Documentation for Pyneal Real-time fMRI software
To download the software, visit: Pyneal Repo
To view the docs website, visit: Pyneal-Docs website
All content is stored in markdown files that are saved in the content dir. Edit these files to edit the documentation
The table of contents for the documentation is set within mkdocs.yml
file in the root directory. Edit the section called pages:
to change the page order and page nesting.
Each page should have a corresponding markdown file. When creating/editing each markdown file, use a single H1 ('#') heading at the top, and use nested subheadings (h2, h3, etc..) throughout the page. This will ensure the table of contents on the right-hand side is formatted properly.
The static html of the site is built using mkdocs. In order to see how your changes will appear in html, you need to install the mkdocs tool, as well as the theme files:
pip install mkdocs
pip install mkdocs-material
To test out your edits to the site without having to build, open up a terminal session, navigate to the root dir of the repo and type:
mkdocs serve
This will start a local webserver and render your page. The URL will be provided in the output (probably
Once you're happy with the changes, build the complete site by typing:
mkdocs build
The mkdocs.yml file is customized so that the built files will appear in the docs dir. This way, everything can be pushed to the remote github repository, which is set up to host a site based on the contents of the docs dir.
Once the site is build, next commit & push the changes to github, and the site will be live within a few minutes afterward