This SBT plugin allows you to export the classpath for each project. By default, it exports the classpath into target\.<config>-classpath
. The classpath file is a simple list of all directories and jar files (absolute paths) that are configured to be in the classpath for the project.
Install the plugin into your local ivy repository:
$> git clone <repo>
$> cd <repo>
$> sbt publishLocal
Configure the plugin to be automatically loaded for all sbt projects:
$> vi ~/.sbt/0.13/plugins/plugins.sbt
addSbtPlugin("com.github.sinail007" % "sbt-export-classpath" % "1.0.0")
Run the 'exportClasspath' task in the desired project:
sbt> exportClasspath
sbt> test:exportClasspath
This will generate a .main-classpath and a .test-classpath for the project (and each subproject)
This classpath file can be used as a search index for IDEs and text editors such as Sublime
The classpath should be re-exported when dependencies change