This project demonstrates the application of scale and rotation invariant “ Laplacian of Gaussian ” Filter in finding the blobs/areas of special interests in a given image, which plays an important role in object detection and tracking. It also has the report which will provide a detailed steps followed in achieving the above mentioned objective. Most of the procedures followed have been inspired from the “Feature Detection with Automatic Scale Selection” paper by Tony Lindeberg. All the coding has been done in the MATLAB environment and proper references have been highlighted in the report.
Project report can be found at report link
- data contains image data
- docs contains original problem statement
- report contains report having implementation details
- code contains implementation code in Matlab
- Datasheet:
- MATLAB R2017a on personal system
- Intel i3, 3GB Ram, Sublime Text 3 IDE
- MATLAB Documentation
- Hw2.pdf
- Lecture slides
- David G Lowe. Distinctive image features from scale-invariant keypoints
- Tony Lindeberg. Feature detection with automatic scale selection
- Sample Harris detector code