Large Language Models
I plan to use this repository as a centralized hub for all the activities I intend to undertake concerning Large Language Models (LLM). Specifically, I intend to share the following items here:
- Significant papers related to LLMs
- Open-source datasets
- Open-source models
- Important projects
- Jupyter notebooks
It has been claimed that LLMs bring us very close to achieving General Artificial Intelligence (GAI) – potentially on par with or even superior to human intelligence! While language is indeed a vital tool in our cognitive toolbox, verbal and textual communication does not fully encompass the breadth of our communicative capabilities. Moreover, the language we employ in communication is fraught with subjectivity, variability, and arbitrariness.
There are assertions that when LLMs are trained on extensive datasets, they begin to exhibit surprising behaviors, analogous to phase transitions in physics! This is an extraordinary proposition! Essentially, this implies the potential for LLMs to develop consciousness, a characteristic traditionally considered emblematic of human identity.
I believe this concern has been somewhat exaggerated. Claims about the consequences of LLMs range from being as disruptive as nuclear wars to pandemics, alien attacks, or asteroid impacts!
This aspect is perhaps the easiest to comprehend and holds considerable truth. However, it is not dissimilar from the effects of past inventions such as the printing press, camera, or calculator. As people become increasingly reliant on tools like LLMs, certain abilities might diminish, much like how widespread use of mobile navigation systems diminished the importance of having a strong sense of direction.
- [] (Neural Machine Translation by Jointly Learning to Align and Translate)
- [] (Attention Is All You Need)
- [] (BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding)
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- [](A Survey on Evaluation of Large Language Models)
- [](Ethical and social risks of harm from Language Models)
- [](On the Opportunities and Risks of Foundation Models)
- [](Emergent Abilities of Large Language Models)
- [](A Survey of Large Language Models)
- [](Explainability for Large Language Models: A Survey)
- [](Sparks of Arti cial General Intelligence:Early experiments with GPT-4)
- [](The Impact of Large Language Models on Scientific Discovery:a Preliminary Study using GPT-4)