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Uptime Server

Simple API sever and web application using golang. The focus of this project is to build uptime check service for any given domain . Also, this project helps to understand how diffrent Golang configure work using diffrent pakage.

Command to start the Server with hot reload option

We are using nodemon npm module to run the server

nodemon --exec go run server.go --signal SIGTERM

Server Endpoint http://localhost:3088/app/v1/healthz

Local Build & Test Server



pre-commit install
git commit

Golang commands

go mod tidy

**Unit Testing**
go test ./... -v -cover -coverprofile=coverage.out

go tool cover -html=coverage.out

go test pkg/environmentvar/environmentvar.go pkg/environmentvar/environmentvar_test.go -v

**Docker Command**

This will “tag” the image uptime-server and build it. After it is built, we can run the image as a container.
docker build --tag uptime .
docker run --name uptime -p 3088:3088 uptime
docker run -d --name uptime-server -p 3088:3088 uptime-server
docker run -it -p 3088:3088 --rm --name uptime uptime

goreleaser release

goreleaser release --snapshot --clean
goreleaser check
goreleaser build --single-target
git tag -a v0.1.0 -m "First release"
git push origin v0.1.0
goreleaser release --snapshot
goreleaser release

Docker Compose build

We can use "docker-compose build" and "docker-compose up" commands, to build and run the application.

docker view ... ... ... ... ...