This was written and tested for Ubuntu Oneiric Ocelot (11.10). It should work very similar for every other recent and decent Linux distribution.
Install Git and python3 if they are not available yet:
sudo apt-get install git python3
Change do your prefered path with cd, then run these commands:
git clone git://
cd packup
To make running a backup as convinient as possible, you can define an alias in ~/.bash_aliases like so:
alias backup='sudo ~/Software/Backup/packup/' (use your own path)
After issuing
source ~/.bashrc
a backup can be run by typing
to the terminal.
sudo visudo
and add
# enable password-less backup
johannes ALL=(ALL)NOPASSWD:/home/johannes/Software/Backup/packup/
whilst of course replacing your username and path. Exit vi(m) by typing :wq and return.
This work is released under the CC0 license (see for details). It means you can use this for whatever purpose seems right for you. Enjoy!
Nevertheless I'd be happy to hear from you in case you use or improve the code in real life!