Disqus module for Drupal 8. Disqus is a popular 3rd party commenting system for websites and online communities.
- For a full description visit the project page: http://drupal.org/project/project
- Bug reports, feature suggestions and latest developments: http://drupal.org/project/issues/disqus
- Download and enable the module.
- Register your websites shortname on Disqus.com
- In the Disqus configuration, set the shortname to what you registered with Disqus.
- Disqus comments can be enabled for any entity sub-type (for example, a content type). On the Manage fields page for each entity sub-type, you can enable disqus by adding a Disqus comments field.
- Alternatively disqus comments can be used on Blocks. You will first need to configure the disqus comment field for any entity sub-type.
- Visit the permissions, and set which users you would like to have the ability to view Disqus threads (recommended for role).
For using the Disqus API to communicate with the Disqus data you will need to download the Disqus API bindings. Disqus module uses the api for updating/deleting disqus threads on updation/deletion of entities on your Drupal site. Also for migration of comments from a Drupal site to Disqus and vice-versa requires the Disqus API bindings.
Follow the steps below to download the Disqus API bindings:
- You will need to install the Composer Manager module. Also make sure you have drush installed (Drush is a command-line shell and scripting interface for Drupal)
- Obtain your
user access key
from the application specific page http://disqus.com/api/applications/ - Now run the following commands from within your Drupal root directory to download the DisqusAPI bindings:
// Rebuild the composer.json file with updated dependencies
$ drush composer-json-rebuild
// Install the required packages
$ drush composer-manager install
- This module automatically updates and/or delete your Disqus threads when you delete/update the entities for which disqus field is enabled.
- Visit Disqus configuration page after you have installed Disqus API to configure it's behaviour.
Note: Using this feature also requires the
You can find the API reference here : http://disqus.com/api/docs/
Any of these methods can be called by creating an instance of the Disqus API
through disqus_api()
. You must use try
to avoid php throwing a general exception and stopping script execution.
For a full explanation of the official API you can view the readme located here:
Example: Calling threads->details
and threads->update
$disqus = disqus_api();
if ($disqus) {
try {
// Load the thread data from disqus. Passing thread is required to allow the thread:ident call to work correctly. There is a pull request to fix this issue.
$thread = $disqus->threads->details(array('forum' => $config->get('disqus_domain'), 'thread:ident' => "{$entity->getEntityTypeId()}/{$entity->id()}", 'thread' => '1'));
catch (Exception $exception) {
drupal_set_message(t('There was an error loading the thread details from Disqus.'), 'error');
\Drupal::logger('disqus')->error('Error loading thread details for entity : !identifier. Check your API keys.', array('!identifier' => "{$entity->getEntityTypeId()}/{$entity->id()}"));
if (isset($thread->id)) {
try {
$disqus->threads->update(array('access_token' => $config->get('advanced.disqus_useraccesstoken'), 'thread' => $thread->id, 'forum' => $config->get('disqus_domain'), 'title' => $entity->label(), 'url' => $entity->url('canonical',array('absolute' => TRUE))));
catch (Exception $exception) {
drupal_set_message(t('There was an error updating the thread details on Disqus.'), 'error');
\Drupal::logger('disqus')->error('Error updating thread details for entity : !identifier. Check your user access token.', array('!identifier' => "{$entity->getEntityTypeId()}/{$entity->id()}"));