camundactl (cctl
) is a command line interface (cli) that interacts with the camunda rest api. It provides commands for all endpoints with the ability to filtes and different output format. The cli usaged is heavily inspired by kubecl to work with kubernetes.
- request all endpoints, defined in the camunda openapi.json
- generate
commands from openapi.json - dedicated implementations for
- multiple output formats:
(jinja2) - shell autocomplete for
) - shell autocomplete for processInstanceId, incidentIds, aso.
- configuration for multipe camunda engines
- ...
Load two active process instances and use only the columns id and suspended
$ cctl get processInstances --max-results 2 -o table -oH id,suspended
id suspended
------------------------------------ -----------
0027da48-0a61-11ec-bd5f-0242ac120014 False
003248e7-0b05-11ec-990f-0242ac12000d False
Load all active process instances and use the result in a jinja2 template.
$ cctl get processInstances -o template -oT '{{result|length}}'
Load five active process instances and apply jsonpath formatting.
$ cctl get processInstances -o jsonpath -oJ '$.[*].id' --max-results 5
Load only one active process instance and ouput as json.
$ cctl get processInstances -o json --max-results 1
"links": [],
"id": "0027da48-0a61-11ec-bd5f-0242ac120014",
"definitionId": "f87b25ce-0577-11ec-8801-0242ac12000a",
"businessKey": null,
"caseInstanceId": null,
"ended": false,
"suspended": false,
"tenantId": null
Pipe commands together. Get all active process instances by process defintion and delete them:
$ cctl get processInstances --process-definition-id f87b25ce-0577-11ec-8801-0242ac12000a -o jsonpath -oJ "$.[*].id" | xargs -n 1 cctl delete processInstance -o template -oT "Ok"
camundactl can be installed via pip.
$ pip install camundactl
camundactl uses a config file. The locations differ from os. If the configuration file does not it exists, it becomes created.
- MacOS:
$HOME/Libarary/Application Support/camundactl/config.yml
- Linux:
- Windows:
version: beta1
current_engine: localhost
- name: localhost
url: http://localhost:8080/engine-rest
user: camunda
password: camunda
- name: client-a
url: http://localhost:8080/engine-rest
user: camunda
password: camunda
- name: client-c
url: https://localhost:8080/engine-rest
verify: false
user: camunda
password: camunda
defines the current config file version for later update purposeextra_path
is a list of python modules that can be autodiscovered in command discovering to add user defined commands or pluginscurrent_engine
is the currently selected engine to be usedengine
contains a list of engines within you can switch witchcctl config engines activate ANOTHER
the engines display nameurl
the urls of the camunda engine rest apiauth
is an object ofuser
for basic authenticationverify
is a boolen that ignores ssl verification (defaulttrue
Add an engine
Add a camunda engine to the list of engines and directly select it.
$ cctl config engines add local http://localhost:8080/engine-rest --select
List all engines
List all engines that are configured. The *
indicates the currently selected engine.
$ cctl config engines ls
local *
Activate an engine
Activates the client-a
$ cctl config engines activate client-a
Remove an engine
Removes the client-a
$ cctl config engines remove client-a
camundactl provides the functionality to autocomplete at the console.
camundactl bases on click, which autocomplete method could be used.
Example for zsh
$ _CCTL_COMPLETE=zsh_source cctl > $HOME/
You can find more Details on the project-page:
--help --log -e, --engine
Get commands provides the ability to request ressource information from a given engine. It contains all OpenAPI Operations of the Verb get
Delete commands provide the ability to delete specific ressources in the camunda engine.
Apply commands provide the ability to apply changes to the camunda engine. They combine the functionality of put
and post
verbs and these operations.
As kubectl
you can use apply
in combination with files that contains the payload.
You can use JSON or YAML payloads.
$ cat EOF>>
value: hello-world
type: String
EOF >> variable.yaml
$ cctl apply processInstanceVariable foobar 0027da48-0a61-11ec-bd5f-0242ac120014 -y variable.yml
Schema validation
If provided, the given payload becomes validated against the openapi schema. The openapi documentation sometimes does not fully match the api. (e.g. while updating variables. The values is describes as object
but values of primitive variables are also allowed.)
To skip this use the option --skip-validation
not quite implemented. It's planned to use this commands to collect and output complex informationations about a given ressoure including combining multiple endpoints (e.g. process instances with all occured incidents and variable information.)
The -o/--output
option defines the output format. The default ist table
. All other options are described in the following.
The camunda responses are nearly all of type application/json
. If the response is of type array
a table will be printed. If it's an object
a table with key
and value
headers are used.
-o table
gives the possibility to select the columns to show-oCL
cell values of type string are limited to40
$ cctl get processInstances -o table -oH id,suspended
Prints the json API response with end indent of 2.
-o json
-o jsonpath
activates a jsonpath output. With -oJ
you can apply the jsonpath filter which will be applied.
For this jsonpath-ng is used. There you can find further information about the filter format.
$ python -m camundactl --help
-l, --log-level TEXT activates the logger with the given level
-e, --engine TEXT define the engine name to be used
--help Show this message and exit.
$ python -m camundactl delete --help
Usage: delete [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
--help Show this message and exit.
attachment Removes an attachment from a task by...
deployment Deletes a deployment by id.
processDefinition Deletes a running process instance by...
processDefinitionsByKey Deletes process definitions by a given...
Deletes process definitions by a given...
processInstance Deletes a running process instance by...
processInstanceVariable Deletes a variable of a process...
task Removes a task by id.
taskLocalVariable Removes a local variable from a task...
taskVariable Removes a variable that is visible to...
$ python -m camundactl get --help
Usage: get [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
--help Show this message and exit.
activityInstanceTree Retrieves an Activity...
activityStatistics Retrieves runtime...
Retrieves runtime...
Retrieves runtime...
attachment Retrieves a task...
attachmentData Retrieves the binary...
attachments Gets the attachments...
comment Retrieves a task...
comments Gets the comments for...
deployedForm Retrieves the...
deployedStartForm Retrieves the...
deployedStartFormByKey Retrieves the...
Retrieves the...
deployment Retrieves a...
deploymentResource Retrieves a...
deploymentResourceData Retrieves the binary...
deploymentResources Retrieves all...
deploymentsCount Queries for the...
eventSubscriptions Queries for event...
eventSubscriptionsCount Queries for the...
externalTask Retrieves an external...
externalTaskErrorDetails Retrieves the error...
externalTasks Queries for the...
externalTasksCount Queries for the...
form Retrieves the form...
formVariables Retrieves the form...
identityLinks Gets the identity...
interval Retrieves a list of...
Retrieves the latest...
metrics Retrieves the `sum`...
processDefinition Retrieves a process...
processDefinitionBpmn20Xml Retrieves the BPMN...
Retrieves latest...
Retrieves latest...
processDefinitionByKey Retrieves the latest...
processDefinitionDiagram Retrieves the diagram...
processDefinitionDiagramByKey Retrieves the diagram...
Retrieves the diagram...
processDefinitionStatistics Retrieves runtime...
processDefinitions Queries for process...
processDefinitionsCount Requests the number...
processEngineNames Retrieves the names...
processInstance lists all active...
processInstanceVariable Retrieves a variable...
processInstanceVariableBinary Retrieves the content...
processInstanceVariables Retrieves all...
processInstances Queries for process...
processInstancesCount Queries for the...
renderedForm Retrieves the...
renderedStartForm Retrieves the...
renderedStartFormByKey Retrieves the...
Retrieves the...
restAPIVersion Retrieves the version...
schemaLog Queries for schema...
startForm Retrieves the key of...
startFormByKey Retrieves the key of...
startFormByKeyAndTenantId Retrieves the key of...
startFormVariables Retrieves the start...
startFormVariablesByKey Retrieves the start...
Retrieves the start...
task Retrieves a task by...
taskLocalVariable Retrieves a variable...
taskLocalVariableBinary Retrieves a binary...
taskLocalVariables Retrieves all...
taskVariable Retrieves a variable...
taskVariableBinary Retrieves a binary...
taskVariables Retrieves all...
tasks Queries for tasks...
tasksCount Retrieves the number...
topicNames Queries for distinct...
_CCTL_COMPLETE=zsh_source cctl
output column length in options or parameter (currently hard 40)
- list of strings
- list of objects
- object with keys
- object with one value
use template loader to save and load templates somewhere and let use use them or save some for default
templates with more context variables. not just "result"