Deploy a containerized Python flask application to serve out predictions (inference) about housing prices through API calls. It uses a a pre-trained, sklearn model that has been trained to predict housing prices in Boston according to several features.
- Docker
- Virtualbox
I've done it on Mac with this command:
brew cask install virtualbox
- For Minikube you have to give this command (on Mac)
brew cask install minikube
- First of all we have to test the code using lint
- Then we have to containerize our application, therefore we modify the Dockerfile
- After the containerization, we deploy the application and we make a prediction
- Configuring Kubernetes is our next step in order to create a Kubernetes cluster. To start a local cluster, type the terminal command:
minikube start
- We make a new prediction on a container using Kubernetes. To deploy this application in kubernetes run:
and in order to make a prediction:
- After the deployment is successful and we got the result, we can delete the cluster with:
minikube delete
and upload our GitHub repository
- We end the project successfuly after we have tested our code with CircleCI
- config.yml: CircleCI special file to test the code and get a passed-badge
- main application, which calculates the predictions
- Dockerfile: Build Docker image
- Send a request to Flask, in order to get the result of a prediction
- Makefile: commands which automatise the environment setup and tests
- run Docker
- run app in Kubernetes
- upload image to DockerHub