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Kong plugin | x-custom-jwt: How to craft and sign a custom JWT

  1. Craft a custom JWT using the input Authentication properties
  2. Load the private JWK from the plugin's configuration and convert it into a PEM format
  3. Sign the JWT with the PEM string for building a JWS
  4. Add the custom JWT to an HTTP Request Header backend API

The plugin x-custom-jwt doesn't check the validity of the input itself (neither checking of JWT signature & JWT expiration, nor user/password checking, nor checking Client TLS checking, nor api key checking). So it's mandatory to use this plugin in conjunction with one of the Kong's security plugins:

x-custom-jwt plugin configuration reference

config.apikey_header apikey The Http header name to get the apiKey for Key Authentication
config.bearer_clientid_claim clientId The claim name to extract the clientId (from a JWT) for Authentication Bearer
config.upstream_custom_jwt_header X-Custom-Jwt The Http header name where to drop the custom JWT in the upstream request. It overrides any existing value. If the value is Authorization the Bearer type is added in the value
config.downstream_custom_jwt_header N/A The Http header name where to drop the custom JWT in the downstream response. It overrides any existing value
config.expires_in 1800 Number of seconds for the exp (expiration) claim which are added to the current time
config.iss https://kong-gateway:8443/x-custom-jwt The iss (issuer) claim that identifies the Kong Gateway that issued the custom JWT
config.jku https://kong-gateway:8443/x-custom-jwt/jwks The jku (JWK set Url) that points to a Kong Gateway route for delivering the well-known location of JWKs
config.private_jwk {"kty": "RSA","kid": "kong",...<CHANGE_ME>} The JWK private key to sign the custom JWT. The format is JSON. RS256, RS512, SH256, SH512 algorithms are supported
config.verbose false Append to the Consumer a detailed message in case of error

High level algorithm of x-custom-jwt to craft and sign a custom JWT

-- Try to find one by one an Authentication given by the Consumer
find "Authorization: Bearer" header
if not "Authorization: Bearer" then
  find "Authorization: Basic" header
if not "Authorization: Bearer" and not "Authorization: Basic" then
  find "mTLS Client Certificate"
if not "Authorization: Bearer" and not "Authorization: Basic" and not "mTLS Client Certificate" then
  find "apikey" header

if not "Authorization: Bearer" and not "Authorization: Basic" and not "mTLS Client Certificate" and not "apikey" then
  -- The Consumer's request is blocked
  return "HTTP 401", "You are not authorized to access to this service"

-- If the Consumer sends a correct Authentication, we craft the 'x-custom-jwt' JWT
-- The 'client_id' claim has a value depending of the Consumer's Authentication
if "Authorization: Bearer" then
  -- Copy all the content of the AT (given by 'Authorization: Bearer')
  x-custom-jwt.payload = AT.payload
  x-custom-jwt.payload.client_id = x-custom-jwt.payload[plugin_conf.bearer_clientid_claim]
else if "Authorization: Basic" then
  -- Copy the username of the Basic Auth
  x-custom-jwt.payload.client_id = AT.payload.username
else if "mTLS Client Certificate" then
  -- Copy the entire subjectDN (all distinguished names) of the Client Certificate
  x-custom-jwt.payload.client_id = subjectDN
else if "apikey" then
  -- Copy the 'apikey' value
  x-custom-jwt.payload.client_id = apiKeyValue

-- If the 'x-custom-jwt.client_id' is not set
if not x-custom-jwt.payload.client_id then
  -- The Consumer's request is blocked
  return "HTTP 401", "You are not authorized to consume this service. Internal Error"

-- Header values for all Authentication methods
x-custom-jwt.header.typ = "JWT",
x-custom-jwt.header.alg = "<JWK.alg>", -- Got from the alg of private JWK
x-custom-jwt.header.kid = "<JWK.kid>", -- Got from the kid of private JWK
x-custom-jwt.header.jku = "<jku>" -- Got from the plugin Configuration

-- Common claims for all Authentication methods
x-custom-jwt.payload.iss = "<iss>" -- Got from the plugin Configuration
x-custom-jwt.payload.iat = "<current time>"
x-custom-jwt.payload.exp = x-custom-jwt.payload.iat + "<expires_in>"  -- Got from the plugin Configuration
x-custom-jwt.payload.aud = "<url>" -- the Backend_Api URL
x-custom-jwt.payload.jti = "<uuid>" -- Generation of a 'Universally unique identifier'

-- 'act.sub' claim
x-custom-jwt.payload.act.client_id = "<kong-consumer-custom-id>" or "<kong-consumer-id>" -- Set by security plugins (OIDC, Basic Auth, Key Authentication, Mutual TLS Auth, etc.)

-- Sign the JWT with a private JWK (set in the plugin configuration) for building a JWS 
jws_x_custom_jwt = jwt:sign (x-custom-jwt, private_jwk)

-- Add the custom JWT in an HTTP header to the request's headers before sending the request to the Backend API
kong.service.request.set_header(plugin_conf.upstream_custom_jwt_header, jws_x_custom_jwt)

How to test the x-custom-jwt plugin with Kong Gateway


In this repo, there is the konnect.yaml decK file related to the prerequisites and following examples. If you prefrer you can do deck gateway sync and avoid manual declaration as explained below.

  1. Install the Kong Gateway
  2. Install the x-custom-jwt plugin by following the documentation, here
  3. Install
  4. Prepare the RSA256 JWK for getting the Public and Private Keypair
  • You can use the JWK keypair provided in this repo:
  • Or create your own JWK keypair: go for instance to the site and configure the online tool with following values:
    • key Size: 2048
    • Key Use: Signature
    • Algorithm: RS256
    • Key-ID (kid): kong
  • Click on Generate, copy to clipboard the Public and Private Keypair (i.e. Private Key) and the Public Key
  1. Create a Route to deliver the public JWKS
  • The Route has the following properties:
    • name=x-custom-jwt-jwks
    • path=/x-custom-jwt/jwks
    • Click on Save
  • Add the Request Termination plugin to the Route with:
    • config.status_code=200
    • config.content_type=application/json
    • config.body=copy/paste the content of RS256-jwks-public.json Or
    • Config.Body=The Public JWK Key must be pasted from and add "keys": [ property for having a JWKS. If needed, adapt the kid to a custom value. JWKS Structure:
        "keys": [
            *****  CHANGE ME WITH THE PUBLIC JWK *****
    • Click on Save
  • Add the CORS plugin to the Route with:
    • Click on Save
  1. Create a Gateway Service
  • For httpbin service, add a Gateway Service with:
    • name=httpbin
    • URL=
    • Click on Save
  • Add a Route to the Service with:
    • name=httpbin
    • path=/httpbin
    • Click on Save
  • Add x-custom-jwt plugin to the Service with:
    • config.bearer_clientid_claim=clientId or ** Replace with the right claim for having the proper Kong consumer reconciliation **
    • config.iss=<adapt the URL to your environment> (example: https://kong-gateway:8443/x-custom-jwt)
    • config.jku=<adapt the URL to your environment> (example: https://kong-gateway:8443/x-custom-jwt/jwks)
    • config.private_jwk=copy/paste the content of RS256-jwk-private.json Or
    • config.private_jwk=paste the Public and Private Keypair from If needed, adapt the kid to a custom value; the kid value must be the same as defined in Prerequisites heading (see the configuration of Request Termination plugin)
    • config.verbose=true
  1. Create a Consumer with:
  1. Create a [email protected] Client in your IdP Server for Example #1

Example #1: "Authorization: Bearer" input

  1. Open the httpbin Service
  2. Create a new Route:
  • name=oidc
  • path=/oidc
  1. Add OpenId Connect plugin to the Route with:
  • config.client_id=** Replace with your Client Id **
  • config.client_secret=** Replace with your Client Secret **
  • config.issuer: ** Replace with your /.well-known/openid-configuration URL **
  • config.auth_methods: client_credentials + introspection
  • config.consumer_claim = clientId or ** Replace with the right claim for having the proper Kong consumer reconciliation **
  1. Test
  • Request:
    http -a [email protected]:<**YOUR_PASSWORD**> kong-gateway:8000/oidc
    http kong-gateway:8000/oidc Authorization:'Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCIgOiAiSldUIiwia2lkIiA6ICJxOEVFR3YweE9FQkt3eFNJYVZDNGpHTWxVcF8yWURhS1pfMVdZNHV3b2lRIn0.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.AE3wHHhElQWnuDCJO_XYSvBw7RND4ZB8FpgB9wKlSR5Zbr3XyFwTrbtOdC5A6DAkMdcZ5s-sWg1qDVefM6k2qVe-gj2kmFcMBBt8DQPD7YBKbHdJGaPxqCDrNOrmhMt6MC7EldHd0rJ4beF7i49q4eCyYuSLCpKeS-eTFw5L-s98uGoRxgEZEocaZl9Atu_ajB84HQBpQ31Z0ObKwrMME7TU4nyOWXFYs7ZcGlhamjC2dmDiVJkxKL3ochq6jbnfQAkwjq6EVrK_0KPdMOANcwoYi0gg2TqDq0b16CSA8zUYYf0qVxV69Dyl_3tcWnqvHs7kzelQMeNMziOl4_GZMg'
  • Response: expected value of x-custom-jwt plugin:
    • Base64 encoded:
    • JSON decoded:
      "header": {
        "typ": "JWT",
        "alg": "RS256",
        "kid": "kong",
        "jku": "https://kong-gateway:8443/x-custom-jwt/jwks"
      "payload": {
        "realm_access": {
          "roles": [
        "resource_access": {
          "account": {
            "roles": [
        "scope": "openid email profile",
        "sub": "cc163ff5-bfc1-4d6f-a1c1-6b03e295f62f",
        "aud": "",
        "iat": 1712685416,
        "azp": "[email protected]",
        "clientHost": "",
        "client_id": "[email protected]",
        "acr": "1",
        "act": {
          "client_id": "[email protected]"
        "preferred_username": "[email protected]",
        "clientAddress": "",
        "iss": "https://kong-gateway:8443/x-custom-jwt",
        "jti": "e2a4a80d-cf98-455f-8a6a-40cd6123de55",
        "clientId": "[email protected]",
        "exp": 1712687216,
        "typ": "Bearer",
        "email_verified": false
      "signature": "xxxxx"

Example #2: "Authorization: Basic" input

  1. Open the httpbin Service
  2. Create a new Route:
  • name=basicAuth
  • path=/basicAuth
  1. Add Basic Authentication plugin to the Route (Leave default parameters)
  2. Open the [email protected] consumer, go on Credentials / Basic Authentication, click on a + New Basic Auth Credential and put:
  • username=my-user
  • password=My p@ssword!
  1. Click on save
  2. Test
  • Request:

    http -a 'my-user:My p@ssword!' kong-gateway:8000/basicAuth

    If you imported the configuration with decK you'll have a 401 error. It's due to hashing of passwords, so you have to redefine it: see step #4

  • Response: expected value of x-custom-jwt plugin:

    • Base64 encoded:
    • JSON decoded:
      "header": {
        "typ": "JWT",
        "alg": "RS256",
        "kid": "kong",
        "jku": "https://kong-gateway:8443/x-custom-jwt/jwks"
      "payload": {
        "client_id": "my-user",
        "iat": 1712767136,
        "act": {
          "client_id": "[email protected]"
        "jti": "920268f8-931e-4d26-8522-c6ba0ba293cb",
        "exp": 1712768936,
        "iss": "https://kong-gateway:8443/x-custom-jwt",
        "aud": ""
      "signature": "xxxxx"

Example #3: "mTLS Client Certificate" input

  1. Create a CA Certificate: open Certificates page and click New CA Certficate
  • Copy/paste the content of ./mTLS/ca.cert.pem in the CA field
  • Click on Create
  1. Open the CA Certificate just created and copy/paste its ID
  2. Open the httpbin Service
  3. Create a new a Route:
  • name=mtlsAuth
  • path=/mtlsAuth
  1. Add Mutual TLS Authentication plugin to the Route and add to config.ca_certificates the ÌD of the CA cert
  2. Click on Install
  3. Check the presence of [email protected] consumer (linked with the client certificate)
  4. Click on create
  5. Test
  • Request:

    http --verify=no --cert=./mTLS/01.pem --cert-key=./mTLS/client.key https://localhost:8443/mtlsAuth
  • Response: expected value of x-custom-jwt plugin:

    • Base64 encoded:
    • JSON decoded:
      "header": {
        "typ": "JWT",
        "alg": "RS256",
        "kid": "kong",
        "jku": "https://kong-gateway:8443/x-custom-jwt/jwks"
      "payload": {
        "act": {
          "client_id": "[email protected]"
        "jti": "38ca0f91-fdbf-4993-9a86-2d50aab1f70b",
        "iss": "https://kong-gateway:8443/x-custom-jwt",
        "client_id": "C=US, ST=California, O=Kong Inc., OU=Konnect, CN=kong, [email protected]",
        "exp": 1712687293,
        "iat": 1712685493,
        "aud": ""
      "signature": "xxxxx"

Example #4: "Key Authentication" input

  1. Open the httpbin Service
  2. Create a new a Route:
  • name=apiKey
  • path=/apiKey
  1. Add Key Auth plugin to the Route with:
  • config.key_names=apikey
  1. Open the [email protected] consumer, click on Credentials / Key Authentication and click on + New Key Auth Credential, put:
  • Key=012345AZERTY!
  1. Click on Create
  2. Test
  • Request:

    http kong-gateway:8000/apiKey apikey:'012345AZERTY!'
  • Response: expected value of x-custom-jwt plugin:

    • Base64 encoded:
    • JSON decoded:
      "header": {
        "typ": "JWT",
        "alg": "RS256",
        "kid": "kong",
        "jku": "https://kong-gateway:8443/x-custom-jwt/jwks"
      "payload": {
        "act": {
          "client_id": "[email protected]"
        "jti": "d7315e9a-ab2c-4e8c-ada9-3b12c3b4f3e4",
        "iss": "https://kong-gateway:8443/x-custom-jwt",
        "aud": "",
        "iat": 1712596493,
        "exp": 1712598293,
        "client_id": "012345AZERTY!"
      "signature": "xxxxx"

Check the JWS with the JWT plugin and build the /introspect Route

Use the JWT plugin to check the JWS. The JWT plugin loads the credentials from the Consumer entity depending of algorithm:

  • For RSA (RS256, RS512): the Consumer credential uses the PEM format (derived from the Public JWK)
  • For HMAC (SH256, SH512): the Consumer credential uses the Symetric Key (see k value in the JWK)

Let's create an /introspect Route with the JWT plugin and Request Termination plugin:

  1. Get the Credential
  • For RSA:
    node convert-RSA-JWK-to-PEM.js RS256-jwk-public.json
    • Put the content in a .pem file by including -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- and -----END PUBLIC KEY-----
  • For HMAC:
  1. Attach the JWT credential to the Consumer
  • For Kong EE: use Kong Manager:
    • Open the [email protected] consumer, click on Credentials / JWT and click on + New JWT Credential, put:
      • For RSA (RS256):
        • algorithm=RS256
        • key=my-user
        • rsa_public_key=copy/paste the PEM content from step #1 (RS256-public.pem)
        • click on Save
      • For HMAC (SH256):
  • For Konnect: use API:
    • For RSA (RS256):
      http<**YOUR_RUNTIME_GROUP_ID**>/consumers/<**[email protected]_CONSUMER_ID**>/jwt Authorization:'Bearer kpat_<**YOUR_PAT**>' algorithm=RS256 key=my-user [email protected]
    • For HMAC (SH256):
      http<**YOUR_RUNTIME_GROUP_ID**>/consumers/<**[email protected]_CONSUMER_ID**>/jwt Authorization:'Bearer kpat_<**YOUR_PAT**>' algorithm=HS256 key=my-user secret="<**SECRET_FROM_STEP_ABOVE**>"
  1. Create the /introspect Route
  • Create a new a Route (with no Gateway Service)
    • name=Introspect
    • path=/introspect
    • click on Save
  • Add the JWT plugin to the Route with:
    • config.claims_to_verify=exp
    • config.key_claim_name=client_id
    • click on Save
  • Add the Request Termination plugin to the Route with:
    • config.status_code=200
    • config.body={"message": "Ok"}
    • config.content_type=application/json
  1. Get a new x-custom-jwt with the Basic Authorization
  • Request:
    http -a 'my-user:My p@ssword!' kong-gateway:8000/basicAuth
  • Response: copy/paste the x-custom-jwt value
    • Base64 encoded:
  1. Check the x-custom-jwt with /introspect route
  • Request:
    http kong-gateway:8000/introspect Authorization:'Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJqa3UiOiJodHRwczovL2tvbmctZ2F0ZXdheTo4NDQzL3gtY3VzdG9tLWp3dC9qd2tzIiwia2lkIjoia29uZyIsImFsZyI6IlJTMjU2In0.eyJjbGllbnRfaWQiOiJteS11c2VyIiwiaXNzIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9rb25nLWdhdGV3YXk6ODQ0My94LWN1c3RvbS1qd3QiLCJhdWQiOiJodHRwOi8vaHR0cGJpbi5hcGltLmV1L2FueXRoaW5nIiwiaWF0IjoxNzEzMzc0MTU2LCJqdGkiOiIwYjFjNTdmNy01NjBlLTRjYmYtODAzMi1lMTdlMGU4MjIzYWYiLCJleHAiOjE3MTMzNzU5NTYsImFjdCI6eyJjbGllbnRfaWQiOiJjb250YWN0QGtvbmdocS5jb20tSUQxIn19.UoaBk5PPl2GkwKOGClD0k7bfjpvp_7e9-n4oNhRZHyv-Om1w2qriTN-ehCBlOIrECY4drFgsU3NE0EGelmhwmRcKz3K9u79fL0R1IgfZ2sI_sEh2SVau7lquWFFV-B-WWe1uY53CVBOF1XJBmUCEHxDLBr1zCVA-izXq7Xfr9-ls3Hb1j2B09GdhXSXroxIniu4pcWZHN4GP-nl5rmxo1eASvs5JJo7HD3G4ivczEy_ujtEtVUGQ23zBLdEzUxr9p91gjTeao9l7uQwhCjSuLEXcfHuU8A2OcgIS1r3rbpRSoyCEcSCg7al2FjsGeaGUzvXGe4xssTOGBwSVXtxApw'
  • Response:
    • The JWT is valid:
      "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
        "message": "Ok"
    • The JWT has an Invalid signature:
      "HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized"
        "message": "Invalid signature"
    • The JWT has expired:
      "HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized"
        "exp": "token expired"
    • The JWT does not have a common client_id value in the Consumer JWT credentials and in x-custom-jwt:
      "HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized"
        "message": "No credentials found for given 'client_id'"

Check the JWS with

  1. Open
  2. Copy/paste the x-custom-jwt header value
  • If everything works correctly the sends a Signature Verified message
  • The public key is downloaded automatically through the x-custom-jwt-jwks route and the Request Termination plugin. If it's not the case, open the Browser Developer Tools and see the network tab and console tab. The classic issue is getting the JWKS by using the self-signed Kong certificate (on 8443); it's easy to fix the issue by opening a new tab, going on the jku request (i.e. https://kong-gateway:8443/x-custom-jwt/jwks), clicking on Advanced and by clicking on Proceed to
  • There is a known limitation on with "use": "enc" the match isn't done correctly and the JWK is not loaded automatically: we simply have to copy/paste the public JWK directly in the VERIFY SIGNATURE of the web page. With "use": "sig" there is no restriction Alt text


Kong plugin: how to craft and sign a custom JWT






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