NOTE: This README is out-of-date.
This repo is a(n evolving) template for how I like to do things. This README provides information about the structure of repository and root-level commands, and also some notes on my preferred standards and packages.
yarn - lerna - typescript
Terrifically Simple JSON [see also 1]
Tritypical Semantic Versioning:
- Format Versioning (versions of API requests)[1, 2]
- Entity Versioning (versions of API entities)[1, 2]
- Historical Versioning (recovery (or undo) versions of API entities)[1, 3]
1. Designing Quality APIs (Cloud Next '18)
2. API design: Which version of versioning is right for you?
3. Historical Versions Explained
See .vscode
API Documentation [to-do: docs --> Github Pages]
Server Documentation
GraphAPI-style architecture
- nodes — basically individual objects, such as a User, a Project, a Page, or a Match
- edges — connections between a collection of objects and a single object, such as Projects per User, Pages per Project, or Entries per page.
- fields — data about an object, such as a Project's name or a Match's entry.
Atomic web Design @my-app/lib/components
- /atoms
- /molecules
- /organisms
- /templates
- /views (pages)
React UI Testing with Storybook
see especially:
create-react-app - jest-dom - react-testing-library [pss. obsolete vis-a-vis Storybook testing]
First, update package names in all package.jsons and in all imports. Then, in the root directory, run
If you need to change the names of the packages later. Delete your root directory node_modules, yarn.lock, and rerun
To run Storybook (@my-app/lib)
"story": "lerna run story --stream",
To build @my-app/lib:
"prestart": "lerna run libbuild --stream",
To build @my-app/lib and run @my-app/client and @my-app/server
"start": "lerna run start --stream",
"server": "yarn workspace @merninator/server start",
"story": "yarn workspace @merninator/storybook storybook",
"test": "FORCE_COLOR=true lerna run lint && CI=true FORCE_COLOR=true lerna run test -- --coverage",
"client": "yarn workspace @merninator/client start",
"add:server": "npx [email protected] workspace @merninator/server add",
"add:lib": "npx [email protected] workspace @merninator/lib add",
"add:story": "npx [email protected] workspace @merninator/storybook add",
"add:client": "npx [email protected] workspace @merninator/client add",
"remove:server": "npx [email protected] workspace @merninator/server remove",
"remove:lib": "npx [email protected] workspace @merninator/lib remove",
"remove:client": "npx [email protected] workspace @merninator/client remove",
"apidoc": "yarn workspace @merninator/server apidoc",
"deploy": "FORCE_COLOR=true lerna run deploy"
To ignore pre-commit testing (including coverage) use --no-verify
git commit -m "TDD remains hypothetical" --no-verify
I don't have any idea of how to deploy anything at all.
Make a request.
Well, sir, there's nothing on earth
Like a genuine, bona fide
Electrified, five-package monorepo.