Git Assignment - jeffey97
a.What is an issue? An issue is a way to track tasks, enhancements, bugs, or feature requests in a repository.
b. What is a pull request? A pull request is a proposal to merge changes from one branch into another.
c. Describe the steps to open a pull request?
- Push changes to a feature branch.
- Go to the GitHub repository and click "Pull Requests."
- Click "New Pull Request."
- Select the feature branch to compare with the main branch.
- Add a title and description, then click "Create Pull Request."
d. Describe the steps to add a collaborator to a repository (share write permissions)?
- Go to the repository on GitHub.
- Click "Settings" and then click "Collaborators and Teams."
- Click "Add Collaborator," enter the username, and invite them.
e. What is the difference between git and GitHub? Git is a version control system to manage code locally where as GitHub is a cloud-based platform for hosting Git repositories.
f. What does git diff do?
It shows changes between commits, branches, or the working directory and the staging area.
g. What is the main branch?
The main branch is the default, primary branch in a repository, often used to store production-ready code.
h. Besides our initial commit if it is a new repository, should we directly push our changes directly into the main branch? No, it's better to work in feature branches and use pull requests to merge changes into the main branch after review.