BHAS is a passive BGP control-plane hijack detection system. Our paper will be published at
Make sure you use PIP to install ipwhois, netaddr, peewee and psycopg2. Monitored prefixes are expected to be in input.csv. Logging can be adjusted in Currently only PostgreSQL is supported because of its cidr datatype. For the first use, put CIDR notated prefix information in input.csv and then run ./ -i to initialize the database. This process could take some time depending on the amount of monitored prefixes and will query prefix information from RIPEstat. When completed, run ./ < testdata.json where testdata.json is ExaBGP JSON output, or bootstrap BHAS by hooking it to ExaBGP. See exabgp.conf for and example ExaBGP configuration.
For more information, launch bhas with --help to see all available flags and arguments.
Use the Github issue tracker or contact jeroen92 or bamterborch.
See the LICENSE file, located in the root of the git repository for licensing information.