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Project release process

Cheng Fang edited this page Aug 31, 2023 · 5 revisions

Instructions for releasing a new version of jberet-core, jberet-se and jberet-parent:

Prepare and perform the artifact deployment in local repo:

For instructions to setup gpg signing, see this wiki article.

cd jsr352

# make sure local repo is up to date and clean

export VERSION=<NEW_VERSION, e.g., 1.0.0.Final>

mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=$VERSION -DgenerateBackupPoms=false

git add .

git commit -m 'Prep $VERSION release'
# Note: to sign the commit, run git command with -S or --gpg-sign option
git commit -S -m 'Prep $VERSION release'

git tag -a -m $VERSION $VERSION
# Note: to sign the tag, run git command with -s or --sign option
git tag -s -m $VERSION $VERSION

mvn clean install

git push upstream main $VERSION    # Note: the branch name may be different than main

mvn install deploy -Prelease -pl jberet-core,jberet-se,. --also-make

Login to JBoss Nexus to verify and publish the release

  • Navigate to Staging Repositories
  • Find the newly created jberet staging repository
  • Verify the content
  • Close the staging repository
  • Refresh the list of staging repositories
  • Release the staging repository

Record the release in github

  • Navigate to jberet/jsr352 github tags
  • Select the current release tag
  • Click Create release from tag
  • Create the release notes, with the option of announcing the release in Discussions

Record the release in JIRA

  • Navigate to JBeret JIRA
  • Go to Releases page
  • Edit the new release as released, and make sure all JIRA issues fixed in this release have the correct Fixed in release value
  • Add a new release for the next development iteration

Prepare for the next development iteration

mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=<NEXT_VERSION, e.g., 1.0.1.Final-SNAPSHOT> -DgenerateBackupPoms=false
git add .
git commit -m 'Next is 1.0.1.Final'
git push upstream main    # Note: the branch name may be different than main