I would like to clear a few things up. This is a packaged up version of the official Devilution project with all of the neccecary files included. I have made this repo to make the lives of some easier by reducing the amount of setup to get this all working. I condone piracy of media belonging to large greedy corporations. And as far as im concerned, Blizzard/Activision devs will not be affected by this, nor will Blizzard themselves.
The main repo page itself does not contain all of the files neccesary, some of them are simply too big. You must download from the releases tab on this page ( to get all of the files neccecary.
- Download and unzip from the releases tab (
- Put the extracted folder into the
directory on your SD card
Launch devilutionx.nro
. (Do not use album to launch; see the note below.)
Note: Hold R on any installed game and launch it. Do not use album to launch. If you use album, the homebrew will only have a small amount memory available, and the touch keyboard won't work. This is true for all homebrew, not just DevilutionX.
- Left analog or D-Pad: move hero
- A: attack nearby enemies, talk to townspeople and merchants, pickup/place items in the inventory, OK while in main menu
- B: select spell, back while in menus
- X: pickup items, open nearby chests and doors, use item in the inventory
- Y: cast spell, delete character while in main menu
- L: use health item from belt
- R: use mana potion from belt
- ZL: character sheet (alt: Start + L or ←)
- ZR: inventory (alt: Start + R or →)
- Left analog click: toggle automap (alt: Start + ↓)
- Start + Select: game menu (alt: Start + ↑)
- Select + A/B/X/Y: Spell hotkeys
- Right analog: move automap or simulate mouse
- Right analog click: left mouse click (alt: Select + L)
- Select + Right analog click: right mouse click (alt: Select + R)
- Select + ZL: quest log (alt: Start + Y)
- Select + ZR: spell book (alt: Start + B)
- Single finger drag: move the mouse pointer (pointer jumps to finger)
- Single short tap: left mouse click
- Single short tap while holding a second finger down: right mouse click
- Dual finger drag: drag'n'drop (left mouse button is held down)
- Three finger drag: drag'n'drop (right mouse button is held down)