A clone of Pac-Man in your terminal! It is called Log-Man, well... because he is brought to life by console.log( ), of course!
Before startung run:
npm install
Then start playing with:
npm start
Well, you move with W, A, S and D. You can quit with Q. Also, you can set your difficulty! There is three of those:
- Easy, for the faint hearted
- Medium, for those who don't faint after drinking a shot of tequila
- Hard for the brave and silly.
That's it for now!
This will probably run fine for most of you, however, for those having issues, this game uses
so it will requires these packages:
sudo apt-get install alsa-base alsa-utils
Also run:
npm install
Pac-Man, the Pac-Man name and sounds are all owned by namco Ltd, I own nothing here.