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A program using SMID vectors to extract fastq reads by read ids.


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No longer mainting this repository. See bioTools/seqById for more updated code. Here because the newer version has has hanged a lot. Newer version is better for memory usage.


FqGetIds extracts reads from a fastq file by input read ids. It can be complied with vector support for processing the fastq file cpu's that support the NEON, SSE, AVX2, and maybe AVX512 instruction sets. FqGetIds without vector support is slower than seqkit. FqGetIds also requires more ram than seqkit.

The reason why I am posting fqGetIds is to see if anyone can find a use for any elements of the code.

This program is dual licensed under the MIT (primary) or CC0 (alt-LICENSE). Pick the license you prefer to work with.

Building fqGetIds

# 128 bit vector support (intel/AMD). Should work on most
# computers
sudo make sse
make install

# NEON 128 bit vector support (arm cpus). Smart phones and
# the less powerfull tablets
make neon
sudo make install

# No vector (scalar) support (any machine)
sudo make install

# 256 bit vector support (It is likley your cpu will
# support this if it supports SSE2)
make avx2
sudo make install

# 512 bit vector support (Newer intel cpus, not likely
# supported)
make avx512
sudo make install

# If you get an Illegal instruction error when you run
# fqGetIds, it likely means that your cpu does not support
# the SIMD instructions you compiled fqGetIds for.
# This is most likely to happend with AVX512.

Running fqGetIds

fqGetIds takes in a fastq file and a file of read ids as input. Each entry in the read id file must start with an readID or and @readID. The read id must be followed by white space, such as a space, tab, or new line. The entry then must end with a new line. So long as this format is followed your input should be ok. The code block beneath has some examples of what your file could look like.

@b8b59199-b3f8-47da-82c9-93bdf6ca251a runid=...
d952424e-f1a0-4449-b56c-d8ceff123521	flag	reference	mapq	position	cigar	 ...

The fastq file should be a standard fastq. It can not have blank lines. However, it can have multiple lines for the sequence entry and Q-score entry, so long as the sequence and Q-score entry have the same number of lines.

Here are some example commands for running fqGetIds. These should cover all the options for fqGetIds.

fqGetIds -f read-ids.txt -fastq file.fastq > out.fastq

# To ingore read ids in read-ids.txt
fqGetIds -v -f read-ids.txt -fastq file.fastq -out out.fastq

# Read fastq input from stdin
cat file.fastq | fqGetIds -stdin-fastq -f read-ids.txt > out.fastq

# Read read ids to extract from stdin
cat read-ids.txt | fqGetIds -stdin-filt -fastq file.fastq -out out.fastq

# help message
fqGetIds -h | less



The Nanopore data set is a combination of several fastq files that were combined together to get six million reads. These files are not available, but were from sequencing 700 base long amplicons from porcine circovirus type 2. The Illumina file was the fastq file used to benchmark seqkit, check seqkits github page to download a .gz file with their testing data. I used data set C. I should note their benchmarks are for a much older version of seqkit, not seqkit version 2.3.0, which was tested here.

We extracted 75% of the reads in the fastq file using sampleReads.awk in analysis. For testing we used fqGetIds make benchmark and seqkit version 2.3.0. We then benchmarked each program using a bash script (see code block beneath) that extracted 0.1%, 1%, 10%, 22.5%, 35%, 50%, 75%, and 100% of reads. The read id's to extract were selected evenly across the fastq file using sampleReadIds.awk in analysis. To reduce the affect of the cache on times we ran fqGetIds once and seqkit twice before recording times. Time, memory usage, and cpu usage were recorded using gnu time (/usr/bin/time) -f "%e\t%M\t%P".

# Extract 75% of reads in file. This script evenly extracts
# reads across the file.
awk \
    -f analysis/sampleReads.awk \
    -v numReadsToKeepI="$(((75 * readsInFastq) / 100))" \
    -v readsInFastqI="$readsInFastq" \
    -v prefixStr="prefix";

# Benchmarking commands. Time recording is build in.
bash analysis/ \
  NanoporeFile.fastq \
  5 \
  0; # 0 means each fastq entry is four lines

bash analysis/ \
  IlluminaFile.fastq \
  5 \
  1; #  1 means each fastq entry is six lines


Elapsed time usage to extract reads from a fastq from nanopore sequencing for fqGetIds and seqkit. FqGetIds in scalar is slower than seqkit, but fqGetIds with vector support is faster.

Figure one: Nanopore read times

Figure one is showing the time it took to extract 0.1%, 1%, 10%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% of reads from a Nanopore fastq file having four million reads. We can see that seqkit 2.3 is doing better than the scalar form of fqGetIds, but is not doing as well as the vector complied fqGetIds till over 50% of reads are extracted. However, the scalar form of fqGetIds is faster than seqkit when only a few reads need to be extracted.

The faster times for FqGetIds when extracting a few reads and faster times for vector support suggests that the slowness of fqGetIds is from its hash/AVL tree algorithm. It is likely that fqGetIds with vector support can process the fastq file faster than seqkit, which would explain why fqGetIds is faster when extracting fewer reads.

We also saw the fqGetIds was using less cpu (see analysis/fqGetIds-cpu.svg) when extracting over 50% of reads. This combined with the unpredictable times suggests that when extracting 100% of reads, that the file IO in output was the limiting factor.

The multithreading employed by seqkit had little impact on times until 50% of reads were extracted. However, this gain became unpredictable when extracting 100% of reads. This was likely due to file IO issues.

That being said, we only tested up to four million reads. It is possible that seqkit might start to out perform fqGetIds with vector support when read depths get greater.

Elapsed time usage to extract reads from a fastq from Illumina sequencing for fqGetIds and seqkit. fqGetIds scalar is always slower than Illumina, while vector support is only as fast as seqkit with one thread.

Figure 2: Illumina times

Figure two is showing the time it took to extract 0.1%, 1%, 10%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% of reads from an Illumina fastq file having six million reads. Our best times were from seqkit with seven threads, followed by seqkit with three threads, then fqGetIds with vector support or seqkit with one thread, and finally scalar fqGetIds was the slowest. This shows that seqkit is faster than fqGetIds for Illumina fastq files.

For cpu usage (analysis/fqGetIds-cpu.svg) we found that all programs were using at least 100% of the cpu, while seqkit with seven threads was using of 150% of the cpu.

Memory usage of fqGetIds and seqkit. fqGetId uses more memory than seqkit

Figure 3: memory usage

Figure three is showing the memory usage for the Illumina tests and Nanopore tests. We can see in all cases that seqkit is using less memory than fqGetIds.

How fqGetIds works

fqGetIds uses a combination of a hash table and an AVL tree to detect if reads should be extracted or ignored. The first step reduces an read id to an number that can be hashed using Knuth's multiplicative hash. This number is then hashed to see if it matches any input reads. An AVL tree is then used to handle cases were multiple reads have the same hash.

In the conversion step only characters 0 to 9 and a to u (case is ignored) are converted to a 5 bit number (1 to 31). Other characters of interest (v to z [case is ignored] and :), are converted to 0, which means that only their position is kept. However, this position will be lost if it is at the end of the last limb.

The converted read id is stored in multiple longs (each separate long is a limb). A sum of all limbs is found by casting each long limb two integer limbs (smaller than longs) and then adding up the integers. This sum is used to find the hash value and for a first comparison of two different read ids.

An AVL tree is used to handle collisions in the hash table. The first check when comparing read ids in the tree to a query is to make sure both reads have the same total. Next is the check to make sure both reads have the same number of limbs.Finally each limb in the read id is compared to see if any limbs are different. In this case the limbs are compared backwards (last limbs are compared first).

I suspect the difference in times between fqGetIds and seqkit are due to my AVL tree hash combination being slower than seqkit's hashing. I also know that Illumina read id's barely fill four limbs. I could reduce this to three limbs for Illumina by only recording 0-9, a-f, and :.

Vector support

FqGetIds uses a ~100kb buffer to read in sections of the fastq file. This reduces the number of times fqGetIds needs to access the original file. However, this comes at the cost of fqGetIds needing to scan through the buffer to identify the start and end of fastq files. To speed this step up fqGetIds can be compiled with SIMD support.

Currently the NEON, SSE, and AVX2 instruction sets are known to work with fqGetIds. However, vectorWrap.c/h does support the AVX512 instructions, so it is possible that the AVX512 will work (I am unable to test this).


I am not sure how much farther I will continue this project and it will be a bit before I move back to fqGetIds.

It might be nice to try changing my AVL hash to a double hash. I am hoping this will get closer to seqkits times.

Also I need to add a usage guide for fqGetIds. You can find an old usage guide at The fqGetIds entry in it is pretty brief and I am hoping to add a better one here.

Clean up the documentation. This program was developed over a couple of years, over which my documentation style has changed. I need to take a couple days to get the code to my current format (fqGetIdsFqFun is in the correct format).

Make fqGetIds easier to work with by using structures. This will only be done if it does not compromise speed, which it should not.


My Dad for advice and support.

Danila Kutenin who wrote the blog about how to get a movemask function for NEON. This helped me get the NEON vector support set up.

The bit hacking guide for providing a function to count the number of set bits.

Various internet sites, especially stack overflow, the intel intrinsic guide, and arms intrinsic search engine, and a handy intrinsics guide for people new to SIMDS I found online


A program using SMID vectors to extract fastq reads by read ids.




MIT, CC0-1.0 licenses found

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