Playing with a hand-written dataset and making d3 visualizations.
This is generally a playground of works in progress, but sharing regardless.
A visualization of when each character is on-screen throughout the show
A list of other films in which Stranger Things costars, well, costar
A matrix visualization of frequency of other films in which Stranger Things costars, well, costar
A visualization of how long each character has been on-screen throughout the show
A visualization of how long the show spends in each location
A visualization of how long each character is on-screen in each season
A visualization of how long the show spends in each sublocation
A visualization of how much of a character's time on screen is spent in each season
A treemap visualization of how long each character is on-screen throughout the show
A force-directed visualization of characters on-screen together throughout the show
A visualization of the number of locations shown in each episode with how much time is spent in each
A matrix visualization of how often characters are on screen together
A visualization of the various locations characters visit and how much of their time they spend there
A visualization of characters' relationships (based on an HBO visualization)
A force-directed visualization characters' relationships
A visualization of when each character is on-screen throughout the show
A visualization of when each location is on-screen throughout the show
A visualization of when each more-specific location is on-screen throughout the show
A visualization of when each character is on-screen throughout the show, where they are, with whom they are, when they die, and more