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kbuzzard committed Jan 20, 2025
1 parent d78a329 commit 19564e0
Showing 1 changed file with 14 additions and 174 deletions.
188 changes: 14 additions & 174 deletions FLT/Mathlib/Topology/Algebra/Module/ModuleTopology.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -58,189 +58,33 @@ to the category of topological `R`-modules, and prove it's an adjoint
2) PRs to mathlib:
2a) weaken ring to semiring in some freeness statements in mathlib and then weaken
the corresponding statements in this file
2b) PR `induced_sInf`, `induced_continuous_smul`, `induced_continuous_add`,
`isOpenMap_of_coinduced`, `LinearEquiv.sumPiEquivProdPi` and whatever else I use here.
3) weaken ring to semiring in some freeness statements in mathlib and then weaken
the corresponding statements in this file (this might have been done?)

namespace IsModuleTopology

open ModuleTopology

-- this section PRed in mathlib #20012
section surjection

variable {R : Type*} [τR : TopologicalSpace R] [Ring R]
variable {A : Type*} [AddCommGroup A] [Module R A] [TopologicalSpace A] [IsModuleTopology R A]
variable {B : Type*} [AddCommGroup B] [Module R B] [τB : TopologicalSpace B] [IsModuleTopology R B]

open Topology in
/-- A linear surjection between modules with the module topology is a quotient map.
Equivalently, the pushforward of the module topology along a surjective linear map is
again the module topology. -/
theorem coinduced_of_surjective {φ : A →ₗ[R] B} (hφ : Function.Surjective φ) :
IsQuotientMap φ where
surjective := hφ
eq_coinduced := by
-- We need to prove that the topology on B is coinduced from that on A.
-- First tell the typeclass inference system that A and B are topological groups.
haveI := topologicalAddGroup R A
haveI := topologicalAddGroup R B
-- Because φ is linear, it's continuous for the module topologies (by a previous result).
have this : Continuous φ := continuous_of_linearMap φ
-- So the coinduced topology is finer than the module topology on B.
rw [continuous_iff_coinduced_le] at this
-- So STP the module topology on B is ≤ the topology coinduced from A
refine le_antisymm ?_ this
rw [eq_moduleTopology R B]
-- Now let's remove B's topology from the typeclass system
clear! τB
-- and replace it with the coinduced topology (which will be the same, but that's what we're
-- trying to prove). This means we don't have to fight with the typeclass system.
letI : TopologicalSpace B := .coinduced φ inferInstance
-- With this new topology on `B`, φ is a quotient map by definition,
-- and hence an open quotient map by a result in the library.
have hφo : IsOpenQuotientMap φ := sorry --AddMonoidHom.isOpenQuotientMap_of_isQuotientMap ⟨hφ, rfl⟩
-- this is in current mathlib but we can't bump
-- because of
-- We're trying to prove the module topology on B is ≤ the coinduced topology.
-- But recall that the module topology is the Inf of the topologies on B making addition
-- and scalar multiplication continuous, so it suffices to prove
-- that the coinduced topology on B has these properties.
refine sInf_le ⟨?_, ?_⟩
· -- In this branch, we prove that `• : R × B → B` is continuous for the coinduced topology.
-- We know that `• : R × A → A` is continuous, by assumption.
obtain ⟨hA⟩ : ContinuousSMul R A := inferInstance
/- By linearity of φ, this diagram commutes:
R × A --(•)--> A
| |
|id × φ |φ
| |
\/ \/
R × B --(•)--> B
have2 : (fun p ↦ p.1 • p.2 : R × B → B) ∘ ( id φ) =
φ ∘ (fun p ↦ p.1 • p.2 : R × A → A) := by ext; simp
-- Furthermore, the identity from R to R is an open quotient map
have hido : IsOpenQuotientMap ( R) := .id
-- as is `φ`, so the product `id × φ` is an open quotient map, by a result in the library.
have hoq : IsOpenQuotientMap (_ : R × A → R × B) := IsOpenQuotientMap.prodMap .id hφo
-- This is the left map in the diagram. So by a standard fact about open quotient maps,
-- to prove that the bottom map is continuous, it suffices to prove
-- that the diagonal map is continuous.
rw [← hoq.continuous_comp_iff]
-- but the diagonal is the composite of the continuous maps `φ` and `• : R × A → A`
rw [hφ2]
-- so we're done
exact Continuous.comp hφo.continuous hA
· /- In this branch we show that addition is continuous for the coinduced topology on `B`.
The argument is basically the same, this time using commutativity of
A × A --(+)--> A
| |
|φ × φ |φ
| |
\/ \/
B × B --(+)--> B
obtain ⟨hA⟩ := IsModuleTopology.toContinuousAdd R A
have2 : (fun p ↦ p.1 + p.2 : B × B → B) ∘ ( φ φ) =
φ ∘ (fun p ↦ p.1 + p.2 : A × A → A) := by ext; simp
rw [← (IsOpenQuotientMap.prodMap hφo hφo).continuous_comp_iff, hφ2]
exact Continuous.comp hφo.continuous hA

end surjection

section prod

variable {R : Type*} [TopologicalSpace R] [Semiring R] [TopologicalSemiring R]
variable {M : Type*} [AddCommMonoid M] [Module R M] [TopologicalSpace M] [IsModuleTopology R M]
variable {N : Type*} [AddCommMonoid N] [Module R N] [TopologicalSpace N] [IsModuleTopology R N]

/-- The product of the module topologies for two modules over a topological ring
is the module topology. -/
instance prod : IsModuleTopology R (M × N) := by
haveI : ContinuousAdd M := toContinuousAdd R M
haveI : ContinuousAdd N := toContinuousAdd R N
-- In this proof, `M × N` always denotes the product with its product topology.
-- Addition `(M × N)² → M × N` and scalar multiplication `R × (M × N) → M × N`
-- are continuous for the product topology (by results in the library), so the module topology
-- on `M × N` is finer than the product topology (as it's the Inf of such topologies).
-- It thus remains to show that the product topology is finer than the module topology.
refine le_antisymm ?_ <| sInf_le ⟨Prod.continuousSMul, Prod.continuousAdd⟩
-- Or equivalently, if `P` denotes `M × N` with the module topology,
-- that the identity map from `M × N` to `P` is continuous.
rw [← continuous_id_iff_le]
-- Now let P denote M × N with the module topology.
let P := M × N
letI τP : TopologicalSpace P := moduleTopology R P
haveI : IsModuleTopology R P := ⟨rfl⟩
haveI : ContinuousAdd P := ModuleTopology.continuousAdd R P
-- We want to show that the identity map `i` from M × N to P is continuous.
let i : M × N → P := id
change @Continuous (M × N) P (_) τP i
-- But the identity map can be written as (m,n) ↦ (m,0)+(0,n)
-- or equivalently as i₁ ∘ pr₁ + i₂ ∘ pr₂, where prᵢ are the projections,
-- the i's are linear inclusions M → P and N → P, and the addition is P × P → P.
let i₁ : M →ₗ[R] P := LinearMap.inl R M N
let i₂ : N →ₗ[R] P := LinearMap.inr R M N
rw [show (i : M × N → P) =
(fun abcd ↦ abcd.1 + abcd.2 : P × P → P) ∘
(fun ab ↦ (i₁ ab.1,i₂ ab.2)) by
ext ⟨a, b⟩ <;> aesop]
-- and these maps are all continuous, hence `i` is too

end prod

section Pi

variable {R : Type*} [τR : TopologicalSpace R] [Semiring R] [TopologicalSemiring R]

variable {ι : Type*} [Finite ι] {A : ι → Type*} [∀ i, AddCommMonoid (A i)]
[∀ i, Module R (A i)] [∀ i, TopologicalSpace (A i)]
[∀ i, IsModuleTopology R (A i)]

def ContinuousLinearEquiv.piUnique {α : Type*} [Unique α] (R : Type*) [Semiring R] (f : α → Type*)
[∀ x, AddCommMonoid (f x)] [∀ x, Module R (f x)] [∀ x, TopologicalSpace (f x)] :
(Π t, f t) ≃L[R] f default := sorry

instance pi : IsModuleTopology R (∀ i, A i) := by
induction ι using Finite.induction_empty_option
· case of_equiv X Y e _ _ _ _ _ =>
exact iso (ContinuousLinearEquiv.piCongrLeft R A e)
· infer_instance
· case h_option X _ hind _ _ _ _ =>
let e : Option X ≃ X ⊕ Unit := Equiv.optionEquivSumPUnit X
apply @iso (e := ContinuousLinearEquiv.piCongrLeft R A e.symm)
apply @iso (e := (ContinuousLinearEquiv.sumPiEquivProdPi R X Unit _).symm)
refine @prod _ _ _ _ _ _ (_) (hind) _ _ _ (_) (?_)
let φ : Unit → Option X := fun t ↦ e.symm (Sum.inr t)
exact iso (ContinuousLinearEquiv.piUnique R (fun t ↦ A (φ t))).symm

end Pi

section semiring_bilinear

-- I need rings not semirings here, because ` ChooseBasisIndex.fintype` incorrectly(?) needs
-- a ring instead of a semiring. This should be fixed if I'm right.
-- I also need commutativity because we don't have bilinear maps for non-commutative rings.
-- I need commutativity of R because we don't have bilinear maps for non-commutative rings.
-- **TODO** ask on the Zulip whether this is an issue.
variable {R : Type*} [τR : TopologicalSpace R] [CommSemiring R]

-- similarly these don't need to be groups
variable {A : Type*} [AddCommGroup A] [Module R A] [aA : TopologicalSpace A] [IsModuleTopology R A]
variable {B : Type*} [AddCommGroup B] [Module R B] [aB : TopologicalSpace B] [IsModuleTopology R B]
variable {C : Type*} [AddCommGroup C] [Module R C] [aC : TopologicalSpace C] [IsModuleTopology R C]
variable {A : Type*} [AddCommMonoid A] [Module R A] [aA : TopologicalSpace A] [IsModuleTopology R A]
variable {B : Type*} [AddCommMonoid B] [Module R B] [aB : TopologicalSpace B] [IsModuleTopology R B]
variable {C : Type*} [AddCommMonoid C] [Module R C] [aC : TopologicalSpace C] [IsModuleTopology R C]

-- R^n x B -> C bilinear is continuous for module topologies.
-- Didn't someone give a counterexample when not fg on MO?
-- This works for semirings
theorem Module.continuous_bilinear_of_pi_finite (ι : Type*) [Finite ι]
(bil : (ι → R) →ₗ[R] B →ₗ[R] C) : Continuous (fun ab ↦ bil ab.1 ab.2 : ((ι → R) × B → C)) := by
-- far too long proof that a bilinear map bil : R^n x B -> C
-- equals the function sending (f,b) to ∑ i, f(i)*bil(eᵢ,b)
have foo : (fun fb ↦ bil fb.1 fb.2 : ((ι → R) × B → C)) =
(fun fb ↦ ∑ᶠ i, ((fb.1 i) • (bil (Pi.single i 1) fb.2) : C)) := by
ext ⟨f, b⟩
Expand All @@ -262,12 +106,8 @@ theorem Module.continuous_bilinear_of_pi_finite (ι : Type*) [Finite ι]
· apply Set.toFinite _--( fun x ↦ f x • Pi.single x 1)
rw [foo]
haveI : ContinuousAdd C := toContinuousAdd R C
apply continuous_finsum (fun i ↦ by fun_prop)
intro x
use Set.univ
simp [Set.toFinite _]
exact continuous_finsum (fun i ↦ by fun_prop) (locallyFinite_of_finite _)

-- Probably this can be beefed up to semirings.
theorem Module.continuous_bilinear_of_finite_free [TopologicalSemiring R] [Module.Finite R A]
[Module.Free R A] (bil : A →ₗ[R] B →ₗ[R] C) :
Continuous (fun ab ↦ bil ab.1 ab.2 : (A × B → C)) := by
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -297,7 +137,7 @@ variable {A : Type*} [AddCommGroup A] [Module R A] [aA : TopologicalSpace A] [Is
variable {B : Type*} [AddCommGroup B] [Module R B] [aB : TopologicalSpace B] [IsModuleTopology R B]
variable {C : Type*} [AddCommGroup C] [Module R C] [aC : TopologicalSpace C] [IsModuleTopology R C]

-- This needs rings though
-- This needs rings
theorem Module.continuous_bilinear_of_finite [Module.Finite R A]
(bil : A →ₗ[R] B →ₗ[R] C) : Continuous (fun ab ↦ bil ab.1 ab.2 : (A × B → C)) := by
obtain ⟨m, f, hf⟩ := Module.Finite.exists_fin' R A
Expand All @@ -307,7 +147,7 @@ theorem Module.continuous_bilinear_of_finite [Module.Finite R A]
have foo : Function.Surjective ( : B →ₗ[R] B) :=
Function.RightInverse.surjective (congrFun rfl)
have hφ : Function.Surjective φ := Function.Surjective.prodMap hf foo
have := (coinduced_of_surjective hφ).2
have := (isQuotientMap_of_surjective hφ).2
rw [this, continuous_def]
intro U hU
rw [isOpen_coinduced, ← Set.preimage_comp]
Expand Down

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