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V0.1: Able to handle 3by3 puzzles of unknwon dimension
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jeanmalod committed Mar 8, 2018
1 parent 8d3b210 commit 6d038ac
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Showing 2 changed files with 180 additions and 82 deletions.
65 changes: 43 additions & 22 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
from splitter import pieces, edges, compatibility, graph_create, print_graph, get_best_match, is_best_match, reconstruct
from splitter import pieces, edges, compatibility, graph_create, print_graph, get_best_match, is_best_match, reconstruct, display_image
from PIL import Image
import math
import scipy.spatial.distance as SSD
Expand All @@ -12,11 +12,24 @@
from random import shuffle

def jpg_image_to_array(image_path):
Loads JPEG image into 3D Numpy array of shape
(width, height, channels)
with as image:
im_arr = np.fromstring(image.tobytes(), dtype=np.uint8)
im_arr = im_arr.reshape((image.size[1], image.size[0], 3))
return im_arr

img = jpg_image_to_array('fez.jpg')
height_og = len(img)
width_og = len(img[0])

def show_pieces(np_array):
x= 0
y = 0
result ='RGB', (1000,668))
result ='RGB', (width_og,height_og))
for i in range(0,len(np_array)):
for j in range(0,len(np_array[i])):
Expand All @@ -29,6 +42,24 @@ def show_pieces(np_array):
return result

def show_pieces_end(coord_arr,images):
x= 0
y = 0
result ='RGB', (width_og,height_og))
for i in range(0,len(coord_arr)):
for j in range(0,len(coord_arr[i])):
xx = coord_arr[i][j][1]
yy = coord_arr[i][j][0]
temp_img = Image.fromarray(images[yy][xx])
x_offset = len(images[yy][xx][0,:])
y_offset = len(images[yy][xx][:,0])
result.paste(temp_img, (x,y))
x += x_offset
y += y_offset
return result

#Shuffles a 2d array by turning the array in a 1d array and then back to 2d
def shuflle2dArray(np_array):
np_array = np.array(np_array)
Expand All @@ -39,24 +70,14 @@ def shuflle2dArray(np_array):
np_array = arr
return np_array

def jpg_image_to_array(image_path):
Loads JPEG image into 3D Numpy array of shape
(width, height, channels)
with as image:
im_arr = np.fromstring(image.tobytes(), dtype=np.uint8)
im_arr = im_arr.reshape((image.size[1], image.size[0], 3))
return im_arr

img = jpg_image_to_array('fez.jpg')
np_image = pieces(img,5,5)
piece_number = 3
np_image = pieces(img,3,3)
result_edge = edges(np_image,4)
results = compatibility(result_edge)
graphres = graph_create(results)
res_place =reconstruct(graphres, results)
graphres, graph_not_opt = graph_create(results,np_image)
res_arr_pos = reconstruct(graphres,np_image)
display_arr = display_image(res_arr_pos, piece_number, np_image)
197 changes: 137 additions & 60 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
from decimal import *
from math import sqrt

getcontext().prec = 28
def shuflle2dArray(np_array):
np_array = np.array(np_array)
arr_shape = np_array.shape
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -57,20 +56,79 @@ def edges(np_image, target) :
result_edge[x][y][3] = west
return result_edge

def convert_coord(y,x,piece_num):
return y*piece_num+x

def decode_coord(coord, piece_num):
return np.unravel_index(int(coord), (piece_num*piece_num,piece_num*piece_num))

def insert_piece(y,x,z,arr, y_tar, x_tar):
piece_num = len(arr)
coord = convert_coord(y_tar,x_tar,piece_num)
if z == 0:
if at_edge(y,x,z, piece_num):
arr = move_down(arr)
arr[y,x] = coord
arr[y-1,x] = coord
if z == 1:
if at_edge(y,x,z, piece_num):
arr = move_left(arr)
arr[y,x] = coord
arr[y,x+1] = coord
if z == 2:
if at_edge(y,x,z, piece_num):
arr = move_up(arr)
arr[y,x] = coord
arr[y+1,x] = coord
if z == 3:
if at_edge(y,x,z,piece_num):
arr = move_right(arr)
arr[y,x] = coord
arr[y,x-1] = coord
return arr

def at_edge(y,x,dir, piece_num):
if 0 > (x or y) or (x or y) > piece_num:
print('Invalid inputs')
return -1
if dir == 0:
return y-1 < 0
if dir == 2:
return y+1 > piece_num
if dir == 1:
return x+1 >= piece_num
if dir == 3:
return x-1 < 0

def move_down(arr):
return np.roll(arr,1, axis=0)

def move_up(arr):
return np.roll(arr,-1, axis=0)

def move_right(arr):
return np.roll(arr,1, axis=1)

def move_left(arr):
return np.roll(arr,-1, axis=1)

def compatibility(np_pieces):
shape_results = (len(np_pieces),len(np_pieces[0]),4,len(np_pieces),len(np_pieces[0]))
results = np.empty(shape_results)
for x in range(0, len(np_pieces)):
for y in range(0,len(np_pieces[x])):
print('Piece ' + ' ' + str(x) + ' ' + str(y) + ' finished processing...')
for z in range(4):
for xx in range(0, len(np_pieces)):
for yy in range(0, len(np_pieces[x])):
if x != xx or y != yy:
zz = getInverse(z)
results[x][y][z][xx][yy] = get_score(np_pieces[x][y][z],np_pieces[xx][yy][zz],z)
print('Piece ',x,y, ' completed...')
return results

#Return the relevant edge position given a position
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -149,67 +207,86 @@ def is_best_match(x,y,xx,yy, results, edge):
x_match,y_match = get_best_match(x,y,results,edge)[:2]
return (x_match,y_match) == (xx,yy)

def print_graph(graphs):
for graph in graphs:
pos = nx.spring_layout(graph)
nx.draw_networkx_nodes(graph, pos, node_size=600)
nx.draw_networkx_edges(graph, pos, edge_color='black', width=3)
labels = nx.get_edge_attributes(graph, 'weight')
nx.draw_networkx_labels(graph, pos, font_size=20, font_family='sans-serif')
nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(graph, pos, edge_labels=labels)

def reconstruct(graphs, results):
res_shape = results.shape
h = res_shape[0]
w = res_shape[1]
solution = [[['#' for _ in range(4)] for _ in range(res_shape[1])] for _ in range(res_shape[0])]
for graph in graphs:
old_w = 1000000
for (u, v, wt) in'weight'):
edge = graph.get_edge_data(u, v)['edge']
print('edge ',edge)
if is_best_match(u[0],u[1],v[0],v[1],results,edge):
solution[u[0]][u[1]][edge] = v
solution[v[0]][v[1]][edge] = u
return solution

def display_results(results,images):
img_final = np.zeroes((1000,668,3))
for x in range(results):
for y in range(results):
for z in range(4):
if results[x][y][z] != 0:
target_x = results[x][y][z][0]
target_Y = results[x][y][z][1]
if z == 0:
insert_image(img_final, images[x][y], edge)

if z == 1:
if z == 2:
if z ==3:
results[target_x][target_Y][z] = 0

def graph_create(results):
graphs = []
def print_graph(graph):
pos = nx.spring_layout(graph)
nx.draw_networkx_nodes(graph, pos, node_size=600)
nx.draw_networkx_edges(graph, pos, edge_color='black', width=3)
labels = nx.get_edge_attributes(graph, 'p1')
nx.draw_networkx_labels(graph, pos, font_size=20, font_family='sans-serif')
nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(graph, pos, edge_labels=labels)

def find_best_start(graph):
start_node = (n for n in graph if len(list(graph.neighbors(n))) == 1)
cur_length = 10000
for node in list(start_node):
new_len = len(list(nx.single_source_shortest_path_length(graph, node, cutoff=3)))
if new_len < cur_length:
cur_length = new_len
target_node = node
return target_node

#check if move is possible up down left or right (none?) if so do it else move n to left right top or bottom and insert nbr in place of n
def reconstruct(graph, images):
node_num = len(nx.nodes(graph))
arr = np.zeros((node_num,node_num))
edge_done = []
start_node_tup = find_best_start(graph)
tt = list(nx.bfs_successors(graph, start_node_tup))
for node_list in tt:
curr_node = node_list[0]
y,x = curr_node
if len(edge_done) == 0:
arr[0,0] = convert_coord(y,x,node_num)
res = np.transpose(np.where(arr == convert_coord(y,x,node_num)))
y = res[0,0]
x = res[0,1]
for nodes in node_list:
if nodes != curr_node:
for node in nodes:
target_node = node
yy,xx = target_node
p1_data = graph[curr_node][target_node]['p1']
p2_data = graph[curr_node][target_node]['p2']
if p1_data[:2] == curr_node:
edge = p1_data[-1]
edge = p2_data[-1]
arr = insert_piece(y,x,edge,arr,yy,xx)
return arr

def display_image(arr,num_piece, images):
arr = clean_results(arr)
print('result array ',arr)
arr_coord = [[None for _ in range(num_piece)] for _ in range(num_piece)]
for y in range(len(arr)):
for x in range(len(arr[y])):
yy,xx = decode_coord(arr[y,x],num_piece)
arr_coord[y][x] = (yy,xx)
print('result array with coordinates adjusted ' ,arr_coord)
return arr_coord

def clean_results(arr):
arr = arr[~np.all(arr == 0, axis=1)]
arr = np.transpose(arr)
arr = arr[~np.all(arr == 0, axis=1)]
arr = np.transpose(arr)
return arr

def graph_create(results,images):
graph = nx.Graph()
for x in range(0, len(results)):
for y in range(0, len(results[x])):
graph = nx.Graph()
for z in range(4):
match_x, match_y, match_score = get_best_match(x,y,results,z)
# Check if edge already exists, if it does only replace current edge if match_score is smaller than existing score (this can happen at edges)
if graph.get_edge_data((x,y),(match_x,match_y)) is not None and graph.get_edge_data((x,y),(match_x,match_y))['weight'] < match_score:
print('Edge already exists and has a lower score for piece', x, y)
graph.add_edge((x,y), (match_x,match_y), weight=round(match_score,5), edge=z)
return graphs

if not(graph.get_edge_data((x,y),(match_x,match_y)) is not None and graph.get_edge_data((x,y),(match_x,match_y))['weight'] > match_score):
graph.add_edge((x,y), (match_x,match_y), weight=round(match_score,5), p1=(x,y,z), p2=(match_x,match_y,getInverse(z)),object=images[x][y])
T = nx.minimum_spanning_tree(graph)
return T, graph

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