Simple API sever and web application using golang. The focus of this project is to build uptime check service for any given domain . Also, this project helps to understand how diffrent Golang configure work using diffrent pakage.
We are using nodemon npm module to run the server
nodemon --exec go run server.go --signal SIGTERM
Server Endpoint http://localhost:3088/app/v1/healthz
pre-commit install
git commit
Golang commands
go mod tidy
**Unit Testing**
go test ./... -v -cover -coverprofile=coverage.out
go tool cover -html=coverage.out
go test pkg/environmentvar/environmentvar.go pkg/environmentvar/environmentvar_test.go -v
**Docker Command**
This will “tag” the image uptime-server and build it. After it is built, we can run the image as a container.
docker build --tag uptime .
docker run --name uptime -p 3088:3088 uptime
docker run -d --name uptime-server -p 3088:3088 uptime-server
docker run -it -p 3088:3088 --rm --name uptime uptime
goreleaser release --snapshot --clean
goreleaser check
goreleaser build --single-target
git tag -a v0.1.0 -m "First release"
git push origin v0.1.0
goreleaser release --snapshot
goreleaser release
We can use "docker-compose build" and "docker-compose up" commands, to build and run the application.