Demo node application to send and recieve data to azure service bus.
The data is taken from, and is in json format which is sent to service bus. The reciever application will revieve the json data/message and insert the data to postgres database
{ "userId": 1, "id": 1, "title": "delectus aut autem", "completed": false }
id | userid | title | completed |
1 | 1 | delectus aut autem | false |
This is not a production ready code
To build and run the application a secrets.js file should be created in the root directory and the following contents needs to be added
export const serviceBusConnectionString = "connection-string";
export const queueName = "queue-name";
export const dbConnectionString = "db-connection-string";
Using the provided Dockerfile the application can be built
docker build -t job-challenge:latest Dockerfile
To run the application
docker run --name app -d -p 8080:8080 job-challenge:todo
The application only contain a single button which when pressed will get the json and sent to service bus