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File metadata and controls

146 lines (87 loc) · 5.82 KB

Formatting, Parsing, and Validating Data

Data that is presented on the UI often has to be converted so that is human readable and fits to the locale of the user. On the other hand, data entered by the user has to be parsed and validated to be understood by the data source. For this purpose, you use formatters and data types.

Formatters are used to define the formatting of data on the UI while data types work in both directions: they format the data on the UI and parse and validate user input that is entered.

You can either use standard formatters and data types or define your own custom objects. SAPUI5 provides standard formatter classes that can be used to define custom data types and custom formatters.

If an error occurs during formatting or parsing, the following exception occurs: sap/ui/model/FormatException / sap/ui/model/ParseException.


For some controls like sap/m/Input you can also use API properties that define the data type and add additional features like restricted input options, for example, <Input type="Number"/>.


When using formatter functions, the binding is automatically switched to "one-way". So you can’t use a formatter function for "two-way" scenarios, but you can use Data Types.

A simple formatter can be defined directly in the controller. For example, you can format name data with the first letter in upper case:

myFormatter: function(sName) {
    return sName.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + sName.slice(1);


We recommend to use a separate formatter.js file that groups the formatters and makes them globally available in your app. You can then load the formatters in any controller by defining a dependency and instantiating the formatter file in a formatter variable. For more information, see Step 22: Custom Formatters in the Walkthrough tutorial.

When the formatter is defined in the controller, you can use it, for example, in an XML view:

<Text text="{
    path : 'person/name',
    formatter : '.myFormatter'
}" />


You can also use predefined formatter functions for standard uses cases, like formatMessage from module sap/base/strings/formatMessage.


The automatic type determination for OData V4 interacts with targetType and can, thus, influence a formatter’s input values. For more information on type determination in OData V4, see Type Determination.

Simple Types

If you also want to validate and parse input values, you use data types. All data types inherit from the abstract sap.ui.model.Type class.

A subclass of this class is sap.ui.model.SimpleType. The currently available types inherit from SimpleType class.

For simple data types, you can generate the following parameters in the constructor:

  • formatOptions: Format options define how a value is formatted and displayed in the UI.

  • constraints: Constraints are optional and define how an input value entered in the UI should look like. During parsing the value is validated against these constraints. For example, an Integer type has a constraint for maximum that is automatically validated when parsing the input values.

      Integer: 'sap/ui/model/type/Integer'
  <Input value="{
      path: '/number',
      type: 'Integer',
      formatOptions: {
          minIntegerDigits: 3
          constraints: {
      maximum: 1000
  }" />


This sample uses core:require to ensure the type module is imported and to enable the use of the short type name Integer instead of the full name in the declaration of data binding. For more information, see Require Modules in XML View and Fragment.

For a complete list of all simple types, see API Reference: sap.ui.model.Type.

OData Types

These types support OData V2 and V4 including relevant property facets as constraints. The OData types represent the OData EDM primitive types. For more information, see Primitive Data Types in the OData documentation.

For a complete list of all OData types, see API Reference: sap.ui.model.odata.type.


Also see the information on automatic type determination in OData V4 under Type Determination.

Custom Data Types

You can also define a custom data type based on sap.ui.model.SimpleType by specifying a custom implementation for formatValue, parseValue, and validateValue:

], function (SimpleType) {
    "use strict";
    return SimpleType.extend("sap.ui.demo.myCustomType", {

        formatValue: ...

        parseValue: ...

        validateValue: ...



Step 5: Adding a Flag Button of the Testing tutorial shows how to implement a custom data type.

Related Information

Binding Syntax