The next respository has two C++ programs. Both implement a Dynamic Maze Generator with a ramdomized version of the depth-first search algorithm (for more information read this). One program uses a recursive method and the other an iterative method.
$ git clone
Change your directory to the one where you have clone the repository. Choose between the Iterative or Recursive program and move to this folder and type:
$ make
you will be using the Makefile for compiling and linking all the .cpp files.
For running the program you have some options (we'll be using as an example the recursive program). Just type this:
$ ./Maze_Recursive
$ ./Maze_Recursive 30 45
The firts number is the vertical size (number of rows) and the second one is the horizontal size. 30 and 45 are just examples, try to play whit differents dimesions. I recommend you using a number of columns larger than the number of rows, it will be more square.
$ ./Maze_Recursive 30 45 1
With a third parameter you can activate the testing mode. You won't see the maze, just the results of time and iterations.
I would like to thank to Celia Ramos and Gonzalo Quirós for all his help during the completion of this work.