Mercury Editor is a web based WYSIWYG editor, and takes a different approach than any editor out there. It provides a full framework in which you can more easily create complex regions and interfaces. In Mercury Editor, regions dictate it's toolbars, buttons, and context for highlighting buttons. This simplifies the configuration, and provides more flexibility in terms of defining your own custom functionality that doesn't fit into the standard Mercury Editor features.
Mercury Editor also provides a comprehensive plugin architecture. Plugins makes additional functionality easier to write, test, and maintain -- and allows for a more consistent way to provide it to others.
This branch represents the future version of Mercury Editor. This iteration of Mercury Editor (Mercury2) separates the Rails portions from the Javascript portions of the project. This project serves as an example of how to implement functionality like snippets and image uploading/resizing. If you're interested in integrating Mercury2 with your own platform, this is the best place to start.
This is currently a work in progress.