We developed a solution that helps pet owners predict where they can find their lost pets and a dashboard that helps shelter workers visualize animal travel patterns to optimize operation efficiencies.
- Anjali Tanikella - Data Pre-processing and cleaning
- Ishana Shinde - Data Pre-processing and cleaning
- Jorge Celaya - Backend coding for Interface
- Vishnu Vardhan Reddy Yeruva - Front end coding for interface
- Carina Ye - Data pre-processing and visualization
All pets, dominantly cats and dogs tend to wander out and end up losing their way back home. In cases like these, we as owners tend to think the worst and panic while searching in order to be able to find in a systematic way as we need to know where to look.
Our solution includes mapping the radius and location where a astray pet can be found was the primary target and we also mapped a user interface using tableau for locating near by shelters and possible locations of finding their pet.
- Dashboard Demo Link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7QdtHDzRbs&t=1s&ab_channel=CarinaYe
- Website Demo Link - https://youtu.be/SztTymo9fyE
- Final Pitch Deck Link - https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1JLT1Rbp_h0TCwa8sEIJUPSP23aTmcTHK_V2UlmWjYyI/edit?usp=sharing
- Tableau Dashboard Link - https://public.tableau.com/shared/D82DZHKKY?:display_count=n&:origin=viz_share_link
- Tools used -
- Jupyter notebook - IDE
- Visual Studio Code - IDE
- Tableau - Data Visualisations
- Excel - Storing Data
- Libraries : Pandas , Pickle , Seaborn, Numpy , Matplotlib , Sklearn , Open Street Map ,Folium
- Languages : Python , FlaskFramework (HTML, JAVAScript ,Flask with Jinja2 plugin)