This Symfony bundle provides integration for the Handlebars template engine using LightnCandy as renderer.
- Symfony 2.8+
- composer
composer require jays-de/handlebars-bundle
Composer will install the bundle to your project's `vendor/` directory.
### 2. Enable the bundle
Enable the bundle in the kernel:
``` php
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new \JaySDe\HandlebarsBundle\HandlebarsBundle();
# app/config/config.yml
templating: { engines: ['twig', 'handlebars'] }
Files in your Resources/view with a .hbs or .handlebars ending are supported.
public function indexAction(Request $request)
return $this->render('index.hbs', [...]);
This will render the file index.hbs in your Resources/views
It's possible to set or unset the different flags provided by LightnCandy. Therefore set in your config.yml the fields flags and excludedFlags. The bundle will ensure that default flags are set, to prevent a non working template engine. The complete list of flags can be found at the LnC documentation
# app/config/config.yml
The Bundle comes with some built-in helpers.
Use the path helper and refer to the route
<a href="{{route_path '_welcome' }}">Home</a>
Its also possible to add parameters to the referenced route
<a href="{{route_path 'article_show' slug=article.slug}}">{{ article.title }}</a>
You can also generate an absolute URL using the url helper
<a href="{{route_url '_welcome' }}">Home</a>
To avoid hardcoding pathes to assets like images, javascript or stylesheets use the asset helper.
<img src="{{asset 'images/logo.png' }}" />
<link href="{{asset 'css/blog.css' }}" rel="stylesheet" />
To add new helper functions to the handlebars engine, you just have to create a class implementing JaySDe\HandlebarsBundle\Helper\HelperInterface
and create a service definition with the tag handlebars.helper
. The ID of the tag is the helpers block name inside handlebars templates.
<service id="handlebars.helper.trans" class="JaySDe\HandlebarsBundle\Helper\TranslationHelper">
<tag name="handlebars.helper" id="i18n" />
<argument type="service" id="translator" />
The helper registry also supports to register any callable. So it's possible to create a class with the magic __invoke() method and define a service for it
class MyHelper{
public function __invoke($context, $options) {}
<service id="" class="MyHelper">
<tag name="handlebars.helper" id="my" />
or using a factory method returning an anonymous function for example
class HelperFactory{
public function getMyHelper() {
return function($context, $options) {}
<service id="handlebar.helper_factory" class="HelperFactory" />
<service id="" class="callable">
<factory service="handlebar.helper_factory" method="getMyHelper" />
<tag name="handlebars.helper" id="my" />
Jens Schulze - [email protected]
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
Bugs and feature requests are tracked on GitHub.