot unmarshal nested array element

  • Fixed issue 113 Namespace support for mapped and natural JSON notations For the MAPPED convention, you would need to explicitly configure mapping of any possible namespaces URIs to JSON prefixes, using the xml2JsonNs method on the JSONConfiguration builder. No such configuration is needed for the NATURAL convention, as it leverages information provided by JAXB implementation. JAXB version 2.1.12 and better is needed.

  • Fixed issue 299 Suppport disabling of WADL. Set the following feature on ResourceConfig to true: ResourceConfig.FEATURE_DISABLE_WADL or add the following initialiation parameter to the Jersey servlet or filter: com.sun.jersey.config.feature.DisableWADL true

  • Fixed issue 319 Ensure that no double encoding of query or matrix components when building from a URI that contains a query or matrix component some parameters of which are replaced, for example: String uri = "http://localhost/query?limit=10&sql=select+*+from+users"; URI u = UriBuilder.fromUri(uri).replaceQueryParam("limit", 100).build();

  • Fixed issue 288 ContextResolver instances injected or obtained from Providers.getContextResolver now correctly aggregate registered ContextResolver implementations according to the specivity of the media type. If you have, say, three ContextResolver implementations:

    @Provider @Produces("application/foo") public class TypeResolver implements ContextResolver { ...}

    @Provider @Produces("application/*") public class SubTypeResolver implements ContextResolver { ...}

    @Provider @Produces("/") public class WildCardResolver implements ContextResolver { ...}

    The a call Providers.getContextResolver(...), such as follows:

    MediaType m = MediaType.valueOf("application/foo"); Object someType = ... Providers p = ... ContextResolver cr = p.getContextResolver( MyContext.class, m); if (cr != null) { MyContext c = cr.get(someType); }

    will result in a ContextResolver implementation that is an aggregate of TypeResolver, SubTypeResolver, WildCardResolver, where each is checked in order according to the specificity of the produces media types.

  • Fixed issue 282 The file META-INF/services/jersey-server-components may be present and contain root resource and provider class names for classes that should be loaded and deployed. If a class cannot be loaded then a deployment error will occur. The file META-INF/services/jersey-client-components may be present and contain provider clases for classes that should be loaded and work with the client API. If a class cannot be loaded then an error will occur.

  • Fixed issue 279 Updated the dependencies document to include the dependencies required when list List or Collection where T is a JAXB bean. A StaX implementation is required, such as Woodstox.

  • Fixed issue 314 Support MessageBodyReader/Writer implementations have declarations as follows: @Provider public class MyWriter implements MessageBodyWriter { ... } namely the type variable T is never resolved and will be resolved to Object when instantiated.

  • Fixed issue 297 If a servlet URL mapping is something like "/foo/*" and the request URL path is "/foo" then Jersey will consume the request as if the path was "/foo/", unless the redirect feature is enabled (see features of ResourceConfig), which if the case, then Jersey will return a temporary redirect response to the URL with the path "/foo/".

  • Fixed issue 295 Inheritence of Spring annotated classes, using @Component, that are also resource classes is now supported, for example: @Path("a") @Component public static class A { @GET public String get() { return "a"; } }

    @Path("b") @Component public static class B extends A { @GET @Override public String get() { return "b"; } }

  • Fixed issue 285 A spring configuration file may be declared as a child context in the servlet initialization parameters for the case where multiple Spring-based servlets are deployed, with different spring-based resource classes, from within the same Web application.

  • Fixed issue 306 The support JSONObject and JSONArray should only work for JSON related media types, namely "application/json" and "application/+json".

  • Fixed issue 154 The com.sun.jersey.core.provider.EntityHolder type may be utilized as a "meta-entity" to determine whether a request consumed by the server, or a response consumed by the client, contains the entity or contains no entity, for example: @POST @Consumes("text/plain") public void post(EntityHolder s) { if (s.hasEntity()) { MyJAXBObject entity = s.getEntity(); } else { ... } }

  • Fixed issue 298 A race condition was resolved when return List where T is a JAXB object.

  • Fixed issue 286 Classes that extend ContextResolver may declare a type variable declaration that is resolved to a class or parameterized type by an extending class.

  • Fixed issue 291 If the @DefaultValue annotation is not present and no parameter is present an empty collection will be returned for the types List, Set or SortedSet.

  • Added Jersey EJB sample

  • Fixed issue 292 The file based configuration of custom WadlGenerator implementations via the WadlGeneratorConfig is now deprecated and will be removed in future versions. As alternative the InputStream based configuration shall be used.

release 1.1.0-ea (2009-05-04)

  • Fixed issue 283 Removed race condition that may occur when concurrently creating the meta-data for a resource class.

  • Added security sample - https service with http basic authentication on GlassFish 2.x

  • Fixed issue 278 com.sun.jersey.api.client.filter.HTTPBasicAuthFilter was not correctly using "=" for padding characters when base 64 encoding the basic string derived from the user name and password.

  • Fixed issue 151 Added the following to ClientResponse:

    • enum Status, containing all known HTTP status codes
    • ClientResponse.getClientResponseStatus() that returns an instance of Status
  • When using the Apache HTTP client the request output stream was not closed. This causes issues with using say the GZIP content encoding filter that requires the closing (or finishing) of the GZIP output stream

  • Support a base path from which root resource classes are matchd when using the Grizzly adapter. The base path may be set as follows:

    ResourceConfig rc = ... Adapter a = ContainerFactory.createContainer(Adapter.class, rc); (GrizzlyAdapter)adapter).setResourcesContextPath("/basePath");

    By default the base path is "/".

  • Integrated JSR 311 API 1.1

    • Require support for static fromString method in addition to existing valueOf method for types used as parameters in resource methods. For backwards compatibility, where both methods exist, valueOf will take precedence except for Enums where the precedence is reversed since every enum defines an implicit valueOf method that cannot be overridden.

    • Support Request.evaluatePreconditions() which is to be called when a resource does not exist. If the "If-Match" header is present with one or more entities, or is "*" then a 412 response will be returned otherwise null will be returned. This is primarily of use for implementations of PUT.

    • Unify the value of @Consumes and @Produces as follows:

       * A list of media types. Each entry may specify a single type or consist
       * of a comma separated list of types. E.g. {"image/jpeg,image/gif",
       * "image/png"}. Use of the comma-separated form allows definition of a
       * common string constant for use on multiple targets.
      String[] value() default "*/*";
    • Add a secondary key to the sort order used when looking for compatible MessageBodyWriters such that writers whose declared generic type is closer in terms of inheritance are sorted earlier than those whose declared generic type is further.

release 1.0.3 (2009-04-15)

  • Fixed issue 163 Guice integration is supported with the jersey-guice module.
  • Fixed issue 245 When the Apache Adbera Java types are utilized with the jersey-atom-abdera module and the client API it is ensured that parsing of the types is completed before the type is returned to the user (because the input stream is closed before the type is returned to the user it is necessary to the complete parsing before the input stream is closed).
  • Fixed issues 257 & 259 added null value checks to UriBuilder.replaceQueryParam and UriTemplate.createURIComponent (used when building uri from a map)
  • Resource filters can be utilized with implicit views. Annotations on the class will be utilized as annotations of the AbtractMethod, specifically the concrete class com.sun.jersey.api.model.AbstractImplicitViewMethod.
  • Ensure that when @ImplicitProduces is utilized that the most acceptable media type is set as the content type when an implicit view is returned.
  • Fixed issue 254 Some implementations of javax.naming.InitialContext return null while others throw a NamingException, if threre is no Object associated with a name when looking up an object.
  • Fixed issue 251 The set of methods on the Allow header is accessible using ClientResponse.getAllow.
  • Fixed issue 230 No-interface view session beans deployed in the war may also be resource and provided classes. Injection of Jersey/JAX-RS artifacts on to fields and setters will work correctly.
  • Fixed issue 239 @Path("/") annotated resource methods are equivalent to if the @Path is not present.
  • Support for EJB 3.1 no-interface view beans as resource or provider class instances deployed into the war. This requires Glassfish V3 build 43, from the 30th of March, or greater.
  • Fixed issue 246 Imran M Yousuf contributed support for file attachments for the jersey-multipart module. See the class com.sun.jersey.multipart.file.FileDataBodyPart
  • Fixed issue 225 Niall Gallagher contributed support for the Simple HTTP server integration with Jersey. See the JavaDoc for the following in the jersey-simple-server module: com.sun.jersey.simple.container.SimpleServerFactory
  • Fixed issue 122 When the ServletContainer is used as a filter then the init-param property "" may used to declare a regex to match against the request path. If the path matches then the requets is forwarded to the next filter (if any) in the filter chain and Jersey will not process the request. For example if you set the value to "/(image|css)/.*" then you can serve up images and CSS files for your Implicit or Explicit Views while still processing your JAX-RS resources.
  • Added the annotation com.sun.jersey.multipart.FormDataParam for processing parameters that are named body parts of "multipart/form-data" messages. This functionality replaces the overloaded use of @FormParam, and such functionaity for processing "multipart/form-data" will be deprecated.
  • Fixed issue 236 Multiple named body parts of a "multipart/form-data" message can be accessed as follows: @Path("form-data") @Consumes(MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA) @POST public void uploadUrlFormData( @FormDataParam("file") List parts) { for (FormDataBodyPart part : parts) { FormDataContentDisposition disp = part. getFormDataContentDisposition(); InputStream in = part.getValueAs(InputStream.class); ... } }
  • Fixed issue 238 The MIME multipart processing performed by the jersey-multipart module now utilizes the MIMEPull API, instance of the JavaMail API. MIMEPull enables streaming and caching, to disk, of body parts and does not require that a MIME multipart message be loaded completely into memory.
  • Fixed issue 86 The use of @FormParam with "multipart/form-data" will be deprecated and instead @FormDataParam, from the jersey-multipart module must be used. The behaviour of @FormDataParam is documented in the JavaDoc.
  • Fixed issue 241 IntrospectionModeller contains logic that should be in the validator
  • Fixed issue 243 Return null from a sub-resource locator results in a 404 response.
  • Fixed issue 222 The Spring integration now correctly supports configurations with hierarchical application contexts.
  • Fixed issue 39 Listening to and getting feedback from the client making requests and receiving responses is now possible using the filter: com.sun.jersey.api.client.filter.ConnectionListenerFilter Such a filter can be utilized to obtain progress for the sending and recieving of large documents.
  • Fixed issue 181 NotFoundException construction now includes an optional URI that was not found. Jersey will pass in the URI if it throws NotFoundException because the request URI could not be matched to a resource class.
  • Fixed issue 198 UriBuilder.uri works correctly replacing scheme specific parts.
  • Fixed issue 240 Fixed issue with LW HTTP server container not using the correct host and port for the base and request URIs. It is necessary to use the host and port declared in the Host HTTP header.
  • Support for IoC integration where by the IoC framework manages components and supports third-party injection onto components by listening on post construction of a component. See: com.sun.jersey.core.spi.component.ioc.{ IoCFullyManagedComponentProvider, IoCComponentProcessorFactory, IoCComponentProcessorFactoryInitializer }
  • Fixed issue where charset of the media type was not being used when unmarshalling a list of JAXB objects serialized as a JSON document.
  • Fixed issue 233 The Jersey JSON parser now correctly supports lowercase unicode escape sequences.
  • Fixed issue 221 When resolving an absolute template name to a fully qualified template name that has a template processor associated with it, then the class hiararchy is trasversed such that if the absolute template name cannot be resolved from a declared resolving class, then resolution is attempted with the super class etc. until the Object class is reached, which if so means that resolution failed. This means views work correctly with cglib proxied resource classes.
  • Fixed issue 226 Viewable instances with absolute template names may be set as the response entity no matching resource available. Thus filters and exception mappers can use the model/view/control mechanism. In addition it is possible to declare the resolving class explicitly on a Viewable if required.
  • Fixed issue 228 Precondition support is now working correctly for If-None-Match and in combination with If-Unmodified-Since for GET, HEAD and other HTTP methods. In addition entity tag matching works correctly if there is more than one entity tag to be matched in a If-Match and If-None-Match header, and entity tag matching works correctly using the weak and strong comparison functions as required.
  • Fixed issue 224 When a UniformInterfaceException is thrown by Async/WebResource then the response entity is buffered by default and resources are cleaned up. This ensures that the developer does not have to managed the cleaning up of resources. This behaviour may be overridden by setting the property ClientConfig.PROPERTY_BUFFER_RESPONSE_ENTITY_ON_EXCEPTION to false. If no buffering is configured then the devloper must explicitly close the ClientResponse instance obtained from the UniformInterfaceException.
  • Added plugable Java type support for @*Param annotations. The provider interface, com.sun.jersey.spi.StringReaderProvider, may be implemented and registered as a provider. Parameter processing will defer to such providers for obtaining a StringReader capable of converting a String to an instance of the parameter annotated Java type. JAXB annotated classes and java.util.Date (using the standard HTTP date formats are supported.
  • Fixed issue 213 and 214 UriBuilder values check - hostname, port and queryParam values
  • Fixed issue with servlet or filter initialization parameters not being copied to the ResourceConfig for Web applications that define and declare their own ResourceConfig implementation.
  • Fixed two issues with the Apache HTTP client integration:
    1. Requests are repeatable by default and requests are buffered. Setting the property ClientConfig.PROPERTY_CHUNKED_ENCODING_SIZE to a value > 0 will turn off buffering.
    2. Connections are correctly released when a response entity is present but the client does not consume the entity. It is important if ClientResponse is used without reading an entity (when one is present) or entities are processed that are instances of Closeable that the response or stream is closed respectively after processing the response.
  • The project version and build number are now correctly included in the jersey-bundle.jar and thus those values now appear correctly in generated WADL documents.
  • Fixed issue 219 Refactored com.sun.jersey.spi.container.servlet.ServletContainer to inherit from HttpServlet.
  • Fixed issue 217 SpringServlet was failing when used as a filter.
  • Fixed issue 209 UriBuilder.buildFromEncoded(Object...) throws IllegalArgumentException if a template does not have an associated value declared in the object array.
  • Fixed issue 216 If a URI template contains two or more declarations of a template variable then encoded value for the template variable is used for all declarations. Previously the encoded value was only used for the first declaration and the non-encoded value for subsequent declarations. Previously the
  • Fixed issue 208 When ServletContainer is used as a servlet filter the initialization property "" can be used to declare a regular expression. If that expression matches the servlet path then the request is forwarded to the next filter in the filter chain otherwise the ServletContainer processes the request. See: com.sun.jersey.spi.container.servlet.ServletContainer#PROPERTY_WEB_PAGE_CONTENT_REGEX The bookstore sample has been modified to use this feature.
  • Fixed problems with constructor injection for InjectableProvider providers. Application-defined injectable providers may now use the constructor for injection system-defined providers.
  • Fixed issue where field injection occurs after a @PostConstruct method is invoked. Field injection is now performed after a component is instantiated and before the @PostConstruct method (if present) is invoked.
  • Fixed issue 207 The loading of resources uses the Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() and loads resources using loader.getResourceAsStream().

release 1.0.2 (2009-02-11)

  • JSON specific configuration options moved to a new JSONConfiguration class See JavaDoc for: com.sun.jersey.api.json.JSONConfiguration
  • Added new NATURAL JSON notation Requires JAXB-RI impl 2.1.10 When the new notation is used, users do not need any more to take care about configurating proper serialization of arrays, numbers and booleans in JSON
  • Fixed issue 180 Support JSON with Padding. See JavaDoc for: com.sun.jersey.api.json.JSONWithPadding
  • Support the setting of a implementation on com.sun.jersey.spi.container.ContainerRequest. This allows implementations, such as a request filter, to override the supply authorization logic in combination with the @RolesAllowed annotation and the com.sun.jersey.api.container.filter.RolesAllowedResourceFilterFactory.
  • Fixed issue 160 Added support for setting HTTPS properties (HostnameVerifier and SSLContext) when the Jersey Client with HttpsURLConnection. See JavaDoc of: com.sun.jersey.client.urlconnection.HTTPSProperties
  • Added support when using the Jersey client for a factory to create HttpURLConnection or HttpsURLConnection. See JavaDoc of: com.sun.jersey.client.urlconnection.URLConnectionClientHandler com.sun.jersey.client.urlconnection.HttpURLConnectionFactory
  • Fixed issue 80 The class and package registration mechanisms for root resource classes and providers works correctly on the JBoss 5.x app server.
  • The ResourceDoclet (generating a resourcedoc file for extended WADL) moved from the maven-wadl-plugin to the wadl-resourcedoc-doclet module. If you're using extended wadl you need to change the docletArtifact/artifactId of the maven-javadoc-plugin configuration from maven-wadl-plugin to wadl-resourcedoc-doclet.
  • Include Jersey Client API with Apache HTTP client. Refer to the module: com.sun.jersey.contribs jersey-apache-client
  • Fixed issue 177 The method Client.getProviders() can be used to get the Providers instance utilized by the client.
  • Fixed issue 183 Query parameters may be built for a WebResource as follows: r.queryParam("a", "foo").queryParam("b", "bar").get(String.class)
  • Fixed issue 196 Removal of filters, using Filterable.removeFilter, no longer causes an exception.
  • Fixed issue 196 Conversion of an Object that is a header value will use the Object.toString() method if a header delegate cannot be found. For example, return Response.noContent(). header("X-INTEGER", 1). build(); will build a 204 response with a header "X-INTEGER: 1".
  • jersey-archive module added to provide archive files that include the set of Jersey jars and JavaDoc. See:
  • Fixed issue 191 ResourceConfig.isProviderClass and ResourceConfig.isRootResourceClass return false if the class parameter is null. This fixes an issue with the SpringComponentProviderFactory throwing an NPE for abstract Spring beans.
  • Added support for a RenderedImage provider for consuming and producing images. For producing images the Java type must be assignable to RenderedImage. Any media type that is compatible with "image/" is supported, but the actual image formats supported is restricted to the image readers registered with the Java imaging API. When consuming images the Java type RenderedImage or BufferedImage may be used. The media types supported for consuming are "image/" and "application/octet-stream". For the former the actual image formats supported is restricted to the image writers registered with the Java imaging API. For the latter the Java image API will determine the appropriate image format (if supported) from the contents of the entity body.
  • Fixed issue 188 Servlet consumes the request of the type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" when HttpServletRequest.getParamter(...) and related methods are called. Jersey constructs a Form instance from the request parameters such that resource methods that utilize @FormParam will work as expected.
  • Fixed issue 164 Added ClientResponse.getResponseDate() to obtain the value of "Date" header.
  • Fixed issue 184 Implemented URLConnectionClientHandler.URLConnectionResponse.toString() to return the HTTP method, request URL and status code.
  • Fixed issue 134 Added support for resource specific filters and support for @RolesAllowed See JavaDoc for the package: com.sun.jersey.api.container.filter
  • Fixed issue when building a URI with templates and fragment: the fragment component was being ignored and the path component was used instead as the fragment component.
  • Fixed issue 182 The message of UniformInterfaceException is set to ClientResponse.toString() if no message is explicitly given. ClientResponse.toString() returns a String with the status code of the response.
  • Fixed issue 150 If no media type is declared with a client request of the Client API then an appropriate media type is derived from the Java type and the message body writers that support that Java type.
  • Refactored Client API implementations for HttpURLConnection and the in-memory to leverage inherited classes for writing and reading HTTP requests and responses. This makes it easier for other HTTP protocol implementations to plugin and use the client API.
  • Fixed issue 167 A UniformInterfaceException will be thrown if the client requests an entity and the response status is 204.
  • Fixed issue 170 Encoding of ' ' in query parameters now round trips correctly. String encoded = UriComponent.encode(" ", Type.QUERY); assert(encoded.equals("%20")); String decoded = UriComponent.decode(encoded, Type.QUERY); assert(decoded.equals(" ")); The encoding of ' ' to '+' now only occurs for Type.QUERY_PARAM. String encoded = UriComponent.encode(" ", Type.QUERY_PARAM); assert(encoded.equals("+"));
  • Fixed issue 168 Deprecated WebResource.getBuilder and renamed to WebResource.getUriBuilder(). Added method WebResource.getRequestBuilder.
  • Fixed issue 165 Clarified JavaDoc for ClientResponse.getProperties and ClientResponse.getMetadata()
  • Fixed issues 153, 178 Use consistent class loading strategy conforming to best practice for EE and OSGi friendly.
  • Fixed issue 176 @MatrixParam not carried over for inherited annotations.
  • Fixed issue 148 Inccorect @Path matching for sub-resource methods sharing common path structures.
  • Support arrays of JAXB XML element and XML type for request and response entities on the client and server.
  • Update to Grizzly
  • Fixed issue with runtime exceptions not being mapped when thrown from a request filter.

release 1.0.1 (2008-11/12)

  • The group id for the contribution modules, jersey-multipart, jersey-spring and maven-wadl-plugin Maven Mojo (maven-plugin) has changed to: com.sun.jersey.contribs
  • Support the building a WebResource with query parameters, for example: WebResource r = Client.create().resource(...); MultivaluedMap<String, String> qps = new MultivaluedMapImpl(); qps.add("a", "foo"); qps.add("b", "bar"); String s = r.queryParams(qps).get(String.class);
  • For JAXB-related types the set of supported media types are "application/xml" "text/xml", "/+xml", "application/json", "/+json". Previously for JAXB-related types the set of media types for XML was unrestricted which limited the set of possible user-declared media types for JSON to just "application/json".
  • Fixed issue 146 was implemented as specified for UriBuilder.buildFromEncoded and vice versa, this has been corrected. The '&' character for the template value of a template parameter that is part of a query parameter is now percent-encoded.
  • Fixed issue 127 WADL generation using incorrect class loader that fails when in an OSGi environment.
  • Fixed issue for null Pathsegment that occurred for a sub-resource locator as follows: @Path("{id}") public SubResource(@PathParam("id") PathSegment id)
  • Fixed issue for a resource method that has the following annotations @POST @Consumes({"multipart/form-data", MediaType.APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED}) and uses @FormParam and receives content of the latter declared consuming media type for which some @FormParam parameters do not exist in the request.
  • Fixed issue 147 The base path in the Web Pages for JSP templates associated with viewables of resource classes is configurable. The base path may be declared as the value of the servlet init-param: ""
  • Refactored WADL generation classes to be placed in base package: com.sun.jersey.server.wadl. Previously WADL generation classes were in the base package com.sun.jersey.impl.wadl.
  • Fixed issue 144 Async/WebResource.toString returns a String instance of the URI of the Web resource.
  • Fixed issue 123 Reduce the dependencies of the spring module to those which are required.
  • Fixed issue 133 Replaced e.printStackTrace() with logging.
  • Fixed issue 131 The use of javax.activation.DataSource no longer depends on the JavaMail jar.
  • Fixed issue 143 Improve error message when @Path value syntax is incorrect and is most likely because a path parameter is not terminated with a '}'.
  • Enable the injection of of FormDataContentDispostion when using @FormParam in conjuction with "multipart/form-data". This enables access to parameters on the "form-data" content disposition header such as the value of the "filename" parameter.
  • The following classes have been modified to include the creation of a container with an instance of an IoCContainerProviderFactory:
    • com.sun.jersey.api.container.ContainerFactory
    • com.sun.jersey.api.container.httpserver.HttpServerFactory
    • com.sun.jersey.api.container.grizzly.GrizzlyServerFactory A com.sun.jersey.spi.container.ContainerProvider implementaton should not initiate the web application, otherwise the IoCContainerProviderFactory instance cannot be set.
  • The following classes in jersey-core have moved:
    • The following classes in package "com.sun.jersey.api" have moved to the package "com.sun.jersey.core.header": InBoundHeaders, MediaTypes and OutBoundHeaders.
    • The following classe in package "com.sun.jersey.api" have moved to the package "com.sun.jersey.core.util": MultivaluedMapImpl.
  • The Spring servlet automatically registers Spring-based classes (declared via the XML configuration or autowiring) and no configuration via the web.xml servlet initialization parameters is required unless non-Spring managed classes also need to be registered.
  • Fixed issue 141 A request filter can modify the request URI.
  • Fixed issue 88 @PostConstruct and @PreDestroy are supported on resource and provider classes.
  • Fixed issue 136 Improved error messages when building a URI from classes/methods that are not annotated with @Path.
  • Fixed issue 140 The full functionality of the client API can be used independently of the server side and requires no dependency on server-based artificats.
  • Fixed and improved support for the selection of the most acceptable media type used for the content type when the application declares @Produces on a class or a resource method.
  • Fix for issue 138 When the application does not declare a media type as the content type of a response then the type is selected from the acceptable headers given the list of message body writers, what they produce and an acceptable media type is writable.
  • Fix for issue 139 The media types in the accept header are ordered using the quality parameter as the primiary key and the media specifity (x/y < x/* < /) as the secondary key).
  • When using JSP-based views the response status and meta-data is now committed to the HttpServletResponse before the JSP is processed.
  • Fix for issue 137 MessageBodyFactory should pass the full MediaType
  • Improved valdation error when a sub-resource locator has a unannotated parameter this is likely, instead, to be associated with an request entity of a resource method.
  • Fixed issue 130 Building from an @Path value that contains a template with a regex now build the URI without error.
  • Fixed reloading of servlet container. The configuration of the web application occurs only at servlet initiation and not when a reload occurs.
  • Included simple Groovy example.
  • Fixed issue 128 An method parameter that is a request entity is a parameter that is:
    1. not annotated with any annotations; or
    2. annotated with one or more annotations all of which are recognized by the Jersey runtime.
  • Fixed issue 117 A JAXB unmarshalling error from the JAXB related providers will result in a 400 response.
  • Fixed issue 126 Registered ExceptionMapper's will only map exceptions thrown by the application and not by the Jersey runtime (which is an error, either in the runtime itself or in the configuration of the application).
  • Fixed issue 124 The method HttpRequestContext.getFormParameters can be used by a filter to obtain the form parameters.

release 1.0 (2008-10-13)

  • The response filter chain will now get invoked if an exception is thrown from a request filter or a resource class and is mapped to a response. If an exception is thrown from a response filter then the response filter chain is terminated and the exception is mapped to a response.
  • Fixed issue 119 Locale instances not correctly created from HTTP language-based headers.
  • Fixed issue with bridge methods being included in the analysis of resource classes.
  • When implicit views are enabled allow deferral to implicit GET when non of the explicit GETs match. Previously if there were any explicit GETs non-matching or otherwise no deferral occurred.
  • Fixed issue 115. UriBulder.buildFromEncoded does not work correctly for query parameters that contain '+' characters.
  • Fixed issue 114. When URI building with template parameters and no explicit port is declared then -1 occurs as the port component in the built URI.
  • Support for EJB stateless session beans as resource classes. A local or remote interface may be annotated with JAX-RS annotations, for example the interface may be annotated with @Path to make the session bean a root resource class. When an application is deployed Jersey will attempt to look up any registeted root resource classes that are interfaces using JNDI where the fully qualified class name is the JNDI name. If an instance is found then the class is removed from registered set of classes and the instance is added to the registered set of singletons.
  • Fixed issue 112 JSON now works with JAXB annotated @XmlRootElement beans where the XML element name is declared by the annotation value.
  • Improved JavaDoc of Jersey API.
  • Support for JAXB with FastInfoset using the media type "application/fastinfoset".
  • Content-Encoding using GZIP filters, see: com.sun.jersey.api.client.filter.GZIPContentEncodingFilter com.sun.jersey.api.container.filter.GZIPContentEncodingFilter
  • Fixed issue 33 Improve the scope of resource class validation and warnings.
  • Fixed issue 109 The LW HTTP server uses the Executors.newCachedThreadPool() as the default executor.
  • Fixed issue 18 Collections of JAXB beans are supported. See the jaxb sample.
  • Fixed issue 6 Client and server-side logging filters of requests and responses, see: com.sun.jersey.api.client.filter.LogggingFilter com.sun.jersey.api.container.filter.LoggingFilter
  • Client API supports the sending and recieving of Java types that contain generic information, see: com.sun.jersey.api.client.GenericType
  • Added new samples: sparklines and jaxb.
  • Fixed issue 111 com.sun.jersey.api.json.JSONJAXBContext cannot be created specifying a ClassLoader.
  • Fixed issue 110 "If none of the entity tags match, then the server MAY perform the requested method as if the If-None-Match header field did not exist, but MUST also ignore any If-Modified-Since header field(s) in the request. That is, if no entity tags match, then the server MUST NOT return a 304 (Not Modified) response."
  • Fixed issue 103 Use of Class.getPackage is unsafe.
  • Fixed issue 21 WADL can now include JavaDoc from source. See the samples: generate-wadl and extended-wadl-webapp
  • Fixed issue 106 Improved error message when an invalid media type is declared for the content type of an HTTP request when using the client API. The exception produced occurs closer to the source of the error.
  • Catch a java.lang.ClassFormatError when loading providers. This can occur if a 'stubbed' jar is in the class path that contains classes with no implementation.
  • Integrated JSR 311 API 0.11
    • Query/Matrix parameter names used as keys in returned MultivaluedMap<String, String> from UriInfo method calls are always in decoded form.
    • MessageBodyWriter.isWriterable/getSize and MessageBodyWriter.isReadable method signatures now have additional parameters contain the type, generic type, annotations and media type.

release 0.10-SNAPSHOT

  • Per-session life-cycle is supported for Servlet-based Web applications. See com.sun.jersey.spi.container.servlet.PerSession
  • Access to query parameters, path segments and matrix parameters is now possible from com.sun.jersey.api.core.HttpRequestContext
  • Fixed issue with resource methods utilizing @FormParam that could only contain @FormParam annotated method parameters. Now @FormParam annotated parameters may be intermixed with other annotated parameters.
  • Integrated JSR 311 API 0.10
    • renamed to
    • ApplicationConfig.getResourceClasses() and ApplicationConfig.getProviderClasses() merged into one method Application.getClasses()
    • Application.getSingletons() can be used to add singleton provider instances or root resource class instances.
    • URI templates declared in @Path now support general regular expressions. A regular expression may be declared by declaring the template variable followed by a ':' followed by the regular expression. For example, the URI template "{n: .+}" declares there to be one template variable 'n' whose regular expression is ".+". In the absense of a declared regular expression the default expression "[^/]+?" applies. White space may occur between the '{' and the template variable name, between the template variable name and the ':', between the ':' and the regular expression, and finally between the regular expression and the '}'. Non-compliant characters for a URI path must be percent-encoded.
    • @Path "limited" and "encode" properties have been removed. The @Path(value="{a}", limited=false) is equivalent to @Path("{a: .*}") or @Path("{a: .+}")
    • has been removed. Instead contextual encoding is performed automatically. Any non-compliant character is percent-encoded but existing percent-encoded character (namely a '%' followed by two hexadecimal characters) is left unmodified (thus the '%' character is not percent-encoded itself).

release 0.9 (2008-08-22)

  • Fixed issue 93 always write JSON using a JSON library for examples
  • Fixed issue 50 Jersey version is included in the WADL as the first doc element.
  • Fixed issue 97 Methods on JAX-RS conforming annotated interfaces (if present) are used for invocation as opposed to the concrete methods on the concrete class. This allows for the possibility to proxy an instance using the interface.
  • SpringServlet no longer overrides Servlet.service, which previously caught all RuntimeException and did not re-throw them.
  • Fixed issue 96 @PathParam annotated parameters on sub-resource locators are correctly represented as template parameters in WADL
  • Fixed issue 87 A message body writer may modify the http headers before any bytes are written to the output stream.
  • JAXB un/marshalling will use any ContextResolver<Un/Marshaller> instances, if present, otherwise, if not present un/marshalling will use ContextResolver, if present. The @Produces scope will be taken into account.
  • Set the Content-Length, if known, in automatic response to a HEAD request that defers to the @GET annotated resource method.
  • Fixed issue where a message body reader is not correctly selected for a media type that contains parameters.
  • Server-side request filter for HTTP POST method replacing for proxies and servers that block methods other than GET/POST. See JavaDoc of: com.sun.jersey.api.container.filter.PostReplaceFilter
  • Support server side request/response filters See JavaDoc of: com.sun.jersey.spi.container.ContainerRequestFilter com.sun.jersey.spi.container.ContainerResponseFilter ResourceConfig.PROPERTY_CONTAINER_REQUEST_FILTERS ResourceConfig.PROPERTY_CONTAINER_RESPONSE_FILTERS
  • Select the constructor for a resource classe that has the most parameters that has the most instances are available for those parameters.
  • Support constructors with parameters on singleton resource classes.
  • Fixed issue 79 ';' separated package names and classpaths specified in the web.xml are trimmed.
  • Integrated JSR 311 API 0.9
    • Information in a returned Response is not modified and the media type (if set) will override that declared in @Produces.
    • Path parameters match 1 or more characters that are not '/' (previously it was zero or more of any character), unless the final parameter is unlimited, in which case it is the same as before.
    • Path parameter names are matching with the following regex: "{([\w[-\w.]*)}"
    • com.sun.jersey.api.representation.FormParam has been deleted. Use instead.
    • and have been renamed to and respectively.
    • Resource methods may return generic types, such as List, and an appropriate MessageBodyWriter, for that generic type may be selected.
      • When using Response.Builder an instance of may be set as the entity to preserve the generic type.
    • ContextResolver can be scoped per @Produces annotated on a implementation.
      • Scope ContextResolver instances are accessible via the interface.

release 0.8 (2008-06-20)

  • UriBuilder supports opaque URIs such as "mailto:p@c".

  • Support the reading of an entity delcared as the type Object using JAXB unmarshalling. It is required that there be a ContextResolver that supports a JAXBContext for the Object type.

  • The following properties can be set on the client: Read timeout, connection timeout, chunked encoding length and following redirections. See setter methods on com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientConfig and properties on com.sun.jersey.api.client.config.ClientConfig.

  • Simplified web.xml configuration when using package scanning for root resource classes. For package scanning the web.xml need only contain the following:

          <param-value>*list of ';' separated package names*</param-value>

    previously it was necessary to declare another referencing the the PackageResourceConfig class.

  • The container SPI is improved and simplified, see JavaDoc of: com.sun.jersey.spi.container.ContainerRequest com.sun.jersey.spi.container.InBoundHeaders com.sun.jersey.spi.container.ContainerResponse com.sun.jersey.spi.container.ContainerWriter

  • Removed Client.addInjectable, use the following instead: ClientConfig.getProviderInstances().add()

  • Removed WebApplication.addInjectable, use the following instead: ResourceConfig.getProviderInstances().add()

  • Instances of provider classes can be declared by the application by adding provider instances to the Set returned by the method: ResourceConfig.getProviderInstances()

  • Modified com.sun.jersey.spi.container.{AbstractContainerRequest, AbstractContainerResponse} to take WebApplication as an input parameter as opposed to previously taking MessageBodyContext.

  • Removed com.sun.jersey.spi.container.MessageBodyContext, this is replaced by

  • com.sun.jersey.api.uri.ExtendedUriInfo can be injected.

  • The annotation com.sun.jersey.api.representation.FormParam can be used to access form-based parameters using the same rules as other parameter-based annotatons. Form-based resource methods MUST contain only annotated method parameters and at least one parameter MUST be annotated with FormParam. This works for the two media types "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" and "multipart/form-data". For the latter this will only work if the a resource declares that it consumes "multipart/form-data" using @ConsumeMime. In this case message body readers will be used to obtain the instances of the @FormParam annotated parameters, as opposed to applying the rules for other @*Param annotated parameters.

  • Renamed com.sun.jersey.spi.service.Component.Scope enums from->to: WebApplication -> Singleton; and ApplicationDefined -> PerRequest

  • Unified injection interfaces so that they are independent of where injection occurs. See the package com.sun.jersey.spi.inject.

    • com.sun.jersey.spi.resource.Inject moved to com.sun.jersey.spi.inject.Inject
    • the com.sun.jersey.spi.inject.InjectableProvider behaves as a provider class and may be annotated with @Provider.
  • Simple asynchronous client API returning Future. Current implementation utilizes one thread per-request.

  • Moved to com.sun.jersey.api.json.JSONJAXBContext.

  • Removed JAX-WS container.

  • Set and SortedSet can be used in addition to List for the type of @*Param annotation parameters.

  • Packages "" renamed to "com.sun.jersey.api."

  • Packages "" renamed to "com.sun.jersey.spi."

  • The property/feature name space "" renamed to "com.sun.jersey.config".

  • The type javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement can be used for XML and JSON serialization.

  • Partially Integrated JSR 311 API 0.8

    • MediaType.parse renamed to MediaType.valueOf
    • NewCookie.parse renamed to NewCookie.valueOf
    • Cookie.parse renamed to Cookie.valueOf
    • CacheControl.parse renamed to CacheControl.valueOf
    • EntityTag.parse renamed to EntityTag.valueOf
    • UriInfo.getTemplateParameters renamed to UriInfo.getPathParameters
    • ApplicationConfig.getExtensibleMapping renamed to ApplicationConfig.getMediaTypeMappings
    • Method parameter order of MessageBodyReader.readFrom has changed to be consistent with the method parameter order of MessageBodyWriter.writerTo.
    • may be used to map a runtime or checked exception to a instance.

release 0.7 (2008-04-18)

  • The type javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement can be used for reading and writing JAXB types that a not XML root elements from and to XML. TODO:JSON serialization.
  • Renamed FormURLEncodedProperties to Form and changed the class to implement
  • Containers can be informed when they are required to reload, for example if new root resource classes have been added to removed, or class file definitions have changed while a VM is running. A instance may be registered by adding a property to the ResourceConfig with the property name "" and a property value that is the instance of the ContainerNotifier. The ContainerNotifier instance may then notifier registered listeners when reloading is required.
  • The class has a public load() method that can be invoked to dynamically reload the web web application if, for example, resource classes have been modified, added or removed.
  • The class can be used to adapt an instance of to an instance of
  • Client API request building supports the addition of cookies that are instances of Client API response supports obtaining the list of cookies returned by the server as instances of
  • Renamed HttpContextAccess to HttpContext. Changed getHttpRequestContext and getHttpResponseContext methods to getRequest and getResponse respectively.
  • UriRuleContext extends HttpContext. Removed UriRuleContext.getHttpContext() method.
  • UriInfo interface is removed from HttpRequestContext. UriInfo is now accessible from HttpContext.getUriInfo()
  • Fixed issue 44: Support dependency injection of proxied resources Added method ComponentProvider.getInjectableInstance
  • The AbstractContainerResponse.writeEntity methods are reduced to one method that takes no arguments. This is responsible for committing the status, headers and writing out the entity (if any), and returning a 406 (Not Acceptable) if a message body reader could not be found to serialize the entity for the required media type.
  • The AbstractContainerResponse.commitStatusAndHeaders was modified to take a parameter that is the known length in bytes of the entity to be written as the representation of a response.
  • Partially Integrated JSR 311 API 0.7
    • Use @Context to inject HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, ServletConfig and ServletContext instances on JAX-RS/Jersey-based components deployed in Servlet container.
    • values) changed to values).<String, String> values) changed to<String, Object> values). The Object instances must support the toString method.
    • Message body writer for
    • Message body reader/writer for
    • Message body reader/writer for javax.xml.transform.Source Only the following Java types are supported for reading:
      • javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXSource
      • javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource
    • Message body reader/writer MultivaluedMap<String, String> with the media type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded".
    • Injection of to get message body readers and writers. Note this is very similar to, which will be removed if/when MessageBodyWorkers supports the same functionality.
    • replaces (which has been removed).
    • is the abstract base class of ResourceConfig has changed from an interface to an abstract class.
    • Media type charset parameter is recognized for reading/writing Java types for text-based content. Default charset is UTF-8 if charset parameter is absent.
    • If a message body reader cannot be found return 415 (Unsupported Media Type)
    • if a message body writer cannot be found return 406 (Not Acceptable)
    • The list of ancestor resource classes and URI paths are available via UriInfo.getAncestorResources() and UriInfo.getAncestorResourceURIs() respectively. Such information can be used for "breadcrumb" support or aiding construction of URIs that are hyperlinks in representations.
    • Parameters can be annotated with @CookieParam for the type and types conforming to the standard rules.
    • RuntimeDelegate.getInstance().createEndpoint() can be used to create a container artifact. This is an alternative to the Jersey specific ContainerFactory.createContainer().
    • The web.xml may specify the class using the init-param name "" with a value that is the class name of a class that extends (directly or indirectly) ApplicationConfig. Note that the existing Jersey mechanism using ResourceConfig will take precendence if both ApplicationConfig and ResourceConfig classes names are declared as init-params.
    • Concrete methods implementing methods on interfaces or overriding methods on super classes (abstract or otherwise) may inherit JAX-RS annotations on such inheriting methods if and only if there are no JAX-RS annotations on the concrete method or it's parameters.
    • Generic types, such as List, can be processed by MessageBodyReaders.
    • may be used with @Path. The last most path segment containing the declared path parameter will be obtiained.

release 0.6.2 (2008-03-27)

release 0.6.1 (2008-03-18)

release 0.6 (2008-03-07)

  • Support for a Model View Controller abstraction and plugging in templates processors that process models that produce views. See classes in the package:
  • Consumable and configuration JSON support with JAXB
  • Grizzly support is upgraded to 1.7.2.
  • A sub-resource locator can now return a Class instance, that will be instantiated using a ComponentProvider, using the life-cycle rules for resource classes.
  • Removed support for using the GET to return WADL of resources, only the OPTIONS method is supported. The application.wadl is still obtained using GET.
  • Fixed issue 41: WebApplicationException(500) returning response code 2
  • The default values for the following resource configuration features are now false: URI normalization, URI path canonicalization and URI redirection. This means by default no automatic redirection will be performed.
  • The resource configuration feature FEATURE_IGNORE_MATRIX_PARAMS is renamed to FEATURE_MATCH_MATRIX_PARAMS and the default value is now false.
  • Fixed issue 35: Cryptic error message for invalid media type of response
  • When utilizing the ClasspathResourceConfig include files ending in .zip and treat them as jar files.
  • Fixed NPE for PackagesResourceConfig when scanning directories that contain characters such as space (that are percent-encoded in URLs).
  • Unified component instantation and injection. Included an SPI for plugging in IoC frameworks. Life-cycle of resource classes is now independent of the IoC framework. Many Jersey components may now particpate in an IoC 'session'.
  • MessageBodyReader and MessageBodyWriter implementations are searched for dynamically using the same class scanning techniques as for resource classes.
  • User-defined JAXB contexts may be specified using an implementation of ContextResolver that is annotated with @Provider.
  • Included Client API that focuses on the uniform interface, see classes in package:
  • Integrated JSR 311 API 0.6
    • replaced with
    • is removed. This is replaced with
    • renamed to
    • renamed to
    • renamed to
    • The charset parameter is removed from constructor and getters. The method to add one or more charsets has been removed from The charset parameter must be included as a "charset" parameter of the media type.
    • Response.ResponseBuilder.tag(String ) now assumes the String parameter value is the contents of a strong entity tag rather than the entity tag itself.
    • now takes an array of
    • now returns a type of Map<String, Cookie>, instead of a type List, where the key is the name of the cookie.
    • The return type of the methods has changed from to

release 0.5 (2008-01-18)

  • WADL ant task for generating a WADL document of the root resources present in a given classpath. See the class:
  • WADL is now generated at runtime (rather then compile time). WADL is generated as before for the application but in addition it is not possible to get WADL for a resource by the client sending a GET request that accepts "application/vnd.sun.wadl+xml", if the application does not override support for this media type or supports a more general type, or using the OPTIONS method.
  • Support injection of the ServletContext on a resource class when using the servlet container.
  • Updated Mandel example to use Scala 2.6.1.
  • Updated NetBeans project files of Jersey and the examples to version 6.0
  • Fixed bug for HTTP methods on a super class that have an entity parameter that is a (generic) type variable.
  • Fixed bug for injecting onto fields of a super class
  • Fixed issue 25: UriBuilder uri() not concatinating properly
  • Grizzly support is upgraded to 1.7.0.
  • Grizzly and the LW HTTP server now have easy ways to start a server deployed with root resource classes, see:
  • Fixed issue 1: Matching errors for sub-resource methods with equivalent URI template regexs but different template variables Different sub-resource locator and HTTP methods may have different URI templates that differ only by template variable name.
  • Removed the interface and resource class support for this interface.
  • Root resource classes, by default, are now found at runtime (rather than compile time) by efficiently scanning the Java class files of the java.class.path for SE-based deployments or the WEB-INF/lib and WEB-INF/classes for Servlet-based deployments. Alternatively it is optionally possibly to scan the Java classes files using a list of package names. See the JavaDoc of the following classes for more details:
  • JAXB XML and JSON support now split into separate implementations, and the former no longer requires the jars of the latter in the classpath.
  • Integrated JSR 311 API 0.5
    • EntityProvider is split into two separate interfaces MessageBodyReader and MessageBodyWriter
    • renamed to
    • has the following changes:
      • renamed method getBase to getBaseUri
      • renamed method getBaseBuilder to getBaseUriBuilder
      • renamed method getAbsolute to getAbsolutePath
      • renamed method getBuilder to getAbsolutePathBuilder
      • add methods getRequestUri and getRequestUriBuilder
    • Refactored @HttpMethod:
      • @HttpMethod is now a meta-annotation
      • Specific annotations @HEAD, @GET, @PUT, @DELETE and @POST replace @HttpMethod("<method") and @HttpMethod with the HTTP method derived from the Java method name.
    • has the following changes:
      • Changed from interface to abstract class
      • Static methods on Response.Builder moved to Response (and in some cases renamed).
      • Changed method "addMetaData(MultivaluedMap)" to "MultivaluedMap getMetaData()"
    • HTTP header related classes have the following changes:
      • Where appropriate such classes have a static parse method to create an instance from a String representation, for example MediaType m = MediaType.parse("text/plain") instead of a constructor.
      • All classes override toString for serialization
      • is changed to an immutable class
      • is changed to an immutable class

release 0.4 (2007-11-02)

  • Fixed issue 17: Matrix Parameter With URL Value Ends Up With 404 A specific JVM option parameter is required to be set when using Glassfish (see issue for details).
  • Added matrix and header param support to WADL
  • Fixed issue 19: java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException for LW HTTP container
  • Integrated JSR 311 API 0.4.
  • The runtime no longer logs the stack trace for a caught WebApplicationException with a status code < 500.
  • Fixed bug in File entity provider, the FileInput/OutputStream is wrapped around a BufferedInput/OutputStream.
  • Fixed bug in InputStream and DataStource entity providers, after the bytes read from the InputStream have been written the InputStream is closed.
  • Added new example, Mandel, for accessing Mandelbrots as a web service. The example is written in Scala and uses Scala actors.
  • Support the @Encoded on class, constructors, method and method parameters. Advanced developers may work in the encoded space of URI parameters, query parameters and matrix parameters by declaring this annotation on a class, method or method parameter.
  • Updated URI template ordering to conform to latest changes in JAX-RS: "Sort the set of matching resource classes using the number of characters in the regular expression not resulting from template variables as the primary key and the number of matching groups as a secondary key" This means that a URI template such as "/edit" will take precedence over a URI template such as /{id}, where as previously this was not the case.
  • Fixed issue 13: Create AbstractServletAdapter class that allows modification of its WebApplication The servlet implementation has been split into two. The servlet, may be used directly or extended for additional configuration requirements.

release 0.3 (2007-09-21)

  • ResourceConfig interface is modified to support a feature bag and property bag with documented standard features. DefaultResourceConfig is mutable implementation of ResourceConfig. The APT tool generates ResourceConfig classes that inherit from DefaultResourceConfig.
  • Created SPI container helper classes AbstractContainerRequest and AbstractContainerResponse. This makes it easier for developers to write and maintain their own containers. Previously it was necessary to implement the interfaces ContainerRequest and ContainerResponse or depend on the implementation specific classes HttpRequestContextImpl and HttpResponseContextImpl.
  • Fixed issue 8: apt tool silently overwrites existing web.xml by default The "noservlet" option used with the WebResourcesProcessorTask ant task has been removed so that by default Servlet is not assumed no overriding of a web.xml occurs. A new option "servlet" replaces the old option and is required to be set for the ant task (and apt tool) to generate a web.xml.
  • Fixed issue 2: URI path matching should operate on the encoded path
  • Integrated JSR 311 API 0.3. The class is implemented. This is the preferred way to create URIs. Method names on were modified, the string "URI" or "Uri" was removed. The methods take a MediaType as a paramater, which corresponds to the "Content-Type" HTTP header field.
  • Correctly support the writing of responses for the method signature: void (HttpRequestContext, HttpResponseContext) this includes the method signature for resources that implement the interface An entity may be directly written by the application by obtaining an OutputStream from the HttpResponseContext.getOutputStream() method.
  • New SPI* replaces* Supports addition of new resource providers that are responsible for creating resource class instances and managing their lifecycle. The provider for a particular resource class is set via the ResourceFactory meta-annotation, see for an example of its usage. Default lifecycle for resource class instances is per-request, the prior behaviour can be obtained by annotating a resource class with Resource class constructors with a per-request lifecycle can now have the same parameters as methods annotated with HttpMethod.

release 0.2.1 (2007-09-04)

  • Fixed issue 4: Unsed jars required to be included in the class path for use of certain entity providers
  • JsonFromJaxb example added to demonstrate using JSON representation of JAXB based resources
  • 'jersey-on-glassfish.xml' ant script added to distribution so that users can install jersey jars, docs and examples on GlassFish
  • Simpler getting started document included.
  • Fixed bug that caused matrix parameters to be decoded twice.
  • JAXB beans can be serialized as JSON or XML using one HTTP method with a @ProduceMime({"application/xml", "application/json"}).
  • For an HTTP method that produces more than one media type automatically select the appropriate media type according to what is acceptable. This enables a developer to implement one method for the returning of a JAXB bean that can be serialized as XML or JSON.
  • Rename the zip of the Jersey respository from 'jersey-src' to 'jersey-snapshot'.
  • Include zip of 311 src and Jersey src in the lib directory of the distribution to faciliate easier debugging.
  • Fixed bug in light weight HTTP server container that caused query parameters to be decoded twice and incorrectly extracted from the URI query string.
  • JSON entity providers added to support JSONArray and JSONObject entities from Jettison.

release 0.2 (2007-07-19)

  • include Allow header in a 405 (Method Not Allowed) response.
  • support by default OPTIONS request if OPTIONS is not implemented.
  • support by default HEAD request if HEAD is not implemented by calling GET and removing the entity.
  • fixed WADL generation mixing up produce/consume information when generating responses.
  • fixed WADL generation not correctly determining the HTTP method from @HttpMethod Java method name.
  • WebApplication.initiate can only be called once. Throw exception on subsequent calls.
  • Removed implementation of @SubResources, equivalent functionality supported by sub-resource locator methods.
  • Removed implementation of @UnmatchedPath, equivalent functionality supported by greedy parameter on @UriTemplate.
  • JSON support added to JAXB entity provider for use with "application/json", media type. BadgerFish convention is used. Runtime dependency on jettison jar.
  • Views refactored to work correctly in combination with HTTP methods
  • removed the @SubResource annotation from the examples
  • removed Entity class, equivalent functionality is supported by the class
  • Bookmark example added
  • include 311 API distribution, src and javadoc
  • fixed the formatting of java.util.Date for HTTP-date to conform to RFC 1123
  • refactored API/SPI messages
  • include jersey API/SPI javadoc
  • URIs and URI templates with escaped space character throw exception for URI.create, found by Julian Reschke:
  • include version information in manifest of jersey.jar

release 0.1 (2007-06-19)

  • initial stable snapshot
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