HackerRank Challenge: https://www.hackerrank.com/mountblue-technologies
- The problems in the challenge are ordered from easy to medium level of difficulty.
- There are 122 problems.
- You can start off with problems on the following topics: Arrays, Strings, 2D Arrays.
- Once you are comfortable with these topics, you can move to topics like Hashmap, Mathematics, Recursion.
- Check https://bit.ly/submit_mb_prep for resources.
Once complete, submit on https://bit.ly/submit_mb_prep for getting interviewed
For more debugging and problem solving content in detail, check out https://github.com/mountblue/prep
- Complete the MountBlue Job Challenge at https://www.hackerrank.com/mountblue-technologies. It has ~120 problems. We estimate it should take you 4-8 weeks to complete it. Also, there is no deadline to complete the challenge.
- To submit the challenge, join Discord Community Server- https://discord.gg/FB7jmbbY6k and follow the instructions in the welcome channel.
- Short interview with a MountBlue mentor. This is to verify if you have completed the challenge sincerely. In the interview, we will ask you to solve a few problems from the challenge itself.
- Get a job offer from MountBlue
- Plus Minus Sum - https://p.ip.fi/5Vvr
- Between-two-sets https://p.ip.fi/54st
- Quicksort 1- Partition https://p.ip.fi/Yoq4
- Breaking the Records https://p.ip.fi/MDBi
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- Strong Password