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The minicart is a great way to improve your PayPal shopping cart integration.


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As much as I love it, this project is no longer supported with me being short on time. I am open to Pull Requests and if anyone is interested in taking it on please let me know.

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The minicart is a great way to improve your PayPal shopping cart integration. One simple change and your users will be able to manage their shopping cart directly from your website. Additional APIs provide you the power to customize the behavior to your needs.

  1. Basic Setup
  2. Advanced API
  3. API Examples
  4. Customization
  5. Localization
  6. FAQ

Basic Setup

  1. Create a PayPal Add to Cart Button

  2. Include the following snippet into your HTML before the closing </body> tag:

    <script src="//"></script>
  3. On your return page include:


It's that simple! Now the minicart will appear when a user views or adds a product to their cart.

Advanced API

The minicart has a JavaScript API for advanced users to customize the behavior.


paypal.minicart.render(config) Renders the minicart to the page. Config is optional and can have the following properties:

  • parent - HTMLElement the minicart should render to.
  • target - HTML target property for the checkout form.
  • action - PayPal URL (if you are accessing sandbox or another version of the PayPal website).
  • template - HTML template for rendering. See customization for details.
  • styles - CSS styles for rendering. See customization for details.
  • strings - An object of text strings: button, buttonAlt, subtotal and discount.

paypal.minicart.reset() Resets the minicart back to its default state.

View Triggers the minicart to show by adding a "minicart-showing" CSS class to the document.

paypal.minicart.view.hide() Triggers the minicart to hide by removing the "minicart-showing" CSS class on the document.

paypal.minicart.view.toggle() Toggles the visibility of the minicart.

paypal.minicart.view.bind(form) Binds an HTMLFormElement's submit event to the minicart. Useful for forms which may have been added to the page after the initial load.


paypal.minicart.cart.add(data) Adds an item to the cart. Fires the add event. Example data object:

{ "business": "[email protected]", "item_name": "Product", "amount": 5.00, "currency_code": "USD" }

paypal.minicart.cart.remove(idx) Removes an item from the cart by index. Fires the remove event.

paypal.minicart.cart.items(idx) Returns an array of items from the cart. If an index is passed then only that item is returned.

paypal.minicart.cart.settings(key) Returns an object of global cart settings. If a key is passed then only that value is returned. Calculates the cart discount amount. config can be used for formatting.

paypal.minicart.cart.subtotal(config) Calculates the cart total minus discounts. config can be used for formatting. Calculates the cart total. config can be used for formatting.

paypal.minicart.cart.destroy() Destroys the cart data and resets it back to the default state. Fires the destroy event.

paypal.minicart.cart.on(event, fn, scope) Subscribe to cart events. Events include:

  • add - Fired when an item is added. function (idx, product, isExisting)
  • remove - Fired when an item is removed. function (idx, product)
  • checkout - Fired on checkout. function (evt)
  • destroy - Fired when the cart is destroyed. function (), fn) Unsubscribe from cart events.


product.get(key) Returns a properties object for the product. If a key is passed then only that value is returned.

product.set(key, value) Sets a property for the product. Fires a change event.

product.options() Returns the options. Calculates the product discount. config can be used for formatting.

product.amount(config) Calculates the product amount discounts. config can be used for formatting. Calculates the product total. config can be used for formatting.

product.isEqual(product2) Determines if the current product is the same as another.

product.destroy() Destroys the product. Fires the destroy event.

product.on(event, fn, scope) Subscribe to cart events. Events include:

  • change - Fired when a value is changed. function (key)
  • destroy - Fired when the product is destroyed. function (), fn) Unsubscribe from product events.

API Examples

Examples of how you can use the API:


The minicart HTML template and CSS can be fully customized using two different approaches: configuration and custom themes. In both approaches, all functionality from the API is available using Embedded JavaScript Template syntax.


The HTML template and CSS can be overridden using the config object.

var myTemplate = "<div><%= config.strings.subtotal %> <%={ format: true, showCode: true }) %></div>";

    template: myTemplate

Custom Themes

Custom themes can be created and bundled into your own custom version of the minicart.js file.

Before creating a custom theme you'll need to have node.js installed. Once install is complete, open a terminal window and run npm install -g grunt-cli to install Grunt.

To create a theme follow these steps:

  1. Fork and clone this repo so you can make your own changes. If you're not sure what this means you can find out more on Github's Help.
  2. In your new fork, create a directory under src/themes with your theme name. For example, let's create src/themes/myAwesomeTheme.
  3. Next add your HTML template into src/themes/myAwesomeTheme/index.html. The templates use Embedded JavaScript Template syntax for logic.
  4. Finally add your CSS styles into src/themes/myAwesomeTheme/styles.css.
  5. With all that behind you it's now time to generate your custom minicart JavaScript file. In a terminal window run grunt build --theme=myAwesomeTheme. This will output a bundled JavaScript file complete with the minicart and your new theme at dist/minicart.myAwesomeTheme.js.
  6. Include this file into your HTML page instead of the normal JavaScript file and you'll see your new theme!

If you're new to the building a theme it's a good idea to copy the one at src/themes/default and start there.


Localization is supported using the strings object.

    strings: {
        button: "Caisse",
        buttonAlt: "Total:",
        discount: "Reduction:"

The currency symbol will be automatically updated based on the currency_code setting of your button.


Is the minicart free? How is it licensed?

Yes, it's free and licensed under the MIT License.

Which browsers are supported?

The minicart supports Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Internet Explorer 8+.

I made a change and want to contribute it. Do you accept pull requests?

Yes, absolutely! Please submit a pull request on Github.

Help, I found a bug!

Please submit the issue on the issue tracker including a link or sample code to reproduce it.

The minicart isn't appearing the same as on this page. Why?

This can occur if your page is being rendered in quirks mode. You can check for this issue, validate and correct your HTML using the W3C Markup Validator.

I installed the minicart, but my website still redirects to PayPal. Why?

The minicart doesn't work with PayPal's hosted buttons. To fix your buttons go to and:

  1. Create a button on PayPal's website and uncheck the Save button at PayPal checkbox under Step 2: Track inventory, profit & loss.
  2. Once you've created the button click Remove code protection before copying your button code.

If this isn't the case then you may have a JavaScript error on the page. Open the browser debugger console and see if there are any errors.

The minicart isn't emptying after a transaction is completed. Why?

Your buttons need to contain a return parameter with a URL for PayPal to redirect back to on completion. On this page make sure to call paypal.minicart.reset();.

Does the minicart work with frames?

Frames are not officially supported. You may be able to get some mileage with the target configuration setting.

Are previous versions of the minicart available?

All previous versions are tagged on Github.