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JensDiemer edited this page Apr 5, 2015 · 1 revision

Some notes and changes to the original creole specs

Differences to Creole 1.0

There exists some differences to the original markup:

image tag

We implemented a more stricted image tag than the original:

  • It matches only if...
    1. ...image target ends with a picture extention
    2. ...separator >|< for the image text exist

line break

We used blog-style line break instead of wiki-style (every line break would be convertet into {{{

But you can change back to "wiki new line style", e.g.:

>>> from creole import creole2html
>>> creole2html("Wiki style\\\\line breaks.", blog_line_breaks=False)
u'<p>Wiki style<br />\nline breaks.</p>\n'

(see also: [API])


The creole2html part support macros. But you must activate macros by ourself. More information: CreoleMacros

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