mvn -Pserver clean package
Each command must be run on the appropriate platform. Artifacts are located in dist folder.
mvn -Pserver clean package jpackage:jpackage@win
mvn -Pserver clean package jpackage:jpackage@mac
mvn -Pserver clean package jpackage:jpackage@ubuntu
mvn -Pserver clean package jpackage:jpackage@rhel
This will require a functioning GraalVM native image environment -
mvn -Pingest clean package
This will require a functioning GraalVM native image environment -
mvn -Pingestjar clean package
openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout beak.key -out beak.csr
openssl pkcs12 -export -in beak.crt -inkey beak.key -name Halcyon -out beak.p12
keytool -importkeystore -deststorepass changeit -destkeystore cacerts -srckeystore beak.p12 -srcstoretype PKCS12
denoting a period of time in the past that was idyllically happy and peaceful.
"the halcyon days of the mid-1980s, when profits were soaring"
Similar - serene, calm, pleasant, balmy, tranquil, peaceful, temperate, mild, quiet, gentle, placid, still, windless, stormless, happy, carefree, blissful, golden, joyful, joyous, contented, idyllic, palmy, flourishing, thriving, prosperous, successful
Opposite - stormy, troubled
1. a tropical Asian and African kingfisher with brightly colored plumage.
2. a mythical bird said by ancient writers to breed in a nest floating at sea at the winter solstice, charming the wind and waves into calm.
3. The name of a software system for managing Pathology Whole Slide Images and derived features from AI pipelines.