SuperScript is a dialog system + bot engine for creating human-like conversation chat bots. It exposes an expressive script for crafting dialogue and features text-expansion using wordnet and Information Retrieval and extraction using ConceptNet.
- Dialog Engine
- Multi-User Platform for easy integration with Group Chat systems
- Message Pipeline with POS Tagging, Sentence Analyses and Question Tagging
- Extensible Plugin Architecture
npm install --global superscript
Visit for all the details on how to get started playing with SuperScript.
- Introducing SuperScript on Medium
- Creating a Chatbot on Medium
- Custom Slack chatbot tutorial on Medium
- Full Documentation
- Follow @rob_ellis
- Still Alpha, everything is unstable.
- Report them. Provide a failing test please.
SuperScript is based off of a fork of RiveScript with idiom brought in from ChatScript. Without the work of Noah Petherbridge and Bruce Wilcox, this project would not be possible.
Copyright © 2014 Rob Ellis