A simple PHP program to move a whole ProcessWire site and DB.
All you need is the schlepwire.php file in the root of the site you want to copy.
NOTE: This tool is crude and has minimal safety. It relies on having your config.php set up to switch between site, and it fails "elegantly enough".
- Open source.com/schlepwire.php in your browser.
- Click schlep to create a package, which includes all source and the DB export.
- download the package to your local drive.
- FTP the package to the destination server's root, along with schlepwire.php
- Open destination.com/schlepwire.php in your browser and unschlep to install.
- It extracts all source code and imports the DB.
- test that your site works with a simple link.
- Remember to remove schlep* from your root.
This is fun!
- FTP the package to the destination server's root, along with schlepwire.php
- Open destination.com/schlepwire.php in your browser and unschlep to install.
- It extracts all source code and tries to import the DB.
It fails because it's a different domain and the config.php is for the other domain, not this new one. And there's probably no DB in place. So...
- create a DB
- change the config accordingly
- Open destination.com/schlepwire.php in your browser and Import SQL Only.
Now you have a new site that's identical to the old site, from scratch. You can start hacking at it as you please.
The idea is to define the site-specific data based on the current domain, and to fail explicitly if none of the abvove applies. The die
message is what schlepwire.php will show when installing from scratch.
if (preg_match( '/production.com/', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) {
// production
$config->dbHost = 'production';
$config->dbName = 'production';
$config->dbUser = 'production';
$config->dbPass = 'production';
$config->dbPort = 'production';
$config->httpHosts = array( 'production.com', 'www.production.com');
} elseif (preg_match( '/staging.com/', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) {
// staging
$config->dbHost = 'staging';
$config->dbName = 'staging';
$config->dbUser = 'staging';
$config->dbPass = 'staging';
$config->dbPort = 'staging';
$config->httpHosts = array( 'staging.com', 'www.staging.com');
} elseif (preg_match( '/development\.dev/', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) {
// development
$config->dbHost = 'development';
$config->dbName = 'development';
$config->dbUser = 'development';
$config->dbPass = 'development';
$config->dbPort = 'development';
$config->httpHosts = array( 'development.com', 'www.development.com');
} else {
die('No known config.');