This SDK has been developed tested on a esp32s3
and linux
. You don't need any physical hardware
to run this SDK. You can use it from Linux directly.
To use it on hardware purchase either of these microcontrollers. Others may work, but this is what has been developed against.
You can get a ESP32S3 for much less money on eBay/AliExpress.
must be in your path with protobufc
Call set-target
with the platform you are targetting. Today only linux
and esp32s3
are supported. set-target esp32s3
- Please do menuconfig
to set the following setthings:
Run build flash monitor
and plug the XIAO ESP32S3(with respeaker lite) to your PC -
There will be a console output like this, please type your
in the console:
Type 'help' to get the list of commands.
Use UP/DOWN arrows to navigate through command history.
Press TAB when typing command name to auto-complete.
E (773) cmd: Please set openai api key and wifi ssid and password via cmdline, then reboot!
SenseCAP> openai_api -k sk-***************************************
SenseCAP> wifi_sta -s your_wifi_ssid -p your_wifi_password
SenseCAP> reboot