📦 Dependency updates
- Bump configuration-as-code.version from 1512.vb_79d418d5fc8 to 1559.v38a_b_2e3b_6b_b_7 (#61) @dependabot
- Bump Jenkins Core to 2.346.3 (#62) @jonesbusy
- Bump plugin from 4.47 to 4.48 (#60) @dependabot
- Bump plugin from 4.46 to 4.47 (#58) @dependabot
- Bump plugin from 4.45 to 4.46 (#57) @dependabot
- Bump plugin from 4.43.1 to 4.45 (#56) @dependabot
- Bump bom-2.289.x from 1478.v81d3dc4f9a_43 to 1500.ve4d05cd32975 (#53) @dependabot
- Bump configuration-as-code.version from 1466.v2d4119502006 to 1512.vb_79d418d5fc8 (#54) @dependabot
- Bump git-changelist-maven-extension from 1.3 to 1.4 (#55) @dependabot
- Bump plugin from 4.42 to 4.43.1 (#52) @dependabot
- Bump configuration-as-code.version from 1464.vd8507b_82e41a_ to 1466.v2d4119502006 (#50) @dependabot
- Bump bom-2.289.x from 1466.v85a_616ea_b_87c to 1478.v81d3dc4f9a_43 (#51) @dependabot