ESP32 WiFiManager sketch
Call "WiFiManager_Start()" to start, this will:
- Load hardcoded WIFI data (already there on boot)
- Load EEPROM WIFI data and save data
- while (no data) Set up AP mode and wait for user data
- try connecting, if (not) {GOTO3}
- if (AP mode used) {save to EEPROM}
So basically, on boot it tries to connect to the WIFI network, and if not possible it would create a Access Point so you can set the WIFI settings.
there are a few ways to do this
- Hardcoded; set 'ssid' and 'password' in the WiFiManager file. (this will be overwritten by EEPROM, if this has newer data)
- AP mode; When no Hardcoded or EEPROM data available the ESP will start a WIFI Acces Point, steps to set up this info: -Connect to "ESP32" (WiFiManager_APSSID) -Goto "" -Fill in WIFI settings, and press SEND. (Data will be saved to EEPROM when it works)
- Tabs (EEPROM_Seperator) will be replaced with spaces " "
- Emthy fields will be skipped, use a space to clear the input
- Fields with only char(*) will be skipped
- All char(") will be displayed as """ in the HTML page, this would show the char(") but just not that calling Get_Value(Safe=FALSE) will return this
On the ESP there is a LED_BUILDIN this LED reflects some erros
- ON WIFI starts, goes OFF when WIFI setup is successfully completed
- blink 100ms WIFI setup failed, APmode has started
- blink 500ms it is connecting to its known WiFi