This repository comprises a collection of Jupyter/Python notebooks in support of CBE40455 taught at the University of Notre Dame.
The links below display the notebooks as regular HTML web pages. From there you can run the notebook on Google Colaboratory or download to run on your own laptop. To run on your own laptop you will need to install Jupyter and Python 3, such as the excellent Anaconda distribution from Continuum Analytics.
Please let me know (jeff at if you any thoughts or suggestions on how these notebooks could be improved for teaching and learning the principles of Process Operations.
- 1.1 Getting Started with CVXPY
- 1.2 Getting Started with Gurobi
- 1.3 Getting Started with GNU MathProg in Jupyter Notebooks
- 1.4 Getting Started with Pandas
- 2.1 Getting Started with SimPy
- 2.2 Queuing Systems
- 2.3 Emergency Room Simulation
- 2.4 Model Development in SimPy
- 2.5 Extracting Information from Discrete-Event Simulations
- 2.6 Spankys Pizzeria
- 2.7 Warehouse Fulfullment Operations
- 2.8 Geometric Brownian Price Process
- 2.9 Continuous Time Simulation in SimPy
- 2.10 Decentralized Control in a Supply Chain
- 4.1 Critical Path Method
- 4.2 Machine Bottleneck
- 4.3 Job Shop Scheduling
- 4.4 Jesuit Volunteer Corps
- 4.5 Unit Commitment
- 4.6 Scheduling Multipurpose Batch Processes using State-Task Networks
- 5.1 Economic Order Quantity
- 5.2 Assignment Problems
- 5.3 Vehicle Routing
- 5.4 Vehicle Routing with Time Windows
- 5.5 Traveling Salesman Problem with Time Windows
- 5.6 Pickup and Delivery
- 5.7 Stock Cutting
- 6.1 Newsvendor Problem
- 6.2 Scenario Analysis for a Plant Expansion
- 6.3 Risk Neutral Gambler
- 6.4 Risk Averse Gambler
- 6.5 Points after Touchdown Decision
- 7.1 Measuring Return
- 7.2 Geometric Brownian Motion
- 7.3 Binomial Model for Pricing Options
- 7.4 Real Options
- 7.5 Portfolio Optimization
- 7.6 Portfolio Optimization using Mean Absolute Deviation
- 7.7 Portfolio Optimization
- 7.8 Log-Optimal Growth and the Kelly Criterion
- 7.9 Log-Optimal Portfolios
License Requirements. The materials in this repository are available at for noncommercial use under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommericial ShareAlike License. You are invited to fork this repository, and to use, adapt, remix these material for non-commericial purposes. The license terms require you to give attribution and share your work under the same terms. Pull requests for corrections and additions to these materials are most welcome.