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Copyright 2016 M Rose & F Douthit
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Sensor calibration and filtering
Sensor fusion
HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensors ($1.50 from one of my favorite suppliers - even - cheaper from China).
IR sensors
I2C to talk to a compass or IMU - Compass-only boards are pretty cheap, know of one for $6.
How to talk to multiple types of sensors, taking turns using each sensor
Sensor filtering and data integrity strategy
Advanced concepts would be sensor variance and covariance, also noise. (E.g., noise introduced by the robot.)
PID controller/wheel encoder
Kalman filters, e.g., along with variance discussion.
Make a collision detector using spring wire and screws (ultra-cheapo bump detection). (Wire bends when you hit something, causing it to touch a screw that closes a circuit read by a digital input.)
Using interrupts to read ultrasonic sensor, as opposed to pulseIn(), which will be confused if you use interrupts for anything else, such as wheel encoders.
Talk about speed of analog reads vs. digital reads, maybe use of pull-up and pull-down resistors.
An optical component that can read white/black differences - poor-man’s wheel encoder. Kind of shows everything: use of resistor to limit current through an LED, use of pull-up resistor for a phototransistor, reading either analog or digital or interrupt.
Networking in Linux
Basic Linux shell
Command usage
Linux shell scripting