Program written in C that parses ZFS statistics and stores them to a MySQL database. When run, the program will continue as a daemon in the background.
Every 30 minutes it will collect and parse certain ZFS statistics and write them to a user-specified MySQL database.
- FreeBSD/Solaris installation
- MySQL connector (delivered with this package)
###VERSION 1.2
Added zpool IO statistics. For the full set of changes, please read the commit history.
To install:
- Download the files from the GIT repo to your FreeBSD machine.
- Create a user and a new schema in MySQL. You don't have to create any tables, the program will do it for you ;)
- Give the user sufficient rights on the created schema (INSERT, CREATE TABLE, SHOW)
- Copy the MySQL C API with 'make prepare'. If these are already installed, compile with 'make all'.
- Run the ./zfsstats executable and follow the steps on your screen.