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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation

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These are my dotfiles. There are many like it, but these ones are mine.



  • git
  • curl (required by bootstrap script)
  • python (v3.6+ required by YouCompleteMe)
  • ctags (required by vim-gutentags)
  • vim (v8.1.2269+ required by YouCompleteMe)
  • tmux (v1.9+ required by TPM, v2.3+ recommended for split-window's -f option)
  • zsh (v5.1.1+ required by ohmyzsh)
  • fdfind (used by fzf to search for file names)


  • tree
  • rg (recommended for fzf's rg search)
  • vim-gtk (recommended for vim's clipboard feature on Debian/Ubuntu, see this for info on other distros)
  • Term::ReadKey Perl Module (recommended for git's interactive.singleKey feature)

If you're on a Debian-like Linux distro (e.g. Ubuntu), you can install these prerequisites (and YouCompleteMe's build dependencies) by running:




Closing Notes

Make sure to check that you meet the version requirements outlined in the Prerequisites section.

If you want to set up YouCompleteMe for vim, follow this guide.

If you plan to work on a big monorepo, consider enabling monorepo support by setting the MONOREPO_ROOT environment variable in shell/helpers.