backwardDifferenceMatrix(binCount) |
Builds a matrix that transforms a vector to a vector of backward differences |
calculateCholeskyDecomposition(A) |
Uses the serial version of the Cholesky algorith to calculate the Cholesky decomposition of a matrix A . |
calculateEigenvalues(A, numIterations) |
Uses the QR algorithm to compute the eigenvalues of a matrix A |
calculateGeneralLeastSquares(dataPoints, functionTemplate, numberOfTerms) |
Calculates a regression model for an arbitrary function. |
calculateLinearLeastSquares(dataPoints) |
Calculates a linear regression model for the provided dataPoints . |
calculateLUDecomposition(A) |
Uses the Doolittle algorithm to calculate the LU Decomposition of a matrix A. |
calculateQRDecomposition(A) |
Uses the Graham-Schmidt process to calculate the QR decomposition of the matrix A. |
calculateSingularValueDecomposition(A) |
Uses the Power Method to calculate the Singular Value Decomposition of a matrix A |
center(x) |
Returns the vector x , shifted so that its mean is at 0 |
center(A) |
Returns the matrix A with each column shifted so that its mean is at 0 |
centralDifferenceMatrix(binCount) |
Builds a matrix that transforms a vector to a vector of central differences |
chainProduct(matrices) |
Returns the product of the given array of matrices. |
columnSumSupremumNorm(A) |
Calculates the 1-Norm of a matrix A |
correlation(first, second) |
Calculates the correlation coefficient r of two vectors |
correlation(A) |
Calculates the correlation matrix of a matrix A |
covariance(first, second) |
Calculates the covariance of two vectors |
covariance(A) |
Calculates the covariance matrix of a matrix A |
crossProduct(first, second) |
Calculates the cross-product (vector-product) of two vectors. This is defined only for vectors with three dimensions. |
derivative(f, xMin, xMax, binCount) |
Uses finite differences to build a vector containing approximate values of the derivative of f . |
determinant(matrix) |
Uses expansion of minors to calculate the determinant of a matrix. Throws an error if the input is not square. |
diag(elements) |
Creates a new matrix with the specified entries on the diagonal. See MatrixBuilder.diagonal() |
dotProduct(first, second) |
Computes the dot/inner/scalar product of two vectors. See Vector.innerProduct(). |
eig(A, numIterations) |
Uses the QR algorithm to compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix A |
euclideanNorm(v) |
Calculates the Euclidean Norm (or 2-Norm) of a vector v |
exp(A, order) |
Implements the Pade Approximant to compute the exponential of matrix A |
eye(size) |
Creates a new identity matrix of size size . See MatrixBuilder.identity() |
forwardDifferenceMatrix(binCount) |
Builds a matrix that transforms a vector to a vector of forward differences |
frobeniusNorm(A) |
Calculates the Frobenius Norm of a matrix A |
GaussianKernel(sigmaSquared) |
Creates a gaussian Kernel for use in a SupportVectorMachineClassifier. The gaussian kernel converts a data Matrix into a similarity Matrix where the value of entry (i,j) expresses the similarity of rows i and j in the original data set. |
getEigenvectorForEigenvalue(A, lambda) |
Given a matrix A and an eigenvalue lambda of that matrix, returns the eigenvector of A corresponding to lambda |
gradientDescent(parameters) |
Learns an optimal set of parameters theta using gradient descent |
hadamardProduct(first, second) |
Computes the hadamard (element-wise) product of two vectors. |
hadamardProduct(first, second) |
Computes the hadamard (element-wise) product of two matrices. |
inverse(matrix) |
Uses Gauss-Jordan elimination with pivoting to calculate the inverse of a matrix. |
isHermitian(matrix) |
Tests if a matrix is Hermitian. |
isIdentity(matrix) |
Tests if a matrix is an identity matrix |
isLowerTriangular(matrix) |
Tests if a matrix is lower-triangular. |
isOrthogonal(matrix) |
Tests if a matrix is orthogonal |
isOrthonormal(matrix) |
Tests if a matrix is orthonormal |
isSquare(matrix) |
Tests if a matrix is square. |
isSymmetric(matrix) |
Tests if a matrix is symmetric. |
isUpperTriangular(matrix) |
Tests if a matrix is upper-triangular. |
kroneckerProduct(first, second) |
Computes the Kronecker product (generalized outer product) of two matrices. |
LinearKernel(data) |
A linear kernel for use in a SupportVectorMachineClassifier. The linear kernel converts a data Matrix into a matrix which has been prepended with a column of all ones, representing the constant term in a linear model, or the bias term in an SVM. |
linspace(xMin, xMax, binCount) |
Builds a vector of binCount evenly spaced numbers between xMin (inclusive) and xMax (exclusive). |
mat(data) |
Creates a new Matrix of numbers. See MatrixBuilder.fromArray() |
mean(x) |
Calculates the mean of the values in the vector x |
mean(A) |
Calculates the mean vector of the matrix A |
normalize(v) |
Returns a vector with the same direction as the input v , but with a Euclidean norm of 1 |
ones(entries) |
Creates a new vector of all 1s. See VectorBuilder.ones() |
ones(shape) |
Creates a new matrix of all 1s. See MatrixBuilder.ones() |
pca(A, useCorrelation) |
Conducts a principal component analysis of a matrix A , and returns A in a new basis corresponding to the principal components. |
pNorm(v, p) |
Calculates the P-Norm of a vector v |
pow(A, n) |
Computes _A^n_ recursively. |
prettyPrint(num) |
Returns an easy-to-read string representing a number |
prettyPrint(vector) |
Returns an easy-to-read string representing the contents of a Vector |
prettyPrint(matrix) |
Returns an easy-to-read string representing the contents of a Matrix |
RadialBasisFunction(distanceMetric) |
Creates a Kernel for use in a SupportVectorMachineClassifier. The RBF kernel converts a data Matrix into a similarity Matrix where the value of entry (i,j) expresses the similarity of rows i and j in the original data set. |
rank(matrix) |
Calculates the rank of a matrix |
reduceDimensions(A, options) |
Reduce the number of dimensions of a data matrix A while losing as little information as possible. |
reducedRowEchelonForm(matrix) |
Uses Gauss-Jordan elimination with pivoting to convert a matrix to Reduced Row-Echelon Form (RREF) |
rowEchelonForm(matrix) |
Uses Gauss-Jordan elimination with pivoting to convert a matrix to Row-Echelon Form (REF) |
rowSumSupremumNorm(A) |
Calculates the Infinity-Norm of a matrix A |
solve(A, b) |
Solves the matrix equation _Ax=b_ for the vector _x_ using the default implementation. See solveByGaussianElimination() |
solveByGaussianElimination(A, b) |
Uses Gauss-Jordan elimination with pivoting and backward substitution to solve the linear equation _Ax=b_ |
solveOverdeterminedSystem(A, b) |
Gives an approximate solution to an overdetermined linear system. |
standardDeviation(x) |
Calculates the standard deviation of a vector |
standardDeviation(A) |
Calculates the standard deviation of each column of the matrix A |
standardize(x) |
Returns the vector x shifted and scaled to have a mean of 0 and standard deviation of 1 |
standardize(A) |
Returns the matrix A with each column shifted and scaled to have a mean of 0 and standard deviation of 1 |
sumNorm(v) |
Calculates the Sum Norm (or 1-Norm) of a vector v |
supremumNorm(v) |
Calculates the Supremum Norm (or Infinity-Norm) of a vector v |
tripleProduct(first, second, third) |
Calculates the scalar triple-product of three vectors. This is defined only for vectors with three dimensions. |
variance(x) |
Calculates the variance of a vector |
variance(A) |
Calculates the variance of each column of the matrix A |
vec(data) |
Creates a new Vector of numbers. See VectorBuilder.fromArray() |
zeros(entries) |
Creates a new vector of all 0s. See VectorBuilder.zeros() |
zeros(shape) |
Creates a new matrix of all 0s. See MatrixBuilder.zeros() |