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Partial replication of The Shadowy Lives of Emojis: An Analysis of a Hacktivist Collective’s Use of Emojis on Twitter.


Anonymous is a prominent international hacktivist collective that often targets corporations and governments for politically motivated reasons. They are unusual for having a robust social media presence since they are involved in serious cybercrime. Do Anonymous-affiliated Twitter users’ emoji use differ from a typical user’s emoji use? How can we explain differences? What different meanings may different emojis have?

Files listed in order of creation

  • main_collect.ipynb - This notebook contains data collection and data filtering.
  • fwg.json, fwr.json - These files contain the ids of followers and friends pulled from the seed accounts.
  • anonfwg.json, anonfwr.json - These files contain the ids of Anonymous-affiliated candidates after checking for alphanumeric variations of 'anonymous' and 'legion'.
  • anonacc.json - This file contains the ids, names, screen names, descriptions, and profile links of users from anonfwg.json and anonfwr.json with features to be used for supervised classification added.
  • affiliation.csv - This file contains the manually labelled affiliations of users in anonacc.json.
  • atweets.json, rtweets.json - These files contain Anonymous-affliated tweets and randomly sampled tweets.
  • main_analyze.ipynb - This notebook contains data analysis and data visualization.
  • wc_anon_emojis.png, wc_random_emojis.png - These files are WordClouds made with the Twitter Color Emoji font that display Anonymous-affliated tweet emojis and randomly sampled tweet emojis.


Analysis of Anonymous emoji usage on Twitter






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